Metabolic mapping of the brain using ultra-high resolution MRSI at 7 T
Gilbert Hangel1, Bernhard Strasser2, Michal Považan2, Lukas Hingerl1, Marek Chmelík2, Stephan Gruber2, Siegfried Trattnig2,3, and Wolfgang Bogner2

1MR Centre of Excellence, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2MRCE, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Christian Doppler Laboratory for Clinical Molecular MR Imaging, Vienna, Austria


Increasing the resolution of MRSI is desirable to delineate small structures and pathologic deviations such as Multiple Sclerosis lesions and increase local B0-homogeneity per voxel. We show that using an FID-MRSI sequence with short TR and L2-regularisation for lipid contamination removal, the major brain metabolites can be mapped with a 128x128 matrix over a whole brain slice with unprecedented detail, with a nominal voxel volume of 1.7×1.7×8 mm³. The additional application of parallel imaging allows reducing measurement times enough for potential clinical applications.


Over the last years, FID-MRSI1,2 in the brain was successfully demonstrated for matrix sizes up to 64×64. We propose that by optimising the sequence design in order to reduce the TR to 200 ms, ultra-high-resolution (UHR)-MRSI at 7 T with a nominal voxel size of 23 µl and a 128×128 matrix becomes possible at reasonable measurement times. The benefits of this approach include a better point-spread function, better local B0-homogeneity and reduced partial volume effects. Reaching resolutions similar to conventional MRI, metabolite maps already feature details in brain anatomy such as visualization of separate gyri and allow the analysis of smaller structures and lesions, which has a high potential for research as well as for diagnostic applications.


Three volunteers (all male, 27, 34 and 34 y) were measured with a Siemens 7 T Magnetom scanner and a 32-channel head coil. Written informed consent was obtained as well as approval of the institutional review board. In order to reduce the already low minimum TR of the FID-MRSI sequence with a short acquisition delay of 1.3 ms, the duration of the WET-water suppression3 (originally designed for 1.5 T) was shortened from 180 ms to 64 ms by optimising the spoiler gradient duration making use of the available gradient performance (gradient strength of 40 mT/m per direction, maximum slew rate of 200 T/m/s). By reducing the ADC sampling points to 512 and increasing the receiver bandwidth to 4500 Hz, the ADC duration was further shortened. As displayed in Figure 1, this combination allowed reducing the TR down to 200 ms. Based on this, our measurement protocol was centred on an UHR-MRSI sequence with a 128×128 matrix and an FOV of 220×220×8 mm³, resulting in a nominal voxel size of 1.7×1.7×8 mm³. The excitation flip angle was set to 27° and the delta frequency to -2.1 ppm. With elliptical encoding, this resulted in a measurement time of ~41 min. For a comparison to our previous standard, we conducted two further MRSI measurements with a matrix size of 64×64 accelerated with 2×2 GRAPPA4, one with the same TR of 200 ms (2:35 min) and one with a longer TR of 600 ms (7:38 min). Anatomical reference imaging was provided by an MP2RAGE scan (4:39 min). Data processing utilised a MATLAB-based routine developed in-house5 that included lipid signal removal by L2-regularisation6. The resulting metabolite maps were interpolated to double resolution and then compared together with SNR, FWHM and CRLB values for NAA. Additionally, to test the limits of measurement acceleration, the UHR datasets were processed again with artificial GRAPPA-undersampling with acceleration factors (R) of 2, 4 and 6.


Individual spectra (as in Figure 2) show a good comparability between the resolutions. As presented in Figure 3, while the comparison scans hint at anatomical details, the UHR measurements allow resolving finer structures such as gyri and an improved GM/WM separation. Examining the metabolite and metabolic ratio maps of all volunteers (Figure 4), this is true for all measurements. The SNR loss due to reduced voxel size is less than linear, as previously reported for MRSI7, with an average SNR for UHR of 41±15 over all volunteers compared to an SNR of 42±13 for the comparison scan with the same TR. Reducing the spectral sampling points affected CRLBs and FWHMs more than the smaller voxel volume, with average CRLB[%]/FHWMs[Hz] of 10±5/16±7 for UHR-MRSI, 9±4/17±6 for the TR200-comparison and 4±3/12±6 for the TR600-comparison. Figure 5 shows that an R of 2 is achievable without a perceptible quality loss while even an R of 4 should be robust enough. At an R of 6, metabolites different from NAA suffer from unreliable quantification. This relates to ~20 and ~10 min scan time, respectively.


We successfully showed that UHR-MRSI in the brain at 7 T is feasible in a reasonable time for healthy subjects. The resulting maps show an unmatched correspondence to anatomical detail that will be useful in the study of small lesions or focal regions. Downsides are the reduced spectral vector size and less SNR, limiting the application of parallel imaging. Still, with an acceleration down to 10-20 min, clinical applications are possible, with MS as a prime candidate. Reducing the slice thickness would also be desirable to reduce the superimposition of different small structures like gyri onto each other. For the evaluation metabolic ratio maps, the different metabolite weighting due to the shorter TR must be kept in mind.


This study was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): KLI-61 and the FFG Bridge Early Stage Grant #846505.


[1] Bogner et al., NMR Biomed 2012; 25(6):873-82
[2] Henning et al., NMR Biomed 2009; 22(7):683-96
[3] Ogg et al., J. Magn. Reson. B 1994; 104:1–10
[4] Strasser et al., Proc. Intl. Soc. MRM 21 (2013):2018
[5] Považan et al., Proc. Intl. Soc. MRM 23 (2015): 1973
[6] Bilgic et al., JMRI 2014; 40(1):181-191
[7] Gruber et al., Magn. Reson. In Med. 2003 49(2):299-306


Figure 1: UHR-FID-MRSI scheme (not to scale); due to the shorter WS duration, TRs in the range of 200 ms are possible as this pulse-acquire approach requires a minimum of RF-pulses and gradients.

Figure 2: Comparison of the same central WM voxel for A) UHR without acceleration, B) UHR with an R of 4 and a lower resolution-comparison with C) the same TR and D) a TR of 600 ms. Reducing the TR affects the metabolite ratios as most dominantly seen for Cr/NAA.

Figure 3: UHR-maps of one volunteer compared to maps with 64×64 matrix size and the same TR of 200 ms or the previously used TR of 600 ms for FID-MRSI1. Much greater anatomical detail, especially the gyri structure can be seen on the UHR-maps.

Figure 4: UHR Metabolite and metabolic ratio maps for the major metabolites for all three volunteers. Details like the separation of hemispheres, gyri and the GM/WM contrast of Glutamate are clearly visible.

Figure 5: tNAA and Glx/tNAA maps for different acceleration factors applied during processing shows the potential to accelerate the measurement by Rs of 2-4 while maintaining sufficient quality. This would reduce measurement times to clinically feasible 10-20 min.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)