Frédéric Grouiller1, Alexandra Adam-Darqué2, Russia Ha-Vinh Leuchter2, Petra S Hüppi2, and François Lazeyras1
1Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Division of Development and Growth, Department of Pediatrics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
The aim of this study is to
better characterize the habituation effect of sustained odorant stimulation and
to investigate if this effect is already present in newborns. Olfactory fMRI
was acquired in adults and newborns using a 20s block design. After modelling
habituation, activations in the
primary and secondary olfactory cortices were observed in adults and newborns.
Habituation effect to sustained odorant stimulation was strong in adults but unseen
in the newborns. This study shows that the olfactory cortex of newborns is
highly functional soon after birth and that the habituation effect is not
observed in newborns compared to adults.Purpose
Fast habituation effect
following prolonged presentation of odorants is observed in adults. However,
this habituation phenomenon of the olfactory system is not fully understood. The
olfactory system is one of the first sensory systems to be functional during
fetal life and has a high behavioral importance following birth
1. Olfactory
fMRI is considered to be challenging due to (i) strong orbito-frontal signal
loss, (ii) fast habituation of the olfactory system to prolonged activation
and (iii) complex spatio-temporal dynamics of the olfactory system
The aim of this study is to better characterize habituation effect of sustained
odorant stimulation and to investigate if this effect is already present in
Acquisition. fMRI was acquired at 3T (Siemens Trio,
Erlangen, Germany) during olfactory stimulation in 11 healthy volunteers (6
women; median age: 29.6 years, range: 25-43 years) and in 28 full-term newborns
(mean gestational age=39.5 weeks) using respectively a 12-channel head-receive
coil and an 8-channel neohead coil (LMT medical systems, Lübeck, Germany).
Neonates were tested in their first week of life, during natural sleep or while
resting quietly, without any sedation. Functional images were obtained using a
single-shot T2*-weighted GE-EPI sequence (TR=1800ms,
TE=25ms, 30 slices, voxel size=2.2x2.2x3.5mm3). In adults, a B0
field-map was acquired to correct geometric distortions induced by local
magnetic field inhomogeneities. A high-resolution 3D-T1 (MPRAGE, voxel
size=1x1x1mm3) or a T2-weighted (113 coronal slices, voxel
size=0.78x0.78x1.2mm3) images were also acquired respectively in adults and
infants for anatomical reference.
Stimulations. Three different odorants (banana, cabbage
and eucalyptol) were delivered using a home-made four-way odorant delivery
system. Each odorant was presented in a pseudo-randomized order during 20
seconds and separated with a neutral odor (water). Two runs of 10’30 minutes
including five repetitions of each odorant were acquired for each participant.
preprocessing. Functional
images were pre-processed with SPM8 and included: realignment and unwarping, slice-timing
correction, coregistration on the structural image, normalization to MNI space or
to a T2 neonatal template (voxel size=2x2x2 mm3) and spatial
smoothing using an isotropic Gaussian kernel of 8mm (adults) or 6mm (infants).
modelling. Habituation
h(t) was modelled as a decreasing exponential h(t)=e−tτ where the time constant τ varies from 0.05s to
1000s with 21 different values sampled exponentially. We also modelled the
cases of no habituation (τ→+∞,h(t)=1) or immediate habituation (τ→0,h(t)=δ where δ stands for the Dirac function). The 20-second bloc stimulation is then
weighted by these habituation functions and convolved by the canonical
hemodynamic response function (Figure 1).
analyses. For each subject and
each τ, a General Linear Model (GLM) was built including a regressor for each
odorant. To accommodate the high level of motion in infants, images with
framewise displacement superior to 1mm as well as the previous image and the
two following images were excluded5 and sessions including at least
one stimulation block of each odorant were built with the remaining images. Motion
parameters were included into the model as covariates and low-frequencies were
removed using a discrete cosine transform basis set with a filter cut-off
period of 256s.
analyses. For each different
habituation model and for each odorant, a second level analysis was performed
using a random-effect GLM analyses in which the inputs are the contrast maps
obtained during the first-level analysis. For each odorant, combined activation
maps were built using the different habituation models.
maps. For each odorant, a
habituation map was built by extracting optimal habituation parameter (τ) for
each voxel considered significantly activated (p<0.005).
Whereas no significant activation were
detected in adults without modelling habituation (p<0.001, uncorrected), we
obtained activation of bilateral piriform cortex, amygdala and parahippocampal
gyrus (primary olfactory cortex), bilateral fronto-orbital cortex (secondary
olfactory cortex) and bilateral insula after modelling habituation (Figure 2). The
corresponding habituation maps for the different odorants show a very fast
habituation in adults (Figure 3). In newborns, we observed activations in
piriform cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. However,
contrary to adults, the habituation effect during the 20-second sustained
stimulation was not observed (Figure 4).
Discussion & Conclusion
Activations in the primary and secondary olfactory cortices were observed both
in adults and newborns. Habituation effect of sustained odorant stimulation was
strong in adults, but was not present in newborns in the tested time-period even
if it was previously demonstrated after repetitive stimulations
6. This absence of habituation to
sustained stimulation may be explained by the immaturity of inhibitory system
at this age
7. This study shows that the olfactory cortex of newborns is highly
functional soon after birth and that the habituation effect of sustained
stimulation is negligible compared to adults.
This work was supported by the Centre for
Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) of the Universities and Hospitals of Geneva and
Lausanne, and the EPFL.References
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