reported T2*quantification for calcium phosphate cement
(CPC), a widely used bone material, remained unsatisfactory with a
mono-exponential (ME) fit. A recently proposed Gaussian augmentation of the mono-exponential
(GAME) model was reported to have robust fit for gradient echo (GRE) signals.
To accurately evaluate GRE-signal decay of CPC, GAME and ME fits were applied
in this study for multi-echo time GRE signals acquired at 11.7T. Compared to
ME, GAME showed optimal fitting with significantly smaller sum of squared errors and larger R-squared values. Therefore, GAME model is
demonstrated to be suitable for GRE signal modeling in CPC at ultra-high field.Introduction
phosphate cement (CPC) is a widely
used material for bone defect restoration. To monitor the dynamic
interactions of bone and CPC, different studies estimated their MR properties, such as T
1 and T
2* relaxation times.
While decent MR images of CPC and bone have been achieved at high field, their T
2* quantification remained
unsatisfactory with a mono-exponential (ME) fit for the multi-echo time (TE) gradient
echo (GRE) signals. A likely reason is that Gaussian rather than Lorentzian functions
are more suitable for characterizing the intra-voxel frequency distributions at
high field, so that ME is inadequate for signal decay modeling.
3 Recent
studies proposed a Gaussian augmentation of the mono-exponential (GAME) model, outperforming
the ME model in characterizing GRE signals especially at high field.
3,4 Therefore, in this study we compared ME and
GAME fits for the multi-TE GRE signals of bone material acquired at 11.7T to
determine the optimal model in the derivation of their transverse relaxation
Materials and Methods
CPC consists of 59.1wt%
alpha-tricalcium phosphate, 1.5wt% carboxymethyl cellulose (Cambioceramics, Leiden, The
Netherlands) and 39.4wt% cryo-grinded poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid particles (PURASORB,
Purac, Groningen, The Netherlands). One human molar tooth, surrounded with 5% gelatine in a falcon
tube, was drilled with a
vertical hole on the occlusal surface and filled with CPC (~10mm3).
Ultra-short TE
(UTE) measurements were
performed on a 11.7T MR-system (Biospec, Bruker, Germany) using a quadrature 1H
volume coil with 40mm inner diameter. 15 TEs from 28-508µs with increments of
10-100µs, TR=18ms, FA=11° and image resolution=0.3mm3 were applied.
Data Analysis.
The acquired multi-TE
UTE data were, respectively, fitted using ME and GAME models in Matlab
(Mathworks, Natick, MA) with unconstrained
nonlinear optimization. The equation S(TE)=S0×e−TET∗2 was used as ME model to extract the pseudo-spin density S0 and T2*
relaxation time. Additionally, the equation S(TE)=S0×e−TET′2×e−TE2σ22,4 was applied as GAME model for data
fitting, where S0, and the irreversible and reversible transverse
relaxation time T2' and σ were then obtained.
The Gaussian half-width-at-maximum (HWHM) is √2loge2σ.
Regions of interest (ROIs) in CPC and the tooth components (i.e., enamel and dentine) were manually outlined. Goodness of fit for each
model was evaluated by calculating the sum of squared errors (SSE) and R-squared
A representative UTE tooth image
acquired at TE=28µs shows anatomical details such
as dentine, enamal and CPC (Fig.1A). Axial
images of three consecutive slices at the blue line in Fig.1A are shown in Fig.1B-D.
Different ROIs (pink) for CPC were selected in each image and their transverse
relaxation times (i.e., T2*,T2' and σ) were estimated using ME and
GAME models (Fig.1B-D). Compared to ME modeling (blue), the
GAME modeling (red) performs much better with significantly smaller SSE (p<0.03) and higher R-squared values
In addition to CPC regions, the signal decays in
dentine and enamel were also fitted by GAME and ME models. A slightly better performance is found for
dentine (Fig.1E) and a comparable performance for enamel (Fig.1F).
maps from the ME and GAME fits are shown in Fig.3 for a typical image slice
through the tooth. Transverse relaxations in the CPC region from the ME fit (Fig.3B)
have different proportions of irreversible and reversible relaxation contributions,
which can be separated by GAME fit
(Fig.3C,D). In comparison, σ in most dentine and enamel regions are approaching
to infinite and thus the transverse relaxations in these regions are dominated by
an irreversible relaxation contribution.
Discussion and
We demonstrate that the GAME model performs robustly in GRE signal fitting
of bone material at high field, as has also been observed in other tissues at
high field.3,4 The ME model is not sufficient to fit decays of at
least CPC material, showing a distinct curvature on semi-log plots (Fig.1B-D). Compared
to the tooth components, the CPC region might have more complex susceptibilities
caused by increased interfaces of air/CPC and CPC/tooth. The correspondingly induced
susceptibility gradients with strong magnitude and high-order variations at
high field might be responsible for the curve-shaped signals in CPC, which
require a proper fit with an extra Gaussian function.
conclusion, this study demonstrates that a GAME rather than ME model is suitable
for proper modeling of the time course of GRE in CPC and dentine at ultra-high field. This method
might also be valuable for high field relaxometry studies of other bone tissues.
This work is supported by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN
for the project (607868) iTERM.References
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