Manushka V. Vaidya1,2,3, Christopher M. Collins1,2,3, Daniel K. Sodickson1,2,3, Giuseppe Carluccio1,2, and Riccardo Lattanzi1,2,3
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
There is no single mechanism to describe how high permittivity materials (HPMs)
improve signal-to-noise ratio when placed between radiofrequency coils and the
object. We separately investigated the effects of HPMs on signal propagation
and sample noise by studying ideal current patterns, the corresponding optimal electric
(E) field and a signal-only
propagation model. Our results suggest that phase changes in the ideal current
patterns with HPMs are primarily due to signal-propagation effects while their
increase in size is due to reduced E
field penetration into the sample, which allows larger current patterns that
maximize signal reception with a limited noise penalty.PURPOSE
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be improved by
placing high permittivity materials (HPM) (εr>80) between a
radio-frequency (RF) coil and the object
1,2. However, the beneficial effect
of HPMs on the relative balance between coil signal and noise sensitivity has
not been elucidated. To gain physical insight, our work analyzes the effects of
HPMs on ideal current patterns
3, corresponding to the ultimate
intrinsic SNR (UISNR) at a voxel of interest. Ideal current patterns cover a
larger region in the presence of HPMs
4, but it is unclear whether this
is primarily due to signal propagation effects through the HPM layer, or a
consequence of reduced sample noise (
∫σE⋅E⋆dv). Our objective is to
interpret these findings by studying ideal current patterns, the corresponding optimal
electric (
E) fields, and a
signal-only propagation model.
1) Ideal
current patterns: An in-house simulation framework based on dyadic Green’s
functions (DGF) was used to calculate the ideal current patterns3 corresponding
to the UISNR at a voxel 3.4cm from the center of a sphere at 7T (Fig. 1). A
mode expansion order of 60 was used to ensure convergence. Calculations were
repeated in the presence and absence of a HPM layer surrounding the object with
εr = 1000.
2) Signal-only
propagation model: A
circularly polarized local magnetic field source at the operating frequency
(Fig. 1) was modeled to simulate a precessing spin at the voxel of interest using
numerical simulation software (CST, 2015). The corresponding tangential E field, which may be associated with a putative
detector current pattern well matched to the precessing spin’s field, and hence
well suited for efficient signal reception, was calculated on a curved
spherical surface (Fig. 1) to investigate the effects of signal propagation
through HPMs. Approximately one million mesh cells were used. An accuracy of
-50 dB was used to ensure convergence.
3) Optimal
E fields: The optimal net E field generated by the ideal current
patterns was calculated (Fig.5) and its spatial distribution was investigated to test the
hypothesis that reduced E field
penetration, and consequently reduced sample noise is associated with larger
ideal current patterns.
Size and
phase of the ideal current patterns changed depending on the thickness of the
HPM layer (Fig. 2). This suggests that the SNR-optimal diameter of a surface
coil changes in the presence of HPMs. The tangential
E field in the signal model exhibited a different phase delay depending
on the HPM thickness (Fig. 3), but there was no appreciable change in size (Fig
4), suggesting that signal-propagation delay in the HPMs affects the phase,
but not the size, of the ideal current patterns. Other factors must contribute
to the phase changes in the ideal current patterns, since they could not be
predicted exactly by the HPM thickness. For example, the patterns in Fig 2B (λ/4
HPM thickness) should be delayed by 90
o (figure-eight shape) from
those in Fig. 2A, but they are delayed by 180
o (loop with inverted
current direction). This could be due to the fact that the ideal current patterns
cover a larger area, adding to the effective distance. While the ideal current
patterns alternate between a localized loop and figure-eight
3, the
E fields appear as distributed
loops that sweep across the surface. This difference is because the ideal
current patterns are optimized to maximize signal at the voxel of interest while
minimizing received noise, whereas the tangential
E field is simply the field produced by precessing spins at the
voxel. The optimal
E fields associated
with the ideal current patterns showed that particular thicknesses of the HPM
layer limited the propagation of the
field, consequently reducing sample noise (Fig. 5). Reduced
E fields within the sample (Fig. 5B,E) correspond to larger loops in the ideal current patterns (Fig. 2B,E), indicating that larger
loops can maximize the received signal when
field attenuation reduces sample noise penalty. The patterns of concentric loops
with mutually opposite directions (Fig 2D) could be an effect of SNR optimization
5, or due to a standing wave or resonance-like behavior
observed in the optimal
E fields (Fig
5D), but further investigation is needed.
Our results demonstrate that the phase changes
observed in the ideal current patterns are likely due to signal propagation
effects within the HPM, while the increase in size of the ideal current
patterns is a consequence of reduced
field penetration into the sample for different HPM thicknesses. Our results
provide an intuitive understanding of the signal and noise sensitivity changes and
the optimal radius for coils in the presence of HPMs.
This work was supported by the Center for
Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (,
a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183). References
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