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Accelerated High-Resolution Multidimensional 1H-MRSI Using Low-Rank Tensors
Chao Ma1, Fan Lam1, Qiegen Liu1, and Zhi-Pei Liang1,2

1Beckman Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States


Multidimensional spectroscopy increases spectral dispersion and enables accurate detection of more metabolites (e.g., Glu and GABA in 1H-MRSI of the brain) whose spectra largely overlap with other metabolites. However, the additional dimension of spectral information is obtained at the cost of increased data acquisition time, limiting the practical utility of in vivo multidimensional MRSI. This work presents a novel tensor-based approach to accelerated high-resolution multidimensional 1H-MRSI. The proposed method has been validated using phantom and in vivo J-resolved 2D 1H-MRSI experimental studies on a 3T scanner, producing encouraging results. The method should enhance the practical utility of multidimensional MRSI.


A fundamental limitation with the conventional one-dimensional (1D) proton MRSI (1H-MRSI) is that most of the detectable resonances lie in a small chemical shift range of approximately 4 ppm. As a result, the spectra of these metabolites often overlap with each other (e.g., Glu and GABA), making their accurate detection difficult. This limitation can be overcome by using multidimensional spectroscopy, e.g., two-dimensional (2D) J-resolved spectroscopy, where resonances are distributed in multidimensional spaces with increased spectral dispersion. However, the additional dimension of spectral information is obtained at the cost of increased data acquisition time, limiting its practical utility. Fast imaging sequences and compressed sensing based methods have been proposed to accelerate multidimensional 1H-MRSI.1-4 This work presents a novel tensor-based approach to accelerated high-resolution multidimensional 1H-MRSI.


To take advantage of data correlation in multiple dimensions for accelerated imaging, we represent multidimensional 1H-MRSI signals as high-order partially separable (HOPS) functions:5 ρ(x,t1,t2)=Ll=1Mm=1Nn=1clmnθl(x)ϕm(t1)ψn(t2),where {θl(x)}Ll=1, {ϕm(t1)}Mm=1, and {ψn(t2)}Nn=1 are basis functions that describe the variation of the spatiotemporal function ρ(x,t1,t2) along the spatial (x), indirect evolution (due to J-coupling, t1), and direct evolution (due to chemical shift, t2) axes, respectively, and {clmn}L,M,Nl,m,n=1 are the corresponding coefficients. Mathematically, the HOPS model can be viewed as low-rank tensors. In fact, after discretization, ρ(x,t1,t2) can be represented by an order-3 tensor in the Tucker form with a tensor rank (L,M,N).6

The HOPS model enables the use of special data acquisition schemes to sparsely sample (k,t1,t2)-space. An example is shown in Fig. 1. Two “training” datasets (Dt1 and Dt2) are acquired with limited k-space coverage for determining {ϕm(t1)}Mm=1 and {ψn(t2)}Nn=1, respectively. More specifically, Dt1 samples (k,t1,t2)-space densely along t1; and Dt2 samples (k,t1,t2)-space densely along t2 but sparsely along t1. A separate sparsely sampled “imaging” dataset (D2) with extend k-space coverage is acquired to recover the image function at high resolution.

In image reconstruction, we first estimate the subspace structure ({ϕm(t1)}Mm=1 and {ψn(t2)}Nn=1) explicitly from the “training” datasets. To determine {ϕm(t1)}Mm=1, a Casorati matrix is formed using the data in Dt1, in which the t1 coordinates of the measured data change with the rows. {ϕm(t1)}Mm=1 are then determined by calculating the left singular vectors of the Casorati matrix using SVD. {ψn(t2)}Nn=1 are determined similarly. The effects of B0 inhomogeneities are corrected before determining {ψn(t2)}Nn=1.7,8

Finally, {clmn}L,M,Nl,m,n=1 and {θl(x)}Ll=1 are determined by fitting the data in D2 using the estimated subspaces ({ˆϕm(t1)}Mm=1 and {ˆψn(t2)}Nn=1)min where \mathbf{s}_{2} contains the sparsely sampled data in D_2, \mathbf{F}_{B} is a Fourier encoding operator taking B_0 field inhomogeneity into account, the first regularization term is used to incorporate the prior knowledge of the spatial distributions of metabolites,8 and the second regularization term penalizes the sparsity of c_{lmn}.


The proposed method has been validated by performing 2D J-resolved EPSI 1H-MRSI experiments on both phantoms and healthy subjects (approved by our local IRB) using a 3T Siemens Trio scanner.

Figures 2 and 3 show the results from equivalent-time acquisitions on a phantom with 8 vials filled with solutions of NAA, Cr, Cho, mI, Glu, Gln, and GABA. In the proposed method, the D_{t_1} dataset was acquired with 6x12 spatial encodings, 20 TEs, and 256 echoes (0.78 ms echospacing); the D_{t_2} dataset was acquired using the same sequence with 10x12 spatial encodings and 8 TEs; and the D_2 dataset was acquired with 64x64 spatial encodings, 20 TEs, and 128 echoes (1.98 ms echospacing). The D_2 dataset was randomly undersampled in the (k,t_1) plane with a reduction factor of 4. The proposed method was compared with a low-resolution EPSI acquisition and the group sparsity method.3 As can been seen, the proposed method recovered the spatiospectral distribution of the phantom with both high resolution and SNR.

Figure 4 shows a set of in vivo results using the proposed method, demonstrating the promising capability of the proposed method in recovering a high-resolution, high-SNR multidimensional 1H-MRSI spatiospectral distribution. The data acquisition parameters were the same as in the phantom experiment. The nuisance signals were removed using the subspace-based method.9 The D_2 data were retrospectively undersampled after nuisance signal removal.


This paper presents a novel tensor-based method to achieve high-resolution multidimensional 1H-MRSI. The proposed method has been validated using phantom and in vivo experiments, producing encouraging results. It should enhance the practical utility of multidimensional 1H-MRSI.


This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health; Grants: NIH-1RO1-EB013695 and NIH-R21EB021013-01 and by Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship (C. M. and F. L.).


1. Kim DH, Henry R, et al., Fast multivoxel two-dimensional spectroscopic imaging at 3T. Magn. Reson. Imag. 2007;25:1155-1161.

2. Lipnick S, Verma G, et al. Echo planar correlated spectroscopic imaging: Implementation and pilot evaluation in human calf in vivo. Magn. Reson. Med. 2010;64:947-956.

3. Burns B, Wilson NE, et al., Non-uniformly under-sampled multi-dimensional spectroscopic imaging in vivo: Maximum entropy versus compressed sensing reconstruction. NMR Biomed. 2014; 27:191-201.

4. Wilson NE, Zohaib I, et al., Accelerated five-dimensional echo planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging: Implementation and pilot validation in human brain. Magn. Reson. Med. 2015. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25605

5. Liang ZP. Spatiotemporal imaging with partially separable functions. In Proc. IEEE ISBI, USA, 2007;988-991.

6. Tucker LR. Some mathematical notes on three-mode factor analysis. Psychometrika 1966;31:279-311.

7. Peng X, Nguyen H, et al., Correction of field inhomogeneity effects on limited k-space MRSI data using anatomical constraints. In Proc. IEEE EMBC, 2010;883-886.

8. Lam F and Liang ZP. A subspace approach to high-resolution spectroscopic imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 2014;71:1349-1357.

9. Ma C, Lam F, et al., Removal of nuisance signals from limited and sparse 1H MRSI data using a union-of-subspaces model. Magn. Reson. Med. 2015. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25635


Figure 1. Data acquisition scheme. Green plane: “Training” dataset Dt1. Red cross: “Training” dataset Dt2. Blue circle: Sparsely sampled “imaging” dataset D2.

Figure 2. NAA maps obtained from an equivalent-acquisition-time experiment on a phantom (20 TEs, ΔTE= 20ms). (a) Structural image. (b) 12x12 EPSI: 2 averages, 256 echoes, 0.78 ms echospacing. (b) 64x64 EPSI by the group sparsity method: reduction factor = 2.7, 128 echoes, 1.98 ms echospacing. (c) Proposed method.

Figure 3. Representative spectrum. (a) 12x12 EPSI. (b) 64x64 EPSI by the group sparsity method. (c) Proposed method. Top row: 1D spectrum at 20 ms TE. Bottom row: 2D J-resolved spectrum.

Figure 4. In vivo J-resolved 2D 1H-MRSI results obtained by the proposed method. (a) Structural image. (b) NAA map (3.8 mm x 3.8 mm x 10 mm nominal resolution). (c) Representative 1D spectrum at 20 ms TE. (d) Representative 2D spectrum.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)