Yan Wen1, Thanh D. Nguyen2, Zhe Liu1, Pascal Spincemaille2, Dong Zhou2, Alexey Dimov1, Youngwook Kee2, Jiwon Kim3, Jonathan W. Weinsaft3, and Yi Wang1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, New York, NY, United States, 2Physics in Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) has yet to be
applied on cardiac patients due to the challenges from motion artifacts and
background fields. In this first attempt to apply QSM in cardiac MRI, we
overcome these data acquisition and processing challenges by using robust graph
cut phase analysis and a novel preconditioned inversion of total field. Our preliminary
results demonstrate high quality susceptibility maps, and the measured heart
chamber blood oxygenation level is consistent with reported values from literature. Purpose
aim to demonstrate the feasibility of
vivo cardiac Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) for non-invasive
quantification of venous oxygen saturation (SvO
2) within the heart
chambers, which may play an important role in the detection and management of
cardiac shunt and pulmonary disorders.
Eight healthy volunteers were
scanned using an ECG gated multi-slice multi-echo 2D-FGRE sequence at 1.5T using an
8-channel cardiac coil with the following scan parameters:
echoes, first TE≈3.6ms, △TE≈2.2ms, TR≈23ms,
voxel size≈1.25x1.25x5mm3, acquisition resolution=192x192, 8 views
per heartbeat, flow compensation in the readout and slice directions, ASSET
acceleration factor=1.5, and breath hold≈15 seconds per slice. A stack of 20 short-axis
images were acquired for each subject. From the multi-echo complex data, an
unwrapped field map was obtained using a magnitude image guided graph cut
method1. Chemical shift from fat was removed via an iterative
chemical shift update2. Because of the close proximity of myocardium
and lung, background field removal was incorporated into the L1 MEDI3
method, such that the susceptibility map was obtained from the total field directly.
This method allowed the solution to have susceptibility sources both inside and
outside the ROI to account for both local field and background field. A diagonal
preconditioner P, which was set to 1 and 40 for inside and outside the ROI,
respectively, was introduced to improve the convergence speed:
Where w is a noise weighting term, M is one inside ROI and zero outside, f is the total field, d is the dipole kernel, ⊗ is a convolution operator, λ is the regularization parameter, MG is a binary edge Mask, and ▽ is the gradient operator. The susceptibility is then χ=P⋅y∗. Figure 1
shows a flow chart that demonstrates the steps for processing the phase data. For
comparison, we computed the QSM from standard processing scheme (PDF4+MEDI)
as well.
The ROI for left ventricle
(LV) and right ventricle (RV) were obtained through manual segmentation. The
susceptibilities in LV and RV were calculated as the average over the
respective ROI, and the susceptibility difference between LV and RV was scaled to
obtain SvO2 value5.
mean susceptibility difference between RV (deoxygenated blood) and LV (almost
fully oxygenated blood) from the QSM generated with preconditioned MEDI using the total field as the input was 292ppb±79ppb.
Assuming the blood in LV is 100% oxygenated, the mean SvO
2 in these
eight healthy volunteers was 78.1%±5.1%.
The mean susceptibility difference between RV and LV from the QSM generated
with PDF + MEDI was 286ppb±102ppb, and the
corresponding mean SvO
2 was 78.6%±7.5%.
Figure 2 shows a visual comparison between the QSM map from processing with PDF+MEDI, and preconditioned MEDI with total field as the input. Figure
3 shows the magnitude and the QSM images of three healthy volunteer.
preliminary data demonstrated, for the first time, high quality in vivo cardiac QSM. The SvO2 derived
in this study with QSM is about 8% larger than the expected value, which is
about 70%. This higher derived SvO2 could be attributed to the
decreasing oxygenation level in the LV during breath hold. According to
literature6, the oxygenation level in LV will decreased by about
8.6% at the end of a 15 seconds breath hold. The
susceptibility in RV should remain the same for a 15 seconds breath hold.
Our proposed cardiac QSM employs
graph cut phase analysis that provides robust fat water separation, which is
needed to deal with epicardial fat and other fat in the chest and liver. The preconditioned total field inversion eliminates artifacts in the myocardium from standard QSM caused by errors from
imperfect background field removal. Although both processing scheme yielded
similar SvO2, the standard processing scheme produces QSM map with
obvious artifact, which can hinder its diagnostic value.
We have demonstrated the feasibility of high quality
in vivo cardiac QSM with graph cut phase analysis and
preconditioned total field inversion. Future work will focus on accelerated 3D
acquisition, and applications of cardiac QSM in various cardiac diseases.
We acknowledge support from NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464.References
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