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Traveling Internal Plane-wave Synthesis for Uniform B1(+) in High Field MRI
Adam W Anderson1

1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Image quality in high field MRI is limited by B1 inhomogeneity. This work describes a new approach to improving B1 homogeneity using parallel transmission. Rather than transmitting a conventional traveling wave, which is diffracted and reflected by the human body, thereby creating a non-uniform internal field, the new method seeks a solution to the inverse problem—what external field produces a traveling plane wave within the body? Simulations suggest dramatic improvements in B1 homogeneity can be obtained given a sufficient number of transmitted field modes.


Despite recent advances in parallel transmit technology, there is a critical need to improve the uniformity of B+1 in high field MRI. A traveling wave1 in an empty magnet bore can produce a uniform amplitude magnetic field, but once a human body is positioned in the bore, refraction and reflection of the incident wave produce strongly varying field amplitudes in the body. This work describes a new approach that aims to induce a traveling plane wave inside the sample, subjecting all spins to the same field amplitude.


The electromagnetic field both inside and outside the body can be described as a superposition of modes expressed, for example, in terms of the Debye potentials, which are solutions to the scalar Helmholtz equation.2 The field generated by the RF coil in an empty bore is termed the incident field. In spherical coordinates, the Debye potentials, Π, for both the incident field and the field within the body have the general form rΠ=p=1pq=0ψp(kr)Ppq(cosθ)[apqcos(qϕ)+bpqsin(qϕ)]                   (1) where k is the wavenumber, the radial functions ψp(kr) are related to the spherical Bessel functions jp(kr) by ψp(kr)=krjp(kr), and Ppq are the associated Legendre polynomials. Each term in the series designates one mode of the field; transverse magnetic (TM) and transverse electric (TE) fields are described by independent series.

Each mode of the incident field generates multiple modes within the body. The (complex) amplitude of the nth within-body mode generated by the mth incident mode equals the element cnm of the coupling matrix, ˜C. There are two steps in the technique. First, the coupling matrix is estimated by mapping the transverse magnetic fields within the body generated by each incident field mode. Since the transverse field for each within-body mode can be calculated from Eq (1), this allows the coupling matrix to be estimated. Second, the superposition of incident modes corresponding to an internal plane wave is determined. The amplitude of the nth internal mode in an ideal plane wave defines the element bn of the known column vector b. The incident mode amplitudes that generate the internal plane wave are the elements of the unknown column vector β. The coupling matrix relates the two vectors: ˜Cβ=b. Solving for the incident mode amplitudes, we have ˆβ=˜C+b, where ˜C+ is the pseudo-inverse of ˜C. ˆβ defines the amplitude and phase of the RF coil modes that produce an internal plane wave. Hence the method is known as Traveling Internal Plane-wave Synthesis (TIPS).


The procedure was simulated for a uniform ellipsoidal sample (relative permittivity ϵr=80, relative permeability μr=1, conductivity σ=0 and principal axes of length 12, 14, and 16 cm, rotated by 20 and 10 to simulate chin-to-chest and left-to-right head rotation, respectively) imaged at 7T. The transverse field within the sample generated by each incident field mode was calculated by matching the transverse electric and magnetic fields at the surface of the ellipsoid. The resulting coupling matrix was used to evaluate two cases. First, the internal field was calculated assuming incident plane wave excitation. Second, the TIPS superposition of incident field modes was used to calculate the internal fields. The appropriate incident fields can be generated by arrays of radial electric and magnetic dipoles distributed over the surface of a coil former. The radial electric dipole array creates 48 TM field modes, while the radial magnetic dipole array generates 48 TE modes (96 channels in total).


The By fields for both types of incident wave are shown in the figure (traveling waves propagate from left to right). The coefficient of variation of the internal |By| for the incident traveling wave is 62.5%, compared to 0.7% in the TIPS case.


While the simulation was performed for a simple ellipsoidal phantom, the method relies only on the existence of a linear relationship between incident and internal mode amplitudes. Even in the heterogeneous, multilayered structure of the head, the linearity of Maxwell’s equations guarantees such a relationship, and hence the technique is expected to yield nearly uniform traveling waves in the human brain as well. Work is underway to evaluate performance using more realistic models of the human head.


The TIPS method induces a traveling plane wave within a volume of interest (VOI) in the body by driving an appropriate superposition of external, incident field modes. Spins within the VOI are subjected to a B+1 magnetic field with nearly uniform amplitude. This method promises to improve image uniformity in high field MRI.


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1. Brunner DO, De Zanche N, Frohlich J, et al. Travelling-wave Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Nature 2009; 457: 994-998.

2. Born M and Wolf E. Principles of Optics, 6th ed. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press; 1980.


By (in uT) for plane wave excitation (A) and TIPS excitation (B). The uniform wavefront of the internal traveling wave is evident in (B). The internal |By| for the incident plane wave (C) and TIPS incident field (D) demonstrate the improvement in uniformity for the internal traveling wave.

Distributions of radial magnetic (A) and electric dipoles (B) on the coil surface that produce a plane wave inside the ellipsoid. Dipole amplitude and phase are indicated by the corresponding dot (area is proportional to magnitude, color gives the phase angle, as indicated by the colorwheel—green is zero phase).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)