Tydus Thai1, William Haufe1, Yesenia Covarrubias1, Alexandria Schlein1, Curtis N. Wiens2, Alan McMillan2, Nathan S. Artz2,3, Rashmi Agni4, Michael Peterson5, Luke Funk6, Guilherme M. Campos7, Jacob Greenberg6, Santiago Horgan8, Garth Jacobson8, Tanya Wolfson1, Jeffrey Schwimmer9, Scott Reeder2,10,11,12,13, and Claude Sirlin1
1Liver Imaging Group, Radiology, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 4Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 5Western Washington Pathology and Multicare Health System, Tacoma, WA, United States, 6Surgery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 7Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States, 8Surgery, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 9Pediatrics, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 10Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 11Biomedical Engineering, Madison, WI, United States, 12Medicine, Madison, WI, United States, 13Emergency Medicine, Madison, WI, United States
purpose of this prospective cross-sectional study was to determine the accuracy
of optimal MRI-M- and MRI-C-determined PDFF thresholds for diagnosis of hepatic steatosis using
contemporaneous histology as reference in obese adults without previously known
NAFLD. The excellent performance
parameters of the Youden-index PDFF thresholds for MRI-M and MRI-C (5.3% and 7.7%,
respectively) further support the use of these techniques for the quantitative
and non-invasive diagnosis of HS. If validated by additional prospective
studies, these PDFF thresholds could be used for diagnosing HS in obese adults
and complex-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques (MRI-M and MRI-C,
respectively) were developed to estimate the proton density fat fraction (PDFF),
a quantitative biomarker for liver fat content. Some studies have shown that
PDFF closely correlates with histologically-determined hepatic steatosis (HS)
grades and have suggested that it can be used to diagnose HS.1-5 A recently published MRI-M-based PDFF
threshold of 6.4% had 86% sensitivity and 83% specificity to diagnose HS.2
While these results suggest that PDFF can diagnose HS accurately, that study
had limitations. The cohort included only patients with known or suspected
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). At biopsy, HS was absent in only 7%
of patients, which caused the confidence intervals (CIs) for the specificity
estimate to be wide (95% CI: 36, 100). The enrichment with patients with known
NAFLD may have also altered the optimal diagnostic threshold and reduced study
generalizability. Finally, the study did not include MRI-C.
the primary aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of optimal MRI-M-
and MRI-C-determined PDFF thresholds for diagnosis of HS using contemporaneous histology
as reference in obese adults without previously known NAFLD. This cohort was
selected because it represents an at-risk population in which PDFF may be a beneficial
biomarker for non-invasive diagnosis. A secondary aim was to compare the
performance characteristics of MRI-M and MRI-C.
This was
an IRB-approved, HIPAA-compliant, cross sectional analysis of patients enrolled
in a prospective, longitudinal, dual-center study of obese adults undergoing
clinical care weight loss surgery. The analysis focused on MRI exams performed
immediately before surgery, since intraoperative biopsy served as reference.
MRI-M and MRI-C were performed at 3T (GE Healthcare) and used to calculate
liver PDFF. As described previously,6-9 these advanced MRI techniques estimate
PDFF by minimizing T1 bias, permitting fat-water separation while correcting
for T2* decay, and using a multipeak spectral model to account for the
multifrequency interference effects of triglyceride protons. Additionally,10-11
MRI-C corrects for eddy currents and noise-related bias.
analysis, regions of interest were placed at Couinaud liver segments 2-9 on
source images and later propagated onto PDFF maps. PDFF values from the
segments were averaged for each patient and technique.
Biopsy specimens
were scored for HS based on the Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research
Network scoring system.12
histology-determined presence of HS as reference, receiver operator
characteristic (ROC) analyses and bootstrapped-based pairwise tests were
performed to calculate and compare the area under the ROC curve (AUC) for the
two MRI techniques as well as the Youden-index diagnostic PDFF thresholds and
their associated performance parameters.
study included 65 patients (55 female, 10 male, mean age 49.2, mean BMI at MRI
40.9). 44 patients (67%) had histology-confirmed HS.
1 illustrates MRI-M and MRI-C PDFF maps in representative patients with and
without HS. As shown in Figure 2, both techniques had high AUCs.
summarized in Table 1, the Youden-index MRI-M PDFF threshold of 5.3% had a
sensitivity of 0.909 (95% CI: 0.783, 0.975) and specificity of 0.905 (95% CI:
0.696, 0.988). This threshold misclassified 6 out of 65 patients (4 false
negatives and 2 false positives). The Youden-index MRI-C PDFF threshold of 7.7%
had a sensitivity of 0.773 (95% CI: 0.622, 0.885) and specificity of 0.952 (95%
CI: 0.762, 0.999). This threshold misclassified eleven patients (10 false
negatives and 1 false positive).
2 summarizes results from the bootstrapped-based comparisons of four
performance characteristics (AUC, sensitivity, specificity, and total accuracy).
Differences among the parameters were statistically insignificant except for
AUC in which MRI-M had a borderline significantly higher value (p-value = 0.05).
In a population of obese adults without previously known
NAFLD, both MRI-M and MRI-C demonstrated excellent accuracy (AUC ≥ 0.93) in differentiating
those with versus without HS. The optimal PDFF thresholds for the two
techniques provided moderate-to-high sensitivity and high specificity for
detecting HS. The optimal threshold for MRI-M was 2% lower than that for MRI-C,
in keeping with prior reports that MRI-M tends to slightly underestimate PDFF
compared to MRI-C.
13 Some MRI-histology misclassifications conceivably
could be attributable to sampling variability and interpretation subjectivity
of the histology reference standard.
This study further supports the use of MRI-M and MRI-C instead
of biopsy and histological analysis for diagnosing HS. Since the study cohort
was not enriched with patients with known NAFLD, the PDFF thresholds in this
study may be more applicable for diagnosing HS in the general at-risk
population. The optimal thresholds for MRI-M and MRI-C are similar but not
Supported by R01 DK088925References
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