Quantitative assessment of muscle metabolism and dynamics of oxygen consumption with vPIVOT
Erin Kristine Englund1, Zachary Bart Rodgers1, Michael C Langham2, Emile R Mohler3, Thomas F Floyd4, and Felix W Wehrli2

1Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Department of Anesthesiology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States


A method to simultaneously measure blood flow, perfusion, venous oxygen saturation, and muscle T2* using a 3-slice interleaved PASL, multi-echo GRE sequence is presented. The method, termed Velocity and Perfusion, Intravascular Venous Oxygen saturation and T2* (vPIVOT) was assessed in five subjects during a series of ischemia-reperfusion paradigms. Results indicate that vPIVOT faithfully measures all four parameters at 4-second temporal resolution. Dynamic measurement of these parameters was completed following a bout of dynamic plantar flexion contractions. vPIVOT allows for quantification of muscle oxygen consumption and evaluation of macro/microvascular flow dynamics, and may be useful for the development of biophysical models.


Peripheral vascular function and dynamics of muscle metabolism may be better understood by measuring the temporal relationship of blood flow and oxygen saturation in micro and macrovasculature1-7. Concurrent acquisition of perfusion, SvO2, T2*, and arterial blood flow would offer a comprehensive functional assessment of the peripheral vasculature, may allow for assessment of the specific contribution of macrovascular transit delays (versus primary impairment in microvascular reactivity), and would permit calculation of oxygen consumption ($$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$) via the Fick principle: $$$\dot{V}O_{2}=CaO_2∙flow∙(SaO_2-SvO_2 )$$$, where CaO2 is the arterial oxygen content. Thus, the purpose of this project was to develop a technique to dynamically and simultaneously measure flow in the macro and microvasculature, as well as oxygen saturation.

Sequence Description

Simultaneous measurement of perfusion, arterial blood flow, SvO2, and T2*, was achieved with a 3-slice interleaved sequence termed Velocity and Perfusion, Intravascular Venous Oxygen saturation and T2* (vPIVOT) (Figure 1). The traditional PIVOT sequence comprises a dual-slice acquisition scheme – in which a multi-echo GRE sequence acquires data at a slice downstream from the perfusion slice during the PASL post-labeling delay (PLD)4. Here, the framework of PIVOT was expanded to include an upstream velocity-encoded GRE sequence following the PASL EPI acquisition. Additional pulse sequence parameters are: PASL: Slice-selective or non-selective adiabatic inversion with PLD=942 ms, partial Fourier GRE-EPI, acquisition matrix=80×50 (reconstructed to 80×80), FOV=25×25 cm, slice thickness=10 mm, location=isocenter, TR/TE=2000/9 ms; Inferior location multi-echo GRE: acquisition matrix=96×24, FOV=96×96 mm, slice thickness=10 mm, slice location=3 cm distal, TR/TE1/TE2/TE3/TE4/TE5=38.1/3.8/7.0/12.3/19.3/26.3 ms, a=15°; Superior location velocity-encoded GRE: acquisition matrix=96×24, FOV=96×96 mm, slice thickness=5 mm, slice location=3-4 cm proximal, TR/TE1/TE2=20.0/6.0/9.7 ms, a=10°, VENC=120 cm/s. Both the superior and inferior GRE data were reconstructed to 96×96 via keyhole reconstruction8. All parameters are quantified at 4-second temporal resolution.

Experimental Methods

Imaging experiments were performed at 3T with an 8-ch Tx/Rx knee coil. To assess whether the sequence is unbiased in its measurement of each parameter, vPIVOT-derived perfusion, SvO2 and T2*, or SvO2 and flow were compared to those obtained with PIVOT, or a standard velocity-encoded multi-echo GRE (termed OxFlow), respectively. In 5 healthy subjects (4 male, 32.4±6.4 years old) who had previously provided consent, data were acquired with vPIVOT, PIVOT, and OxFlow throughout separate ischemia-reperfusion paradigms, each with 2 min baseline, 3 min occlusion, 4 min recovery. vPIVOT data were then acquired continuously throughout 2 minutes baseline, 2 minutes of resisted dynamic plantar flexion contractions (6 watts) using a custom-built MRI-compatible ergometer, and 8 minutes recovery. Muscle volume was quantified from a 3D SSFP-echo acquisition.

Data Analysis

Respective quantification methods were used to compute popliteal artery flow, gastrocnemius perfusion9, popliteal vein and posterior tibial vein SvO210, and soleus muscle T2*, and ischemia-reperfusion time courses were parameterized to provide response timing and magnitude4. $$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$ was quantified for the exercise scan using either arterial flow (normalized to muscle mass) or perfusion. For both, SaO2 was assumed to be 100%, and average SvO2 was calculated from superior and inferior GRE acquisitions.


In Figure 2 the average ischemia-reperfusion time courses for blood flow, perfusion, SvO2, and T2* obtained with the various methods are compared. No significant differences in any of the time course metrics were detected between vPIVOT and PIVOT or OxFlow. Figure 3 shows the average vPIVOT-derived parameters during the dynamic exercise paradigm. Figure 4 shows the average perfusion response to exercise in each of the muscles in the leg. $$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$ was quantified based on perfusion or arterial flow and average results are displayed in Figure 5. The total integrated $$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$ response is very similar when comparing $$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$ calculated with perfusion or arterial flow, however the response dynamics differ substantially.


Slice thickness and flip angle were reduced in the superior GRE acquisition to minimize its potential impact on the quantification of perfusion. Results in Figure 3 show that vPIVOT is sensitive to the changes in oxygen saturation and microvascular and macrovascular blood flow during the transition from exercise to rest, known as the off-kinetics of exercise. Plantar flexion contraction recruits the posterior compartment of the leg, which comprises the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Perfusion data in Figure 4 shows hyperperfusion in the gastrocnemius, with a slight increase in the soleus, however no activation was observed in the anterior compartment. The relationship between micro and macrovascular blood flow differs substantially between post-ischemia reactive hyperemia and post-exercise active hyperemia. This may be due to the difference in oxygen demand of the tissue, which does not increase in reactive hyperemia11.


vPIVOT can be used to quantify $$$\dot{V}O_{2}$$$ dynamics and may be useful in separating the microvascular and macrovascular contributions to the hyperemic response.


This work was supported by an award from the American Heart Association and NIH Grants R01 HL075649 and HL109545.


[1] Mathewson, et al. MRM 2015; [2] Jie, et al. MRM 2014; [3] Elder, et al. JAP 2011; [4] Englund, et al. JCMR 2013; [5] Englund, et al. ISMRM 2014; [6] Bashir, et al. ISMRM 2015; [7] Zhang, et al. ISMRM 2015; [8] Van Vaals, et al. JMRI 2005; [9] Raynaud, et al. MRM 2001; [10] Fernandez-Seara, et al. MRM 2006; [11] Brillault-Salvat, et al. NMR in Biomed 1997.


Figure 1. vPIVOT pulse sequence diagram. Multi-echo GRE data are acquired downstream from the PASL slice location during the PLD. After the perfusion EPI acquisition, a velocity-encoded GRE acquires data superior to the PASL slice location. Temporal resolution for all quantified parameters is 4 seconds.

Figure 2. Averaged across all five subjects, vPIVOT reactive hyperemia data are compared to OxFlow-derived flow and SvO2, and PIVOT-derived perfusion and T2*. Grey box indicates period of arterial occlusion and error bars indicate standard error. No significant differences existed between any of the quantified time course metrics.

Frigure 3. Average vPIVOT data from the dynamic exercise protocol. Flow peaked and recovered rather quickly, while perfusion continued to increase for almost two minutes after exercise. The SvO2 and T2* responses show a similar pattern: SvO2 normalizes back to its approximate baseline quickly, while the T2* response is prolonged.

Figure 4. Average exercise vPIVOT-derived perfusion data for individual muscles. Plantar flexion contraction recruits muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg, comprising gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Hyperperfusion in these two muscles, primarily in the gastrocnemius is observed. No substantial response is detected in the muscles of the anterior compartment.

Figure 5. VO2 was calculated via the Fick principle using perfusion or arterial flow, and averaged over the 5 subjects. The integrated post-exercise response is similar (Net VO2,flow=24 mLO2/100g, Net VO2,perfusion=25 mLO2/100g), however the dynamics differ. As perfusion represents local flow, it's proposed as the preferred measure for muscle VO2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)