Optimized ICE-decoupled Monopole Array for Human Head Imaging at 7T
Xinqiang Yan1 and Xiaoliang Zhang2

1Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis Techniques, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


Induced current elimination (ICE) method has proved to be a useful approach in decoupling radiative monopole and dipole arrays. In this study, we aim to investigate the effect of ICE decoupling elements and their position to the B1 fields. The MR imaging and simulation results show that an optimized arrangement of ICE decoupling elements can be found to minimize the perturbation of decoupling elements. Compared with the non-optimized ICE decoupled monopole array, the optimized array has more homogeneous transmit field and has no dark spots or signal cancellations in the MR images.


Radiative antenna, e.g., dipole and monopole, have been increasingly used for ultrahigh field MRI 1-5. Due to unique structures, the induced current elimination (ICE) approach is a suitable decoupling method for radiative arrays 6,7. However, in ICE-decoupled radiative arrays, decoupling elements have obvious “shielding effect” which may causes a decrease in the transmit field in the certain area of imaging subjects. This ultimately results in dark spots in the MR images 8. In this study, we aim to investigate the effect of ICE decoupling elements and their position to the B1 fields of radiative arrays.


A series of simulations were performed with ANSYS HFSS and designer (Canonsburg, PA, USA). In simulation, eight monopole elements (yellow color, Fig. 1A) and eight decoupling elements (green color, Fig. 1A) were equally spaced along the surface of a cylindrical former (25 cm O.D.). Both the monopole elements and decoupling elements are made of 10-mm-wide copper tapes with a length of 25 cm. The distance between decoupling elements and the coil former (Dd) was varied from 0 cm to 3 cm with a step of 0.5 cm. Dd=0 means the non-optimized array and was used for the baseline comparison.


Simulation: Fig. 2 shows the simulated plots of reflection coefficient (S11) of each monopole element and the transmission coefficients between adjacent elements (S21), next adjacent elements (S31) and opposite elements (S51). Fig. 3 shows the simulated B1+ filed of ICE-decoupled monopole arrays with different Dd. These arrays were excited in birdcage-like mode, applying 1 W power to each port, with a sequential 45 degree phase increment. For the non-optimized array, i.e., Dd=0 cm, the B1+ field decreased obviously at the areas near decoupling elements, as shown in the white circles in Fig. 3. As the Dd increase, this B1+ decrease become less obvious. It can be concluded from Fig. 3 that the dark spots in human images are mainly caused by the diminished B1+ field at these areas.

Experiments: To validate the simulation results, ICE-decoupled monopole arrays without (Dd=0 cm) and with optimization (Dd=2.5 cm) were built for comparison, as shown in Figs. 4A and 4B . S21 plots between adjacent elements of both arrays were shown in Figs. 4C and 4D. Similar to simulation results, the isolation between adjacent elements is about -15 dB for optimized array and about -25 dB for non-optimized array. The average loaded Q values of each monopole element of the optimized and non-optimized arrays are ~16 and ~33, respectively.

A healthy female volunteer was scanned subsequently with the non-optimized and optimized array (written informed consent). B1+ profiles on the same human head were mapped with a Turbo FLASH sequence and show in Figs. 4E and 4F. As expected, for non-optimized ICE-decoupled monopole array, dark spots were found at the peripheral areas in both B1+ profile and MR images, as shown in Figs. 4E and 4G. For optimized array, however, the B1+ field and MR image were more homogeneous and no dark spots were observed (Figs. 4F and 4H). Figs. 4G and 4H show GRE images using the two arrays. The imaging acquisition parameters were as follows: flip angle=25 degree, TR/TE= 120/6 ms, FOV=250×250 mm2, matrix=256×256, slice thickness=5 mm, bandwidth=260 Hz/pixel. It is worth noting that optimized array has a little higher central SNR and lower surface SNR compared with the non-optimized array. This can also be predicated from the Q value results.


The MR imaging and simulation results show that an optimized arrange of ICE decoupling elements can be found to minimize the perturbation of decoupling elements to the B1 fields of radiative coil arrays, and consequently imaging quality can be improved. The optimized distance between decoupling elements and coil elements in this specific array configuration was set to 2.5 cm. Compared with the non-optimized ICE decoupled monopole array, the optimized array has more homogeneous transmit field and has no dark spots or signal cancellations in the MR images.


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[1] A. Raaijmakers, MRM. 66: 1488-1497 (2011). [2] C. Ozerdem ISMRM. 2641 (2012). [3] G. C. Wiggins, ISMRM. 541 (2012). [4] A. Raaijmakers, ISMRM. 4382 (2013) [5] S. M. Hong, MRM, 71:1944-1052 (2014). [6] X. Yan, QIMS. 4:79-86 (2014). [7] X. Yan, APMR. 46:59-66 (2015). [8] X. Yan, ISMRM. 3478 (2015).


Figure 1 Cross-section diagram (A) and simulation model (B) of the 8-channel ICE-decoupled monopole array with different Dd, where Dd is the distance between the decoupling elements and the coil former.

Figure 2 Simulated S-parameter plots of 8-channel ICE-decoupled monopole arrays with different Dd, where Dd ranges from 0 cm to 3 cm with a step of 0.5 cm.

Figure 3 Simulated B1+ maps of 8-channel ICE-decoupled monopole arrays with different Dd. CP mode, 1 W power to each port.

Figure 4: A and B: Photographs of 8-ch ICE-decoupled monopole arrays with (Dd=2.5 cm) and without optimization (Dd=0 cm). C-H: Measured S21 plots, B1+ maps and GRE images using the two arrays. Dark spots in MR images (arrows in white color) can be removed after optimization.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)