Eduardo Coello1,2, Martin Janich2, Timo Schirmer2, Ralf Noeske3, Tamas Borbath2, Axel Haase1, and Rolf Schulte2
1Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 2GE Global Research, Garching, Germany, 3GE Healthcare, Potsdam, Germany
An overdiscrete reconstruction for in-vivo 3D Echo-Planar Spectroscopic
Imaging (EPSI) data is used for SNR improvement and voxel bleeding reduction. We
propose the estimation of a B0 field map, which is needed for the
reconstruction, using the residual water signal in the dataset. A mean SNR
enhancement of a factor of 2.8 was achieved for NAA and comparable reconstruction
results were obtained with both the measured and the estimated B0
field maps.Purpose
In Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI), full volume coverage
with a sufficiently small voxel size suffers from either long acquisition times
or poor SNR. EPSI1 is a technique
capable of reducing the scan time considerably by simultaneously encoding
spatial and spectral information. This enables fast 3D-MRSI acquisitions which
are of great interest for human brain research and diagnosis.
In this work, a target-driven overdiscrete reconstruction2,3 is
applied to in-vivo 3D-EPSI data in order to increase SNR and reduce voxel
bleeding. This is achieved via optimization of the Spatial Response Function
(SRF) and correction of B0 field variations that cause spectral
shifts and incoherent signal averaging. Additionally, we show that the residual
water peak in the acquired signal can be used to extract a sufficiently
accurate B0 map needed for the spectral correction.
In an overdiscrete reconstruction2, the SRF of
every spatial voxel is optimized by solving the minimization problem △π=∥(FE−T)π∥2, with its analytical solution leading to the
reconstruction matrix F=TθEH(EθEH)+, where T represents the target SRF matrix and E
the encoding matrix, both expressed at a higher than nominal
resolution, θ
corresponds to a spatial weighting factor and (+) denotes the pseudo-inverse. As an intermediate step, B0 inhomogeneity correction in the
high resolution spatial grid can be applied to achieve coherent signal
averaging and SNR enhancement4,5. The spectral shifts are performed
in time domain multiplying the FIDs of individual subvoxels by e−i2πt△f0(r),
where Δf0(r) corresponds to the local frequency shift in Hz at position r.
Data acquisition: A 3D-EPSI dataset of the brain of a healthy volunteer
was acquired using a 3T-HDxt system (GE-Healthcare) with an 8-channel head
receive coil (Invivo, Gainesville, USA). PRESS localization and CHESS water
suppression were used as part of the sequence. The acquisition parameters were:
FOV=220x220x80mm3, voxel size=10x10x10mm3, TE=144ms, TR=2000ms,
spectral bandwidth=4kHz, with a total scan duration of 6 minutes. A B0
field map, the coil sensitivity maps and a non-water suppressed 3D-EPSI measurement
with the same settings were also acquired.
Data Processing: Spatial and spectral apodization for line broadening
was initially performed on the EPSI raw dataset (22x22x8 voxels). The data was
zero filled and spatially transformed to obtain an intermediate high resolution
image, overdiscretized by a factor of ζ=3 in AP and LR directions (66x66x8
voxels). Coil combination was done and frequency shift correction was performed
on the intermediate image as described above. A Gaussian target function with
σ=1.5 subvoxels, was applied to the combined MRSI data to optimize the SRF and
return to the nominal resolution. Finally, a spectral transform was computed.
For the reconstruction, uncorrelated noise between coil elements was assumed
and no SENSE acceleration was used.
B0 Estimation: B0 field maps were obtained in three
different ways. (1) A high
resolution B0 field map was measured at the time of the acquisition,
using a standard double-echo gradient echo sequence. Furthermore, two maps were
extracted using the residual water signal in the standard-reconstructed (2) water-suppressed (WS) and (3) non-water suppressed (non-WS) EPSI
datasets, subsequently every slice was linearly interpolated to a ζ2=9
resolution (66x66x8 voxels). Under the assumption that the B0 field
variations are continuous and smooth, the interpolated maps can be used for
frequency shift correction at subvoxel level.
Results and Discussion
The acquired and the auto calibrated B
0 maps are shown in
Figure 1. For the region within the PRESS voxel the estimated B
maps were comparable to the one measured, as sufficient water signal and no
abrupt B
0 variations were present in the analyzed volume. In Figure
3, the increase in SNR
NAA for two different voxels of a reconstructed slice is
NAA was calculated as the ratio between the maximum of the real
NAA peak at 2ppm, versus the standard deviation of the signal at the negative
end of the ppm scale after baseline correction, considering all the voxels of
the reconstructed slice.
Additionally, a comparison between the frequency shift corrected spectra,
using the different extracted B
0 maps, is presented. The mean SNR
of the voxels in the ROI after the different reconstructions is shown in Figure
4. The largest increase in mean SNR
NAA was obtained with the reconstruction
using the estimated B
0 from the WS-EPSI dataset.
A target-driven overdiscrete reconstruction was applied to in-vivo 3D-EPSI
leading to a mean SNR
NAA increase of 1.7 to 2.8. The B
0 field map
extraction from the residual water signal in the EPSI dataset was proposed,
showing similar reconstruction results and avoiding the need of an extra B
measurement during the scanning protocol.
This work has been partly funded by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).References
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