Terrence Jao1 and Krishna Nayak2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, United States
in MR hardware, pulse sequences, and calibration have made quantitative CMR a
reality. Quantitative maps (e.g. T1, T2, ECV) are formed from multiple images,
which make them susceptible to errors caused by signal fluctuations from
cardiac or respiratory motion, termed physiological noise. Reproducibility of
quantitative CMR maps is critical for future clinical adoption and depends on
the ratio of signal amplitude to physiological noise, termed temporal SNR. In
this study, we measure temporal SNR in bSSFP quantitative CMR to characterize physiological
noise for a range of image resolutions, acceleration factors, and post
inversion delays. Introduction
in MR hardware, pulse sequences, and calibration have made quantitative CMR a
1 Quantitative CMR maps are computed from multiple images
with different magnetization preparations that are fit to models of the
underlying physiology or tissue relaxation parameter.
1 Signal
changes that are not captured by the model will cause errors in the parameter
estimate. These errors arise from thermal noise (TN) and physiological
fluctuations (PN) from cardiac, respiratory, and hemodynamic motion. Reproducibility
of quantitative CMR maps is critical for future clinical adoption and depends
on the temporal stability of the signal to noise, or temporal SNR (tSNR). To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that experimentally examines
how the choice of imaging parameters affects tSNR and PN in quantitative CMR.
Acquisition: Four healthy
volunteers were scanned on a clinical 3T scanner (GE Signa Excite HD) with an 8
channel cardiac coil. Images were acquired using snapshot b-SSFP during
mid-diastole at a single mid short-axis slice. For each unique set of image acquisition
parameters, twenty images were acquired in two breath-holds. A cardiac CINE was
acquired in each subject to determine the exact timing of mid-diastole as well
as a noise image without RF to calculate the noise covariance matrix. Data were
acquired at various matrix sizes (96/192 x 96/128/192) and accelerations
(1/1.33/1.6/2) with GRAPPA and partial Fourier imaging using TR/TE/FA = 3.5
ms/1.5 ms/500, BW = 125 Hz, FOV = 300 mm2 and a slice
thickness of 10 mm. In a single volunteer, images were acquired at different
inversion times (125, 275, 875, 1725, 3625 ms) to determine the impact of
magnetization preparation on PN and tSNR.
Analysis: Our
analysis of PN and tSNR follow the work of Triantafyllou et. al. in the brain.2
The total noise in a CMR image series is modeled as the
independent sum of TN and PN. Physiological
noise scales proportionally with the MR signal level and tSNR is defined as the
ratio of the MR signal to the total noise. By measuring image SNR and tSNR, the
ratio of PN and TN can be determined with the following relationship:
Image Reconstruction: Images were coil
combined using an optimum B1 weighted combination3 from which SNR
maps were calculated. tSNR was measured as the mean intensity of a pixel or ROI
divided by the temporal standard deviation. The Fourier transform scale factor,
effective noise bandwidth, and parallel imaging g-factor (max 1.40) were used
to correct the SNR maps to make them directly comparable with tSNR.2,4
The GRAPPA g-factor was computed using a direct method from the kernel weights
themselves.5 The ratio of physiological noise to thermal noise was
subsequently determined from the equation above.
Results and Discussion
Figure 1 contains a representative SNR,
tSNR, and PN/TN map at a 1.6x1.6 mm2 in plane resolution. Figure 2 contains
plots of average SNR, tSNR, and PN/TN within the left ventricular myocardium ROI
as a function of the image matrix size and acceleration factor. SNR
consistently decreased as the image resolution (matrix size) and acceleration
factor (R) increased except in the case of partial Fourier acquisitions (R=1.3,2), which arrive at the k-space center earlier. In contrast, there was no
significant change in tSNR with either the acceleration factor or matrix
size. This caused low resolution images
(96x96) to be PN dominant (PN/TN > 1) regardless of acceleration factor.
However, high resolution images (192x128/192) became SNR starved with
increasing acceleration, which lead to TN dominance (PN/TN<1).
Figure 3 shows the signal
level, SNR, tSNR, and PN/TN at different post inversion delays in a single
volunteer. Both SNR and tSNR decrease as the signal approaches the null point
of myocardium and rise afterwards. Near
the signal null at 1 sec, tSNR approaches SNR and the images become thermal
noise dominant (PN/TN < 1) because PN is proportional to signal strength.
The reproducibility and
precision of quantitative CMR is dependent on tSNR rather than image SNR. This study has shown that at coarse resolution
(>2.5x2.5 mm
2) and low acceleration such as those used in ASL and
first-pass perfusion, CMR images are PN dominant. At fine spatial resolution (<1.5x1.5 mm
and high acceleration such as those used in T1, T2, ECV, and BOLD, CMR images become
TN dominant. In the PN dominant scenario, improvements in SNR no longer
translate to improvements in tSNR (recently documented in ASL
6). In
these cases, the signal degradation from increasing spatial resolution or
acceleration will have a negligible impact on tSNR, which we have observed to
be relatively stable.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Salerno et. al. JACC. 2013; 6(7):806-22.
[2] Triantafyllou et. al.
Neuroimage 2011; 55(2):597-606
[3] Roemer et. al. MRM. 1990; 16:192-225
[4] Kellman et. al. MRM
[5] Breuer et. al. MRM 2009; 62(3):739-46
Do. et. al. JCMR 2014; 16(15)