Anisotropic microstructure of
the white matter causes the apparent transverse relaxivity, R∗2, to
depend on the orientation of white matter fibres in respect to the applied
magnetic field. Using the fibre orientation prior knowledge from DTI
orientation dependent R∗2,ANISO and independent R∗2,ISO components of R∗2 were
calculated. For all studied WM fibres a consistency for the
(an)isotropic components between both hemispheres was present. The isotropic
component showed higher variability compared to the anisotropic component.TARGET AUDIENCE
Researchers interested in relaxivity
mapping and white matter characterization.
Apparent transverse
R∗2, in white matter has been shown to depend on the
orientation of fibers in respect to the applied magnetic field. This effect
originates in the anisotropic microstructure of the white matter (WM) and has
been used in ex-vivo samples to create fiber orientation maps
[1,2]. The aim of
this project is to combine the fiber orientation information retrieved from DTI
acquisitions (which are the gold standard to study white matter orientation)
with the sensitivity to microstructural information from
R∗2 acquired
with different head positions. In this manner it is possible to decompose
into orientation independent (isotropic component,
R∗2,ISO) and
orientation dependent (anisotropic component,
R∗2,ANISO) components for
several main WM fibres.
Data from six
subjects were acquired on a 3T scanner (Magnetom Prisma, Siemens Healthcare,
Germany) with a 32 channel head coil (Nova Medical)according to a protocol
accepted by the local ethics committee using the following sequences:
1. R1 mapping
6/700/2000/2.34s, α1/α2 = 6°/5°, res= 1mm, Tacq=7min32sec
2.DWI-EPI: TR/TE=3490/74.6msec,
res 1.5mm isotropic, matrix=150x150x90, b-value= 1000s/mm2,
Diffusion encoding directions=137, MBfactor=3, Taq=8min47sec
3.R∗2 mapping
3D GRE: TR/TE1-TE5=63/6.15-57.18ms,
α=10°, res= 1.5 mm, iPAT=2x2, Tacq=2min39sec.The
scan was repeated up
to 8 times with the subject’s head oriented along different orientations
relative to the main magnetic field.
The R∗2 maps were created
using the GRE data as in [3]
and the relative head
positions were co-registered using FSL-FLIRT pipeline as in [3]. Rotation
matrices from the previous co-registration and DWI information were combined to
calculate the angle, ϑi, of fibres in respect to the main
magnetic field for each head position i. Probabilistic tractography
(FSL-PROBTRACKX) was used to extract five major WM fibres masks
(cst-corticospinal tract, cg-cingulum, ilf-inferior longitudinal fasciculus,
fmj-forceps major, fmi-forceps minor).
Although the complete model of orientation dependence
is more complex [1], it has been shown that,
R∗2=R∗2,ISO+R∗2,ANISO⋅sin4(ϑi) [Eq.1]
Is sufficient for a good characterization on the
orientation dependence of R∗2 [2]
Even in ex-vivo with full rotation flexibility, the fitting
of four parameters to a small set of orientations makes the problem sensitive
to noise amplification [2]. In this in-vivo study, to improve the
sensitivity to the R∗2 parameters, the used number of fitting parameters
was reduced to two by using prior knowledge from the DWI on the orientation of fibres.
Figure 1 shows qualitatively the orientation dependence of
and the corresponding angle maps. It is possible to observe in the forceps
major that
R∗2 increases as the angle between the fibre and B0
Due to the mobility restrictions inside the head coil (<30°), the
whole angle range (0 to 90º) was not obtained for most studied WM fibres.
Because of its initial orientation (head-foot) this was particularly low for
the corticospinal tract (Fig.2). Although the variability of the
maps for cst and fmi was lower compared to the others, it was sufficient to
obtain good fitting of the orientation independent and dependent components as
can be seen on the top row of Figure 2 with the fit following the
percentile curve.
The maps of the isotropic component of
R∗2 maps for one subject (See
Figure 3a,b) show relatively small variations of intensity throughout the brain,
with only some variations in the corpus callosum/cingulum region Fig.3 (a). Orientation
R∗2 of the same subject are
shown in Figure 3 (d) and (e) demonstrating similar patterns to those observed by
bound water pool fraction methods
[4] and Vista
[5]. These tend to show higher
values of myelination of main fibre bundles in the middle of the brain, that
decay towards the cortex. Despite the fibre differences,
R∗2,ISO and
for all subjects are consistent between the left and right hemisphere and for both
WM fibres components, Fig.3 (c,f; black and gray bars).
Orientation dependent
R∗2,ANISO and independent
components of
R∗2 were
calculated using the fibre orientation prior knowledge from DTI. The
shows a higher variability between the fibre bundles studied, with corticospinal
tract having the highest value, and cingulum and inferior longitudinal fasciculus
having the lowest values. The anisotropic component is a candidate to study
myelination of fibre bundles. In order to increase the angle range and
robustness of the fitting procedure and perform histology on the studied
samples, future work should include ex-vivo measurements.
The authors
would like to thank David Norris. D.K. and this project were funded by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (SNF) Mobility grant No 132821.References
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[3] Stikov, N., Perry,
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[4] Wharton, S.,
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