Hunter R Underhill1,2 and Gary Hedlund2
1Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Fast bound-pool
fraction imaging (FBFI) is a quantitative MRI technique validated with
histology to measure whole-brain, voxel-based myelin density. In this study,
FBFI was translated to a whole-body 3T clinical scanner using only standard preset
sequences without modifications to measure myelin density in the developing pediatric
brain via a time-efficient methodology (<7 min). We found that FBFI
effectively quantifies myelin density during normal development. Progressive
myelination identified in the posterior white matter corresponded strongly to a
bounded exponential growth curve. Quantification of myelin density with FBFI in
pediatric patients may improve detection of delayed or altered myelination.Introduction
Development of the human brain is incomplete at
birth. During the first six years of life, the axonal pathways are
progressively enveloped by a dense myelin sheath (i.e. myelination) to
complete neuronal connectivity.1 Abnormal and disrupted myelination is attributable to
a variety of genetic disorders and neurologic conditions. The current clinical standard for determining
myelin age and integrity is qualitative comparison of MR images to a reference
atlas.2 Quantitative MRI techniques to objectively
evaluate myelin may improve detection of delayed myelination and provide a
definitive characterization of disease effects on white matter.
Cross-relaxation imaging (CRI) is a
quantitative MRI technique that captures the change in magnetization of water
protons (free pool) induced by the transfer of magnetization from semi-solid
macromolecular protons (bound pool).3-8 Fast bound-pool
fraction imaging (FBFI) was derived from CRI to provide voxel-based
quantification of the bound-pool fraction, f,
throughout the brain.9 FBFI has been validated
with histology to measure myelin density and disease-associated changes in an
animal model of glioma.9 Subsequently, FBFI was used to measure
age-related degradation of white matter in adult patients with Fabry disease, a
lysosomal storage disorder associated with stroke.10 However, integration
of specialized pulse sequences (e.g. B1
mapping techniques, MT pulse modification) and overall scan time, particularly
in pediatric patients, remain barriers to clinical applications. In this study,
we sought to translate FBFI to a clinical scanner without system modifications
for the time-efficient direct measurement of myelin density in the healthy
pediatric brain.
To correct for field heterogeneity at 3T, B0 and B1 maps are routinely obtained during determination of
the bound-pool fraction.10,11 However, sequences for acquisition of
whole-brain B0 and B1 maps are not available on
clinical scanners and implementation through research key access increases scan
time. Previously acquired data11 from adults with Fabry disease and
age/gender matched controls were utilized to characterize error in the absence
of correcting for B0 and B1 heterogeneity. Effects of B0-field heterogeneity were
negligible (<1%) on determination of f
(Figure 1). B1-field heterogeneity had a larger effect, but remained
small (<5%) and tended to systematically alter measurements based on
anatomic location (Figure 1). This
finding suggests accuracy more so than precision is a consequence of errors
associated with B1 heterogeneity,
which enables comparison of specific anatomic structures within (i.e. serial
studies) and between patients imaged on the same scanner.
Inability to optimize MT pulse delivery
timing parameters on clinical scanners lengthens TR in pediatric patients due
to SAR limitations. To evaluate feasibility of measuring f utilizing the matrix
model of pulsed magnetization transfer12 on a 3T whole-body pediatric clinical scanner (GE HD, Milwaukee,
WI) an agarose-based phantom was constructed. A single Z-spectroscopic data point
utilizing the maximum allowed offset frequency (∆=1.6kHz; duration 14ms) was
acquired with a 3D SPGR sequence (TE=6ms, α=10°). Z-spectroscopic
images were acquired with TR=50 and 90ms, representing the shortest allowable
TRs for a 45 kg adult and 2 kg infant, respectively, using the preset MT pulse parameters.
A complementary R1 map
necessary for parameter fitting was obtained using the variable flip angle
(VFA) method with a 3D SPGR sequence (TR/TE = 22/6 ms, α=4,
10, and 30°). A synthetic reference image for normalization of Z-spectroscopic
data was derived as previously described7 from:
The MT ratio was higher for TR=50ms compared
to TR=90ms in the 2% agarose gel (23.4% vs. 21.1%, respectively), but similar
in the 1% agarose gel (13.7% vs. 13.8%, respectively). Measurements of f were comparable between TRs and both
were able to effectively discriminate differences in agarose concentrations (Figure 2). This finding indicates that
although the longer TR increases scan time, it does not compromise measurement
of f.
a time-efficient protocol was developed for capturing f in the pediatric brain utilizing a single Z-spectroscopic data
point (∆ = 1.6 kHz; duration 14 ms; TR/TE=90/6ms) and a complementary R1 map as described above (Figure 3). Pediatric patients (ages 2
months – 7 years) receiving a clinical brain MRI for headaches or seizures were
recruited for the study. All images were acquired with FOV=22×22cm2,
matrix=128×128, acquisition resolution of 0.86×0.86mm2, and 28
slices (slice thickness of 2.5mm). Total scan time was <7 minutes. Evidence
of progressive myelination with age was present on f maps (Figure 4). Age-progressive
myelination in the posterior white matter corresponded strongly to a bounded
exponential growth curve (Figure 5).
Adaptation of FBFI to
clinical scanners for measuring myelin density (i.e.
f) is feasible without software modifications or upgrades. Quantification of
myelin density with FBFI in pediatric patients may improve detection of delayed
or altered myelination.
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