Jerome Yerly1,2, Danilo Gubian3, Jean-Francois Knebel2,4, Thomas Robin5, Giulia Ginami1, and Matthias Stuber1,2
1CardioVascular Magnetic Resonance (CVMR) research center, Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology (The LINE), Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Transport and Mobility Laboratory (TRANSP-OR), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
MRI with isometric handgrip
exercise was recently proposed to non-invasively assess coronary endothelial function.
However, the sensitivity of this technique has not yet been fully investigated.
To address this need, we have designed a phantom that simulates a physiological
range of coronary cross-sectional areas. Radial cine MR images with different
spatial resolutions were acquired under moving conditions. Cross-sectional
areas were automatically measured and compared to the known nominal values. Statistical
analysis suggests that MRI is capable of distinguishing area changes in the order
of 0.2-0.3mm2, which correspond to a percentage coronary area change
of 3-4% for a 3mm baseline diameter.Purpose
To discriminate normal from
abnormal coronary endothelial function, recent studies have used MRI with
isometric handgrip exercise1-4 as the endothelial
dependent stressor and reported excellent and reproducible results.4 However, the sensitivity
of MRI to measure small changes in cross sectional area of the coronary arteries in response to stress
remains to be quantitatively examined. Since the spatial resolution of MRI is
limited relative to these expected area changes, it is of utmost importance to address
this question. In this study, we have therefore measured the sensitivity of radial
MRI for detecting small changes in coronary cross-sectional areas.
setup: A
phantom was designed to simulate various cross-sectional areas of human coronary
by drilling holes of different diameters in a block of Polyacetal copolymer
(POM-C) (Figure 1a). Twenty-two different diameters, ranging from 3.00mm to
3.42mm, in steps of 0.02mm, were each assigned to 5 random locations on the
phantom, so as to avoid introducing potential bias due to magnetic field
inhomogeneities (Figure 1b). The phantom was placed in a container filled with
tap water and doped with gadolinium (concentration of 5.9mM) to simulate the
time-of-flight effect observed in cine imaging. Finally, the phantom was placed
on a moving tray to simulate a sinusoidal cardiac motion with a frequency of
40bpm and a maximal displacement of 2cm (Figure 2).
Data were acquired on a 3T clinical scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens
Healthcare) using a conventional 2D radial retrospectively ECG-gated cine sequence
with an 18-channel chest coil and a 32-channel spine coil. The imaging plane
was placed perpendicular to the drilled holes and images were acquired using
five different isotropic in-plane resolutions (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9mm).
The acquisition was repeated 10 times for each resolution with the following parameters:
FOV=260×260mm2, matrix=288-512, slice thickness=6.5mm, TE/TR=2.5-2.9/4.9-5.1ms, radiofrequency excitation angle=22˚, and temporal
area measurements:
Two cine frames with minimum motion were visually selected to measure the
cross-sectional areas of the drilled holes with a fully-automated
custom-written software package developed in MATLAB. The automatic segmentation
followed a similar procedure as described previously6
and uses the full-width half maximum criterion (FWHM) for area measurements. Figure
3 illustrates the various stages of the segmentation.
analysis: The
areas measured for each nominal diameter d of the drilled holes were grouped together for
statistical analysis (Figure 4a) and are denoted by Xd. The normality of the measurements
was tested using both the Lilliefors and Jarque–Bera tests. The mean μXd=E(Xd) and variance σ2Xd=E((Xd−μXd)2) for each diameter were computed to derive a
probability distribution function that describes the probability of the
possible measured areas, Xd∼N(μXd,σ2Xd). Two normally distributed measures Xi∼N(μXi,σ2Xi) and Xj∼N(μXj,σ2Xj) where μXi>μXj were considered statistically different if the
probability of Xi−Xj∼N(μXi−μXj,σ2Xi+σ2Xj) being positive (i.e., ≥0) is ≥0.95 (Figure 4). Each pair of Xi and Xj was compared using this technique. The
differences of diameters (i−j) and the results of the tests were
stored for each pair. The sensitivity of MRI or smallest detectable change in
cross-sectional area was defined as being greater than the
highest difference of diameters that has not passed the statistical test. Bland-Altman
plots and linear regression analyses were also used for statistical comparisons
of the distributions.
A total of 110
distributions of area measurements (22 diameters and 5 resolutions) were
analyzed and tested for normality. Each diameter was measured 100 times (5 holes
per image x 2 images per acquisition x 10 acquisitions). The Lilliefors and
Jarque–Bera normality tests confirmed that 81.8% and 90.9% of the distributions,
respectively, could be well-modeled by a normal distribution. The Bland-Altman
plots in Figure 5 show a statistically significant bias in the measured areas
that is inversely proportional to the image resolution; however the 95%
confidence interval characterizing the spread of the data remains approximately
constant at 0.4mm
2 for all resolutions. The smallest detectable area
change ranged between 0.21-0.31mm
2 for the different resolutions
(Figure 5f) and did not significantly correlate with the image resolution
We presented a moving
phantom experiment to quantify the sensitivity of MRI for detecting small
changes in coronary cross-sectional areas. Our results suggest that the above MRI approach is capable
of distinguishing area changes in the order of 0.2-0.3mm
2, which
correspond to a percentage area change of 3-4% for a nominal diameter of 3mm. To
put this in perspective, and for healthy subjects, the values of coronary
endothelial responses reported in the literature using both MRI
1-4,7 and invasive techniques
8-10 range from 13.2% to 23.1%.
This work
was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation grants 320030_143923 and
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