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Assessment of meniscus with adiabatic T1ρ and T2ρ in asymptomatic subjects and patients with early osteoarthritis: Oulu knee osteoarthritis study
Abdul Wahed Kajabi1,2,3, Victor Casula2,3, Arttu Peuna2,3,4, Simo Saarakkala2,5, Eveliina Lammentausta3,4, Ali Guermazi6, and Miika T. Nieminen2,3,4

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Research Unit of Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 3Medical Research Center, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 5Department of Medical Technology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 6Department of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine, MA, MA, United States


Evaluation of meniscal degeneration in asymptomatic subjects and patients with early osteoarthritis (KL = 1,2) was performed using adiabatic T1ρ and T2ρ (AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ, respectively) measurements in sagittal plane. Menisci of all subjects were also evaluated using semiquantitative MRI OA Knee Score (MOAKS). The results show that the length of AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ is directly related to clinical symptoms and the severity of meniscal degeneration. AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ may provide a non-invasive means of detecting and monitoring degenerative changes in the meniscus.


To evaluate early meniscal degeneration in asymptomatic healthy subjects and patients with early osteoarthritis (OA) using AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ measurements.


Quantitative assessment of meniscus was performed using a 3 T clinical system (Siemens Skyra) in combination with a 15 channel knee coil (for signal transmission/reception) with AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ mapping technique1 in 17 asymptomatic volunteers and 17 subjects with early radiographic OA (KL = 1,2). The cohorts were matched for sex and age. Sagittal images of the knee were acquired using a preparation block consisting of a train of 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 adiabatic fast passages (AFP) hyperbolic secant pulses (pulse duration = 6 ms) of the HSn family, here HS4; followed by a gradient recalled echo (FLASH) readout (Table 1). For AdT2ρ, the AFP pulses were placed between two adiabatic half passage pulses (AHP). The RF peak amplitude for both AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ was γB1max = 800 Hz. Adiabatic longitudinal and transverse relaxation time constants in rotating frame ( AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ ) were calculated by mono-exponential fitting of the signal intensity decay on a pixel-by-pixel basis in four different regions of interest (ROIs): anterior horn medial (AHMED), posterior horn medial (PHMED), anterior horn lateral (AHLAT), and posterior horn lateral (PHLAT), (Fig.1 and Fig.2). MRI of all the subjects were assessed by an experienced radiologist (A.G.) and scored using MOAKS2. Proton density (PD) turbo spin echo (TSE) coronal, PD 3D-TSE (SPACE) fat-suppressed (FS) sagittal, and T1 TSE coronal (Table 1) were used for MOAKS assessment.

The prevalence of meniscal degeneration in all subjects was assessed for each compartment of the meniscus in two steps. First, AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ relaxation times were directly used to assess meniscal degeneration in volunteers and patients. Second, they were used to assess meniscal lesion based on meniscus MOAKS scores as ‘no lesion’ (meniscus MOAKS = 0) and ‘lesion’ (meniscus MOAKS > 0) independent of their symptoms and KL. The segmentation was carried out using in-house developed MATLAB application (Mathworks, Natick, MA), and the statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software (IBM SPSS Statistics, New York, USA).


Stratifying the data by asymptomatic subjects and patients yielded statistically different AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ relaxation times for PHMED. Both AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ in PHMED of patients were longer than their respective asymptomatic compartments (Fig.3) (p = 0.007 for AdT1ρ, p = 0.005 for AdT2ρ). Furthermore, AdT1ρ in PHLAT of patients was statistically significantly longer (p = 0.006) than the respective asymptomatic compartment. There was a trend for longer AdT2ρ in AHLAT of patients as compared to their respective asymptomatic compartments (p = 0.058).

Classifying the subjects based on meniscus MOAKS scores produced statistically significant difference in AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ. Similarly, both AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ of PHMED with lesion were longer than their relevant compartments with no lesion (Fig.4), (p < 0.001 for AdT1ρ, p = 0.011 for AdT2ρ). Moreover, AdT1ρ value of AHLAT with lesion was longer than its relevant compartment with no lesion (p = 0.023).

In summary, a significant difference in AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ was found for PHMED considering both of the assessment steps.


Our findings indicate that AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ measurements could not only distinguish meniscal degeneration in subjects with clinical symptoms but could also distinguish the lesion in subjects clinically assessed by radiologists. The length of AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ was directly related to the severity of meniscal degeneration.

The significant difference in AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ for PHMED was consistent in all our assessments. The longer values of AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ for patients and subjects with lesion indicate the severity of meniscal degeneration in PHMED, which is consistent with findings of others3,4. Fithian et al. found that the posterior two-third of the medial meniscus the collagen fibers were orientated obliquely with respect to each other, while in the rest of meniscal tissue the fibers were highly orientated in the circumferential direction. During load transmission the posterior two-thirds of the medial meniscus may interrupt the circumferential fiber orientation causing over circumferential tension and might explain the higher prevalence of lesion in PHMED5.


This study reports that AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ measurements have significant implication for early detection of meniscal lesion and provides a non-invasive means of detecting and monitoring the degenerative changes in the meniscus, which is associated with progression of osteoarthritis6.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: MR images of medial meniscus. ROIs show AHMED and PHMED in asymptomatic volunteers (A, C) and patients (B, D). The color bar indicates the respective relaxation times.

Figure 2: MR images of lateral meniscus. ROIs show AHLAT and PHLAT in asymptomatic volunteers (A, C) and patients (B, D). The color bar indicates the gradation of relaxation measurements.

Figure 3: ROIs versus AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ of asymptomatic (ASYM) subjects (n = 17) and patients (n = 17). Significant difference between asymptomatic subjects and their respective patients ROIs are marked with black lines over the box bar.

Figure 4: ROIs versus AdT1ρ and AdT2ρ of subjects with no lesion (n = 16) and lesion (n = 18). Significant difference between no lesion subjects and their respective lesion ROIs are marked with black lines over the box bar.

Table 1: MRI sequence parameters (sag = sagittal; cor = coronal; TH = Slice thickness).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)