Qiu Ge1, Wei Peng1, Yong Zhang2, Yu-Feng Zhang1, Thomas Liu3, Xuchu Weng1, and Ze Wang1
1Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China, People's Republic of, 2GE Healthcare, MR Research China, Beijing, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of, 3University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States
MRI-identified short-term brain
tissue changes have been in debate because of the lack of solid evidence of
neurogenesis. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been traced as one contributing
factor. We used caffeine to modulate CBF and to subsequently examine brain
tissue change using MRI. Both CBF reduction and grey matter decrease were
observed after caffeine ingestion, which were further related to each other in
some brain regions. The data provide direct evidence for the CBF contribution
to the short-term apparent tissue changes.Introduction
Claiming the
MRI-identified brain tissue change as a result of neurogenesis is now being
challenged because neurogenesis in adult human brain has only been evidenced in
very limited regions [1,
2]. One confounding
factor that may contribute to the apparent tissue change is cerebral blood flow
(CBF), which can change both MR parameters of tissue and tissue volume. While
previous research has reported concurrent CBF and tissue volume changes, no one
has explicitly assessed this “coincidence” by manipulating CBF in the healthy
brain in a short time while keeping other conditions the same. In this study,
we used caffeine to directly alter CBF and subsequently examined the CBF-tissue
density interactions. We chose caffeine because it is well known to have robust
effects of reducing CBF [3,
All experiment procedures
were approved by local IRB. 50 caffeine naïve healthy subjects (25 males and 25
females, age: 22.76±2.22 years, no medications, no more than 1 cup
of coffee and 1 cup of tea in the week prior to the experiment) were
recruited with written signed consent forms. All participants
attended two imaging scan sessions before and after taking a 200 mg caffeine
pill in two days with exactly 24 hours apart. The order of being caffeine free or taking
caffeine prior to scan was counter-balanced. For each session, a high-resolution
T1-weighted structural MRI and a six-minute resting brain perfusion MRI (using
a GE product 3D BS-PCASL sequence (6 shots, 40 axial slices, TR=4690ms, TE=10.9ms, FOV=220x220 mm2,
slice thickness=3.4mm, labeling time=1.5s, post label delay=1525ms, bandwidth=62.50Khz,
matrix=512x512)) were acquired.
caffeine grey matter difference was examined using the state-of-art longitudinal voxel-based
morphometry (VBM) analysis method [5] implemented in SPM12. CBF
maps were spatially normalized into the MNI space using the registration
information obtained from the mid-term structural image (created during the
longitudinal VBM). Pre-post CBF difference was assessed using paired-t test.
Correlation between tissue difference and CBF difference was calculated at each
voxel in the standard brain space.
Fig. 1 shows the observed effects of caffeine on CBF and tissue volume. Caffeine intake caused a global CBF reduction (Fig. 1A. voxel-wise P<0.05 with FWE
correction). The whole brain mean CBF reduction was 15.3 ml/100g/min. Grey matter volume
reduction after taking caffeine was observed in hippocampus, orbito-frontal cortex, ventral striatum, anterior
cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, and superior temporal cortex (Fig. 1B). After
regressing out the pre-post caffeine CBF difference from the tissue density
difference, no significant caffeine induced tissue density change was found
(Fig. 1C). Fig. 2 shows the correlation between the pre-post CBF difference and
tissue density difference. Significant correlation was demonstrated in
hippocampus, fusiform, visual cortex, putamen, prefrontal cortex, and lateral
parietal cortex.
Conclusion and Dissusion
We proved that CBF reduction
attribute short-term apparent brain tissue density reduction. Although linear
correlations between CBF reduction and tissue density reduction were only
observed in several brain regions, our data showed that after regressing out
CBF effects, the apparent tissue changes went away. Altogether, our data should
raise cautions of reporting short-term brain tissue density changes as a result
of neurogenesis, rather the observed apparent tissue “changes” should be
corrected for CBF alterations.
Work supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang
Province Grant LZ15H180001, the
Youth 1000 Talent Program of China, and Hangzhou Qianjiang Endowed Professor Program.References
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2. Bhardwaj, R.D., et al., PNAS,
2006. 103(33): p. 12564-12568.
3. Addicott, M.A., et al., Hum Brain Map, 2009. 30(10): p. 3102-3114.
4. Mutsaerts, H.J.M.M., et al., Magnetic Resonance Materials in
Physics, 2015.
5. Ashburner and
Ridgway, Symmetric diffeomorphic modeling
of longtudinal structural MRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013. 6.