Functionalized Cryptophane-129Xe MRI Biosensor for Biothiols Detection through Thiol-addition Reaction
Shengjun Yang1, Weiping Jiang1, Qing Luo1, Qianni Guo1, and Xin Zhou1

1Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, People's Republic of


Biothiols such as cysteine, homocysteine and glutathione play an important role in regulating the vital functions of living organisms. Here, we report a biosensor for biothiol detection and imaging using nuclear spin resonance of 129Xe. The 129Xe biosensor consists of cryptophane-A cage encapsulating xenon atom and acrylate group. The latter serves as a reactive site to covalently bond biothiols through thiol-addition reaction. The selectivity of the biosensor enables discrimination of Cys from Hcy and GSH through the chemical reaction rate. Our results indicate that this biosensor is a promising strategy for the real-time imaging of biothiol distributions.


The development of methods for the detection of biothiols such as cysteine (Cys), homocysteine (Hcy) and glutathione (GSH) is of great interest due to their crucial roles in biological processes. Existing methods for biothiol detection are invasive methods or poor penetration depth. To address these problems, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a tool of choice for molecular imaging. 129xenon nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can be hyperpolarized by optical pumping to increase signal by up to four orders of magnitude. In addition, more than 200 ppm chemical shift window renders 129Xe NMR highly susceptible to the local chemical environment. Several 129Xe biosensors have been developed featuring a host molecular system encapsulating Xe and a targeting group for site-specific molecular recognition. Materials and Method We design a novel biosensor to detect biothiol through MRI. The biosensor incorporates two parts: cryptophane core and reactive group. Cryptophane-A, an ideal cage for the capture of xenon, was used for signal output. The acrylate group was selected to react with biothiols. This reaction-induced structural transformation of the 129Xe biosensor is expected to alter the electron density of the cryptophane cage, leading to a change in the 129Xe NMR chemical shift.

Materials and Method

We design a novel biosensor to detect biothiol through MRI. The biosensor incorporates two parts: cryptophane core and reactive group. Cryptophane-A, an ideal cage for the capture of xenon, was used for signal output. The acrylate group was selected to react with biothiols. This reaction-induced structural transformation of the 129Xe biosensor is expected to alter the electron density of the cryptophane cage, leading to a change in the 129Xe NMR chemical shift.

Results and Discussion

The 129Xe NMR spectrum of biosensor shows two resonances that are assigned with dissolved free Xe at δ = 229.62 ppm and caged Xe in biosensor at δ = 76.87 ppm (Figure 1). A new signal at δ = 75.50 ppm appears within minutes upon addition of Cys. This new resonance is attributed to biosensor undergoing a thiol-addition reaction with Cys to produce a new cryptophane-A derivative. By recording 129Xe NMR spectra as a function of time (Figure 2), the intensity of the signal at δ = 76.87 ppm (Xe@1) gradually decreased in about 30 minutes. Concomitantly, the intensity of the new signal at δ = 75.50 ppm increased until it reached a plateau. Obviously, the chemical shift of caged Xe gives rise to a 1.4 ppm upfield shift after the addition of Cys. After addition of Hcy and GSH respectively, a similar 129Xe NMR spectral response was observed. The selectivity of biosensor for biothiols was evaluated. As shown in Figure 3, only biothiols caused the 129Xe chemical shift change. These results illustrate that biosensor has high selectivity toward biothiols and also can discriminate Cys from Hcy and GSH. We also investigated the property of biosensor for 129Xe MRI in vitro. As depicted in Figure 4, a frequency-selective gradient echo sequence centered at 75.50 ppm was used to obtain images of the biosensor. The result illustrates that Cys can be detected and localized by 129Xe MRI.


we have presented a thiol-addition reaction based 129Xe biosensor for the detection of biothiols. The 129Xe biosensor is a simple functionalized cryptophane derivative, which is composed of cryptophane-A as host molecule for in-out Xe exchange and an acrylate group acting as a reaction site for the covalent binding to biothiols. This 129Xe biosensor shows good selectivity for biothiols among amino acids and analytes, and can discriminate Cys from Hcy and GSH.


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Fig1. 129Xe spectrum of biosensor in test conditions.

Fig 2. 129Xe chemical shift change of biosensor upon addition of three equivalents Cys.

Fig 3. 129Xe spectra of biosensor in response to the presence of various amino acids in solution.

Fig 4. 129Xe axial gradient-echo MRI images of a 10 mm tube containing (A) 200 μM biosensor and (B) 200 μM biosensor treated with 3 equivalents Cys for 50 min under test conditions. Images were acquired with a soft radiofrequency pulse centred at δ = 75.50 ppm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)