We report
on the kinetics of uptake and clearance of Gd(III)DTPA from different brain
structures to healthy mice. We fitted a biexponential model to cerebral time courses of increase
and decrease of T1w MRI signal intensity, calculating rate constants
for the uptake (kabs) and elimination (kel). kabs showed the rapid absorption
in the ventricles and hypothalamus, slowing down significantly in the cortex,
globus pallidus and dentante nucleus. These latter structures required 617 h.
(cortex), 245 h. (globus pallidus) and approximately 100h (hypothalamus and
dentate nucleus), to remove 99% of the administered agent, revealing very high cerebral
residence times of Magnevist.Introduction
Gd (III) complexes are currently the most
frequently used contrast agents to enhance cerebral pathologies using T
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Clinically available Gd(III) chelates depict
appropriate safety profiles, with very high stability constants difficulting
transmetallation, and relatively fast renal elimination rates, decreasing
systemic accumulation
1,2. These
circumstances limit appropriately their potentially toxic repercussions and
underlie their enormous clinical success. However, some Gd(III) chelates were
shown to induce important toxicity responses as the nephrogenic systemic
fibrosis (NSF) syndrome
3, and a recent study showed that even healthy patients
who received Gd(III) based contrast agents, presented Gd(III) accumulation in
the brain, mainly in the globus pallidus and the dentate nucleus
4. On these
grounds we thought it would useful to characterize in more detail the
pharmacokinetics of Gd(III)DTPA (Magnevist) in different brain structures after
intravenous administration to healthy mice. We report here accurate
measurements of the uptake, elimination and half-life of Magnevist (Gd(III) DTPA) in different regions of
the healthy mouse brain. Our results show that the clearance of Magnevist
varied widely in the brain regions analized, being faster in the cerebrospinal
fluid of cerebral ventricles and subdural space and very much slower in the cortex,
hypothalamus, globus pallidus and dentate nucleus.
Materials and
Animal protocols were approved by appropriate
institutional committees. Adult C57BL6J male mice (30 g, n=6) were anesthetized
with isofluorane/oxygen (2%) mixtures, their temperature maintained at 37
during scanning with a recirculating water bath. T
1-weighted images of the mouse
brain (MSME sequence, TE: 10.64ms, TR: 400ms, 3 Averages, 256x256, 14 slices)
were successively acquired (3,84 min acquisition each) before (5 images) and
after (80 images) Gd(III)DTPA injection (0,3M/100 mL) in the tail vein.
Images were analyzed using Image J software, fitting intensity changes
to a biexponential model
(I=a⋅e−kabsb⋅t+b⋅e−kel⋅t) with R software
yielding rate constants of Magnevist absorption (k
abs) and the
elimination (k
el) in seven manually selected regions of the brain,
including: cortex, hypothalamus, lateral ventricles, third ventricle, subdural
space, dentate nucleus and globus pallidus (Figure 1).
Figure 2 shows representative results of the
biexponential fittings in the different regions investigated. The ventricles and subdural space depict a
faster intensity loss, revealing a fast elimination of Magnevist. However, in
the cortex, hypothalamus, dentate nucleus and globus pallidus, the elimination
was remarkably slower, indicating a much longer residence time of Magnevist in
those regions. Table 1 summarizes the absorption and elimination rate constants,
mean half-life, and time to 99% signal loss in of these region.
kabs showed the rapid absorption in the highly permeable ventricles
and hypothalamus, slowing down significantly in cortex, subdural space, globus
pallidus and dentante nucleus (Figure 2). The half-life and the time when the
intensity has a value equal to 0.01% of the initial intensity value depicted
rapid clearance from the ventricles and subdural space. However, clearing 99%
of the agent (t99%) required 617 h. in the cortex, 245 h in the globus
pallidus and approximately 100h in hypothalamus and dentate nucleus, revealing
very high residence time of Magnevist in those regions. Considering the
injected dose is approximatelly, 10 mmol/g body weight, it is easy to infer
that, even after 99% Gd(III)DTPA has been cleared, significant amounts of
Magnevist remain trapped to different extents in cerebral tissues.
Our results show that, despite Magnevist is
quickly cleared from cerebral ventricles and subdural space, we detect a long
high half-life of Magnevist in cerebral regions as cortex, hypothalamus, globus
pallidus and dentate nucleus. These results reveal that MRI detectable
Magnevist concentrations remain trapped in specific brain regions long time
after the MRI scan.
No acknowledgement found.References
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