Integration of Miniaturized Ultrasound and Single-Sided, Low-Field MRI
Cheng Chen1, Mason Greer1, Michael Twieg1, Mark A. Griswold1,2, and Soumyajit Mandal1

1Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, United States


Ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance (MR) are two well-established imaging modalities with largely complementary contrast mechanisms. We propose and experimentally evaluate the feasibility of a fundamentally new tool; miniaturized two-dimensional (2-D) US collocated with a one-dimensional (1-D) single-sided MR system for bimodal imaging in portable or wearable form factors. The proposed system will be capable of scheduling both measurements in real-time, thus enabling closed-loop operation in which the output of one sensor is used to optimize the operation of the other. We study the feasibility of such a system and show preliminary experimental results obtained by combining a commercial US imaging system with a custom single-sided planar MR sensor.


Multimodal imaging is of great interest due to the possibility of combining different sources of contrast1. In particular, US and MR imaging are often manually combined in normal clinical practice to take advantage of their complementary contrast mechanisms. A combination of US and MR imaging may help to increase the true detection rate of cancer2, cardiovascular disease (which accounts for 32% of all U.S. deaths3), and other conditions. However, we are unaware of any low-cost point-of-care or wearable system that integrates both imaging modalities. We propose a fundamentally new design; a miniaturized 2-D US sensor collocated with a 1-D, low-field MR sensor for bimodal imaging in portable or wearable form factors. The end goal is to develop a system in which the US and MR sensors, electronics, and signal processing unit are contained within one instrument. This paper describes work done to experimentally verify the feasibility of such an integrated US and MR imaging system.


MR sensor: The single-sided low-field MR sensor used in this work has been previously described4. It uses an array of 3 low-cost permanent magnets and has a usable depth range of 4-12mm. External RF interference is reduced by using a butterfly-shaped planar RF coil (gradiometer). The typical Larmor frequency and vertical resolution at a depth of 7 mm are 8.26MHz and Δy≈94µm, respectively. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the sensor. A benchtop NMR spectrometer (Kea2, Magritek) is used to generate the pulse sequence and collect data. Two-dimensional relaxation-relaxation and diffusion-relaxation maps (T1-T2 and D-T2) were measured at various depths within the skin of an adult volunteer using the setup shown in Figure 2(a). The sensor was also used to measure the velocity of a sample (doped water) flowing through Teflon tubing.

US-MR integration: We used the single-sided MR sensor and a commercial US sensor to collect data from the same phantom. Four PEEK cylinders (OD=1.7mm) are arranged inside a glass tube (ID=4.1mm) filled with PBS. This phantom is placed inside a silicone rubber mold to simulate human tissue. The phantom arrangement is shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b). B-mode 2-D US images (xz-plane) were measured by a commercial medical-grade US imaging system (Risingmed RUS-9000B) using a linear transducer array (6-8.5MHz). 1D MR images (y-axis) of the same sample were obtained by using a computer-controlled motion stage to move the sample along the y-axis. The experimental setup described above can be seen in Figure 2(a).


MR experiments: Figure 2(b) shows measured results from human skin. The D-T2 maps show that bound water decreases with skin depth while unbound or free water increases. Figure 2(c) shows the results of the velocity experiment. The extra relaxation caused by sample motion increases linearly with flow rate, so the mean velocity of samples with known T2 can be estimated without a pulsed field gradient system.

US-MR experiment: Figure 4 shows results from the combined US-MR experiment. The bottom left shows the US image, with the tube being the bright line running from top to bottom. The graphs on the right show the MR results (initial signal amplitude and T2 of the PBS). The US image clearly shows the exterior of the glass tube but not its internal structure; the MR scan measures properties of the liquid (PBS) and resolves fine structural details within the tube, including periodic reductions in signal amplitude (but not T2) caused by the PEEK cylinders. This result shows the effectiveness of low-field MR in imaging objects that are inside acoustic shadow regions and thus invisible to US.

Discussion and conclusion

Our experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of portable or wearable integrated US-MR imaging. The combined data shows that US has larger penetration depth, while MR has greater depth resolution and can image within acoustic shadow regions. We are currently developing a custom linear US transducer array that is physically thin enough (thickness <4 mm) to be mounted underneath the magnet. We are also developing a set of planar coils to apply pulsed field gradients along the x and z directions, which will allow three-dimensional (3-D) imaging with the single-sided MR sensor5. The end goal is to create integrated US-MR probes for autonomous diagnosis of tumors and cardiovascular disease by developing visualization tools to fuse 2-D US and 3-D MR data, and also machine learning algorithms to classify the fused images. Figure 5 shows a conceptual design for such an integrated probe. The results of this paper show that such a system has the potential to be a valuable tool for studying the properties of tissue.


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1. Sauter, A. W. et al., “Combined PET/MRI: One step further in multimodality imaging,” Trends Mol. Med. 16, 508–515 (2010).

2. J. Rennert et al, “Image fusion of contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using volume navigation for detection, characterization and planning of therapeutic interventions of liver tumors,” in Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 2011, vol. 49, no. 1–4, pp. 67–81.

3. D. Mozaffarian, et al., “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics--2015 Update: A Report from the American Heart Association,” Circulation, vol. 131, no. 4, pp. e29–e322, Jan. 2015.

4. Twieg, Michael. “Open source NMR relaxometry platform” M.S. Thesis. Case Western Reserve University, 2013.

5. J. Perlo et al., "3D imaging with a single-sided sensor: An open tomograph," J. Magn. Reson., vol. 166, pp. 228–235, 2004.


Simplified cross section of the single-sided planar MR sensor used for the experiments, including the coordinate system. Arrows indicate the polarization of the permanent magnets, brown and blue lines show the B0 and B1 fields, respectively, and the active region is represented by a green rectangle. (b) Measured B0 strength as a function of depth, and the corresponding field gradient gy.

Photograph of the assembled sensor strapped to a volunteer’s wrist. (b) Measured D-T2 correlation spectra of skin and subcutaneous tissue at varying depths (indicated by the dashed lines) showing that bound water (lower values of D) decreases with depth, while unbound or free water (higher values of D) increases. (e) Measured relaxation rate (of a doped water sample) as a function of flow velocity.

(a) Experimental setup for integrated US-MR imaging using a linear US transducer array (along the x-axis) and a planar MR sensor (facing the z-axis). (b) Photograph of the phantom, which contained a target (glass tube filled with PBS and a set of solid cylinders made of polyether ether ketone (PEEK)) embedded within silicone rubber (scale in cm).

Experimental results for integrated US-MR imaging of the phantom shown in Figure 3. Bottom left: 2-D (xz-plane) 7.5 MHz US image of the glass tube (bottom left); Right: 1-D (y-axis) MR images of spin density and effective T2 of the liquid (PBS). Key dimensions are shown in both cases.

A possible prototype for the integrated US and MR system. It consists of a permanent magnet, an RF coil to transmit pulses and receive MR signals, planar gradient coils for 2D imaging (xz plane), a linear US transducer array for 2D imaging (xy or zy planes), and US and MR preamplifiers. The green box represents a single MR slice; its depth y can be controlled by varying the RF frequency (see Figure 1), thus resulting in 3D imaging.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)