Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Biocompatible 13C-Enriched Carbonates for In vivo pH Imaging
David E Korenchan1,2, Robert Flavell1, Renuka Sriram1, Celine Baligand1, Kiel Neumann1, Subramaniam Sukumar1, Daniel B Vigneron1,2, Henry VanBrocklin1, David M Wilson1, and John Kurhanewicz1,2

1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States


Although large gains in hyperpolarized 13C-bicarbonate signal are obtainable for extracellular pH imaging, toxicity becomes a concern for clinical implementation of current methods. We report an approach in which a precursor molecule, 1,2-glycerol carbonate, is hyperpolarized and decomposed to form bicarbonate, CO2, and glycerol using base-catalyzed hydrolysis. This technique enables concentrations and polarizations similar to those previously reported, and its application to pH imaging, both in phantom experiments and in vivo in a mouse model of prostate cancer, is demonstrated.


To develop an efficient method for the hyperpolarization (HP) of 13C-bicarbonate with the added benefit of low toxicity for clinical imaging of extracellular pH (pHe).


Inspired by the observance of short-lived glycerol-bicarbonate adducts in 13C MR spectra of HP sodium 13C-bicarbonate in glycerol, we conceived of a new method of generating nontoxic, high-signal dissolutions of HP bicarbonate:

1. Hyperpolarization of a carbonated precursor molecule

2. Base-catalysed decarbonation after dissolution to form HP 13C-bicarbonate and biocompatible by-products

We evaluated three precursor molecules compatible with this technique: 1,2-glycerol carbonate (GLC), diethyl pyrocarbonate, and 2,3-O-carbonyl-α-D-mannopyranose; these were carbonated analogs of glycerol, ethanol, and D-mannose, respectively (Figure 1). Each non-13C-enriched compound was formulated with 15 mM trityl radical and formed a glass at cryogenic temperatures. 457 μmol of each were polarized for 1 hour and then dissolved with 3.5 mL of 270 mM NaOH, heated for 5 s, and neutralized with HCl before HP 13C spectra were acquired at 11.7 T (n = 3 each). 13C-enriched GLC was also polarized, and 13C NMR spectra were acquired under dissolution conditions of breakdown (n = 3) or no breakdown (n = 4). The maximum solution-state polarization was determined by referencing to an NMR spectrum acquired at thermal equilibrium.

HP pHe imaging was performed in both a phantom and in a transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) mouse model using a 14 T small-animal imaging system:

Phantom: HP dissolution was added to three tubes of phosphate buffer at pH values between 6.4 and 7.6 along with carbonic anhydrase to facilitate pH equilibration. Each pH was measured with a conventional pH electrode after imaging.

Mouse: 350 μL of HP dissolution were injected via tail-vein catheter over 12 seconds.

In both experiments, 2D chemical shift images were acquired immediately after (8 x 8 x 256 matrix, 8 mm slice, 4 mm in-plane resolution, 8013 Hz spectral window, 2 s imaging time). The excitation pulse was a sum of two phase-modulated Gaussian pulses and excited bicarbonate and CO2 slices simultaneously within the coil center, with a different flip angle on each resonance (25º on CO2, 2.78º on bicarbonate – see Figure 2). The pH per voxel was calculated using the ratio of the bicarbonate and CO2 peak integrals and a modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (1). The pKa was taken as 6.17 (1-4), and the ratio was flip-angle corrected assuming complete bicarbonate-CO2 magnetization exchange between excitations. Voxels with bicarbonate or CO2 SNR < 3 were eliminated from the analysis.


We formulated 11.9 M GLC for HP and obtained 92.7 ± 1.4% of the total HP signal as bicarbonate and CO2 (Figure 3). The back-calculated solution-state polarizations with and without decarbonation were 16.4 ± 1.3% and 18.1 ± 2.4%, respectively; the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.25). GLC has a T1 relaxation time constant of 63.7 ± 5.7 s. The bicarbonate and CO2 concentration produced was 75.1 ± 1.4 mM (n = 2), which represents a ~30% concentration loss. The phantom spectral and electrode pH values agreed within 0.1 pH unit (Figure 4). The average pHe inside and outside the tumor, averaged across all voxels, were 7.15 and 7.36, respectively. The lowest pHe measured in the tumor was 6.95 (Figure 5).


The HP 13C-bicarbonate polarization and concentration were comparable to those first reported, but the process eliminated the need for Cs+ ion removal from the dissolution (1). While there appears to be little polarization loss during decarbonation, the concentration decreased, presumably due to CO2 boil-off during neutralization with HCl. Performing these steps within an enclosed space may reduce concentration losses, increasing bicarbonate concentrations up to 110 mM. Catalysts for the decarbonation reaction may exist which can reduce the time of breakdown (currently 35-40 s). The phantom pH measurements were accurate to a similar degree as reported previously (1). Although the in vivo pHe is lower in tumor tissue than in the surroundings, the tumor pHe values may be overestimated due to incomplete 13C label exchange between bicarbonate and CO2 prior to imaging (5).


We have demonstrated the utility of a new hyperpolarization technique that provides large gains in HP bicarbonate signal without compromising dissolution toxicity. This technique is compatible with accurate pHe mapping via MR spectroscopic imaging, both in vivo and ex vivo. Future work will reduce HP signal losses during decarbonation and improve pH imaging accuracy and resolution.


Special thanks go to the members of the Kurhanewicz Lab, as well as to Peder Larson and Jeremy Gordon for their advice and guidance on pulse sequence and imaging considerations.

Grants: R01-CA166655, P41-EB013598


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3. Ghosh RK, Kadlecek SJ, Pourfathi M, Rizi RR. Efficient production of hyperpolarized bicarbonate by chemical reaction on a DNP precursor to measure pH. Magn. Reson. Med. 2014:n/a–n/a. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25530.

4. Scholz DJ, Janich MA, Köllisch U, Schulte RF, Ardenkjaer-Larsen JH, Frank A, Haase A, Schwaiger M, Menzel MI. Quantified pH imaging with hyperpolarized 13C-bicarbonate. Magn. Reson. Med. [Internet] 2014:n/a–n/a. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25357.

5. Gallagher FA, Sladen H, Kettunen MI, et al. Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Monitored In Vivo by Hyperpolarized 13C-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Demonstrates Its Importance for pH Regulation in Tumors. Cancer Research 2015;75:4109–4118. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-0857.


Figure 1: Decarbonation reaction schemes for the three molecules evaluated: (a) 1,2-glycerol carbonate (GLC); (b) diethyl pyrocarbonate; (c) 2,3-O-carbonyl-α-D-mannopyranose. These compounds rapidly decompose to NaHCO3 and glycerol, ethanol, and D-mannose, respectively, when mixed with sodium hydroxide and heated post-dissolution. Nuclei of interest for hyperpolarized 13C NMR are highlighted in red.

Figure 2: Two-band Gaussian (a) pulse shapes, (b) simulated excitation profiles, and (c) experimental pulse profiles with line plots on a 1H water phantom, edges defined by dashed lines. (top row) symmetric excitation bands; (bottom row) 1:9 flip angle ratio between excitation bands.

Figure 3: Evaluation of carbonated analogs for generating HP bicarbonate (BiC) and CO2. Prep concentrations are in optimized formulations for HP. Note that each mole of diethyl pyrocarbonate produces 2 moles of bicarbonate. Percentages are determined as the ratio of bicarbonate + CO2 peak signals over total HP signal.

Figure 4: (a) Representative 13C NMR spectrum of decarbonated HP 13C-GLC. (b) (left) T2-weighted 1H image of the pH phantom, with electrode-measured pH values; (right) HP 13C spectra for each color-coded voxel in left image and calculated pH value above each spectrum. Flip angles: 2.78º bicarbonate, 25º CO2.

Figure 5: (left) Calculated pHe map from HP 2D CSI of decarbonated 13C-GLC in a TRAMP mouse, overlaid on a T2-weighted 1H image. (right) Representative spectra from outlined voxels. Prescribed in-plane resolution 0.4 cm, zero-filled to 0.2 cm; slice thickness 0.8 cm. Flip angles: 2.78º bicarbonate, 25º CO2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)