Alexandra N Schlein1, Yesenia Covarrubias1, Adrija Mamidipalli1, Jonathan Hooker1, Michael S Middleton1, Rohit Loomba2, Tanya Wolfson3, Claude B Sirlin1, and Gavin Hamilton1
1Radiology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Hepatology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Computational and Applied Statistics Laboratory UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States
Advanced MR
techniques have been developed to estimate proton density fat fraction (PDFF)
of pancreatic fat. The purpose of this study is to assess intra- and
inter-examination repeatability of 1H MRS and multi-echo MRI to
estimate pancreatic PDFF. Subjects were scanned with both MRI and MRS three
times: twice without subject repositioning and then once more after having
subjects get off and back on the table. The results suggest that MRI is more repeatable than MRS,
especially when subjects are repositioned between acquisitions, which more
closely simulates the conditions in which these techniques might be applied
clinically and in research.Purpose
of fat in the pancreas is associated with development of metabolic syndrome, diabetes,
and pancreatic cancer
2. Advanced techniques, including 1H
MRS and multi-echo MRI have been developed to estimate proton density fat
fraction (PDFF) as a non-invasive, quantitative biomarker of pancreatic fat. Despite
the clinical value of non-invasive pancreatic PDFF estimation, a clinical
standard for the quantification of pancreatic fat has not been established. The
purpose of this study is to assess intra- and inter-examination repeatability of
1H MRS and multi-echo MRI to estimate pancreatic PDFF.
In this
IRB approved, single site, prospective study, 20 consecutive subjects were
recruited from the UCSD NAFLD translational research unit, as these patients
span a spectrum of body habitus, and scanned by experienced MR technologists at
3T (GE Sigma Excite HDxt). All sequences were obtained three times: twice
without subject repositioning (to assess intra-exam repeatability) and then
once more after taking subjects off and placing them back on the scanner table (to
assess inter-exam repeatability).
anatomic landmarks, a 10 x 10 x 10 mm voxel was placed in the broadest portion
of the pancreatic body, with care to include only pancreatic parenchyma and to
exclude vasculature and surrounding adipose tissue. For each of the three
repeats, the voxel location was replicated and, a 1H MRS STEAM
sequence with the following parameters was obtained: four signal averages at TE
10 ms, to minimize T2 weighting, TR 3,500 ms, to minimize T1 weighting, and TM
5 ms to minimize J-coupling. Spectra were analyzed by a single, experienced
analyst and were processed using the AMARES algorithm, as part of the jMRUI
software package. Spectra were corrected for the fat included in the water
signal using a pre-determined spectrum3.
For each
repeat, a complex based three-dimensional multi-echo SPGR sequence centered
over the pancreas was run in a single 21-s breath-hold with low flip angle (3°)
at 7 ms TR. Six echoes were obtained per TR at TEs of 1.0, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, 4.2,
and 5.1 ms.
A specialized
reconstruction algorithm automatically generated T2*- and noise-bias corrected
multi-fat-peak model PDFF parametric maps, which were then transferred off-line
for further analysis. One region of interest (ROI) with area of 100 mm2
was placed in the body of the pancreas and co-localized to the center of the MRS
voxel for the corresponding repeat, as shown in Figure 1.
For both MRS and MRI PDFF mean values were computed for each repeat.
The intra-exam intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was computed between
1st and 2nd repeats, and inter-exam ICC was computed between
1st and 3rd repeats for both MRI and MRS pancreatic PDFF.
95% confidence intervals (CI) were computed for each ICC. Additionally, for both MRS and MRI a
Bland-Altman plot was generated, and bias (mean of differences) and limits of
agreement (LOA) were computed for repeats 1 and 2 (intra-exam), and for repeats
1 and 3 (inter-exam).
Eighteen women
and two men (mean age 49.8 yrs, range 25-76 yrs; mean BMI 28.3 kg/m2,
range 19.3 and 43.9 kg/m2 ) were scanned. Mean MRS-measured PDFFs
for repeats 1, 2, and 3 were 6.8, 7.5, and 10.7 %, respectively. Mean MRI
PDFFs for repeats 1, 2, and 3 were 5.4, 5.4, and 5.1 %, respectively. As
summarized in
Table 1, the intra-examination
ICC was 0.53 with 95%CI[0.11,0.79] for
MRS and 0.70 with 95% CI[0.36,0.87] for MRI. The inter-examination ICC was 0.49
with 95% CI[0.07,0.77] for MRS, and 0.65 95%CI[0.27,0.85] for MRI. Intra-exam
bias was -0.69 with 95% LOA [-10.3, 8.93] for
MRS and -0.025 with 95% LOA [-4.8, 4.7] for
MRI. Inter-exam bias was -3.75 with 95%
LOA [-23.7, 13.3] for MRS and 0.41 with 95% LOA –[3.8, 3.8] for MRI.
Figures 2-3 show Bland Altman plots.
Discussion and Conclusion
Our results
suggest that MRI is more repeatable than MRS for measuring pancreatic PDFF, although
formal comparisons were not made. The higher repeatability of MRI was
particularly pronounced when subjects were repositioned between acquisitions,
which more closely simulates the conditions in which these techniques might be
applied clinically and in research. Importantly, the constraint that MRI ROIs
be placed at the MRS voxel locations may have caused the true repeatability of
MRI to be underestimated. Even higher repeatability may be possible by
optimizing the MRI ROI placement strategy.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Hori, M., et al., Association of pancreatic Fatty infiltration with pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma. Clin Transl Gastroenterol, 2014. 5: p. e53.
2. Patel,
N.S., et al., Insulin Resistance
Increases MRI-Estimated Pancreatic Fat in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and
Normal Controls. Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2013. 2013: p. 498296.
3. Hamilton,
G., et al., In vivo characterization of
the liver fat ¹H MR spectrum. NMR Biomed, 2011. 24(7): p. 784-90.