Alexey V. Dimov1,2, Zhe Liu1,2, Pascal Spincemaille2, and Yi Wang1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States, 2Radiology Department, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States
quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) using standard IDEAL fat water/signal
model often suffers from erroneous labeling of water component. We propose a
new field estimation approach incorporating the negligible T2* decay of fat compared
to bone water signal, and modeling fat with multiple spectral peaks. This tissue
specific R2* multi-peak signal allows
robust field mapping from radial ultra-short TE gradient echo data, enabling in
vivo bone QSM with consistent high quality.Target audience
Researchers interested in
quantitative susceptibility mapping of bone.
QSM promises to image calcified minerals
in bone, but it is challenging, because bone has rapid T2*(~0.2 ms) signal decay
that typically cannot be acquired in standard Cartesian acquisitions (TE
2ms). Recently, bone QSM was shown to be
feasible using ultra-short echo time radial gradient echo sequences (UTE) [1]. However,
in vivo bone QSM remains challenging, as inconsistent field mapping in the presence
of rapidly decaying signal and bone marrow fat often causes erroneous susceptibility
in cortical bone.
Here we present a robust field
mapping in bone based on a realistic biophysical model for fat signal evolution
incorporating multiple spectral peaks and negligible T2* decay in UTE. This
corrects the prior model for fat signal that assumed single spectral peak and same
T2* decay as water within the voxel, enabling robust bone QSM in clinically applicable
acquisition times for assessing bone mineralization without the use of ionizing
Pulse sequence design: A 3D
radial UTE sequence was implemented on a 3T scanner (16.0 GE, Waukesha, WI) [2].
The sequence used a nonselective hard pulse to achieve volumetric excitations
and two readouts per TR to accelerate acquisition.
Imaging: 4
echoes were acquired with the following scan parameters: FA = 15, FOV = 18 cm,
35000 radial projections, TR = 14 ms, TE = 0.04, 0.24, 3.0, 4.0 ms.
Non-isotropic voxel size (0.7×0.7×1.4 mm)
was used to increase SNR. Total acquisition time was 12 minutes without
Reconstruction: For
comparison, field estimation was done using standard R2*-IDEAL [3], multi-peak
R2*-IDEAL [4] and a tissue dependent R2* multi-peak fat/water decomposition assuming
the following signal equation:s(→r,t)=(ρw(→r)e−R∗2wt+ρf(→r)∑nαf,ne−i2πff,nt)⋅e−i2πfs(→r)t
Here ρw and ρf are the complex amplitudes of water and fat signals originating form the the voxel →r at time t=0, R∗2w is the water signal decay rate, αf,n is the relative amplitude of nth peak in chemical spectrum of fat [4], ff,n is its resonant frequency shift, and fs is the total spatially varying field induced by all susceptibility sources.
The structure of this equation reflects
the fact that bone water is the only species that experiences significant decay
by the time of the last echo (4ms). Although possible, introduction of the
additional parameter to model R2* effects in fat would increase overall complexity
of the problem, making it more sensitive
to noise [5].
Experiments: Multiple
body regions (knees and wrist ) were imaged in 5 healthy volunteers and the acquired
data was processed using the proposed technique.
QSM reconstruction using the
proposed method was successful in all cases. Comparison of field maps estimated
with different techniques and corresponding calculated susceptibility
distributions are shown in Fig 1. Systematic overestimations of the fat
fraction within bone and tendon areas were observed in maps calculated using conventional
estimators. These errors manifested themselves in field and, subsequently,
susceptibility maps, leading to significant error in bone and tendon
susceptibility values.
Table 1 summarizes results of
volunteer scans, showing good intra- and inter-subject agreement of bone
susceptibility values (-1.55±0.17 ppm). Fig.2 shows a thin-slice (5 mm) minIP
of susceptibility map reconstructed for a knee (left) and wrist (right).
Correct estimation of the
susceptibility field map is a crucial step in quantitative susceptibility
mapping. Field mapping from rapidly decaying signals of bone is challenging. Water
fat separation using standard IDEAL signal models that assign same T2* to both
water and fat species leads to erroneous labeling of the water component in the
cortical bone (1st -3rd columns vs 5th column
in Fig.1). Modeling bone marrow fat with negligible R2* and rapid R2* decay of
water dispersed in the calcified matrix more accurately reflects local tissue
physics. Also important is that fat inside cortical bone consists of multiple
spectral peaks, as suggested by our experimental data (4th vs 5th
columns in Fig.1).
Accordingly, our proposed signal model using the
tissue specific T2* and multi-peak fat spectrum corrects errors in the standard
IDEAL, allowing robust water/fat separation, accurate field estimation resulting
in improvements bone QSM (Fig.2, Table 1).
QSM using tissue specific R2* and a multi-peak fat spectrum allows robust field
estimation and enables consistently higher bone QSM image quality.
We acknowledge support from NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464References
Dimov A. et al, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23 (2015), #0938;
[2] Liu Z.
et al, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23 (2015), #4188;
[3] Yu H. et al,
JMRI, 2007 Oct;26(4)1153-1161. doi: 10.1002/jmri.21090;
[4] Yu H. et al, MRM,
2008 Nov;60(5)1122-1134. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21737;
[5] Hernando D. et al, Proc.
Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 18 (2010), #5095.