Head motion tracking and correction using discrete off-resonance markers (trackDOTS) for high-resolution anatomical imaging at 7T
João Jorge1, Daniel Gallichan2, and José P Marques3

1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Biomedical Imaging Research Center, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Donders Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


High-resolution imaging can be significantly affected by subject head motion. Here, we demonstrate the use of discrete off-resonance MR markers (“trackDOTS”) in head motion tracking and correction, for high-resolution anatomical imaging. This approach relies on fast 1D-projection acquisitions (under 50ms per measurement) which do not disturb the water signal. These measurements were incorporated in an MP2RAGE sequence, and a 0.6mm isotropic resolution image was acquired from a healthy subject. Motion timecourses estimated from the trackDOTS positions matched concomitant estimations performed with FatNavs (with deviations of 0.09±0.08mm for translations and 0.20°±0.19° for rotations); MP2RAGE image quality was visibly improved upon correction.


High-resolution imaging at high fields (0.4-0.7mm isotropic) is typically acquired in over 10 minutes, after which even a very cooperative subject is expected to have moved on the order of 1-2 mm. Various motion tracking approaches have been proposed, such as image and k-space navigators1, or motion tracking with external devices2. MR-based methods avoid the need for additional hardware and synchronization, but tend to affect sequence timings and/or disturb the image contrast. Here, we demonstrate the ability to track Discrete Off-resonance MR markers with Three Spokes (“trackDOTS”)3 for retrospective motion correction in high-resolution anatomical imaging. This approach allows fast motion tracking (under 50ms per measurement) with negligible impact on the water signal.


A healthy subject was scanned on a 7T MRI scanner (Siemens) with a 32ch RF coil (Nova Medical), while wearing an adapted EEG cap fitted with 12 trackDOTS (Fig.1a). A high-resolution MP2RAGE sequence4 was acquired, interleaved with trackDOTS-selective 1D projections for motion tracking. Post-acquisition, motion parameter timecourses were estimated based on the projections, and used to realign the MP2RAGE k-space planes.

TrackDOTS: the 12 markers were 8mm-diameter hollow PEEK spheres (Fig.1b) filled with acetic acid doped with MnCl. One of the two acetic acid proton resonances peaks at 11.6ppm (the farthest from water and subcutaneous fat), and was chosen for the trackDOTS-selective excitations.

Image acquisition: initially, two quick 3D GRE images were acquired: a water image (TR/TE=3.5/1.5ms, α=5°, iPAT=4, res=3.5×3.5×1.75mm, acq.time=8.3s), and a trackDOTS-selective image (excitation freq. offset=2000Hz, TR/TE=10.0/3.1ms, α=10°, iPAT=8, res=1.75×1.75×1.75mm, acq.time=20s). The MP2RAGE was then applied (TR/TE/TI1/TI2=6000/4.94/800/2700ms, α12=7°/5°, iPAT=3, res=0.6×0.6×0.6mm, acq.time=10min). This sequence was modified with two additional blocks before each inversion pulse: a FatNav block to track the head position based on fat-selective excitation5 (to be used as ground truth), and a “DotNav” block to measure the trackDOTS (Fig.1c). The DotNav comprised 3 orthogonal projections along the x, y and z-axes (freq. offset=2000Hz, TR/TE=15.0/3.1ms, α=30°, res=1.75mm, acq.time=45ms); “pre-phaser” gradients were also applied to give a modulation of π radians across one marker diameter, mitigating off-resonance contributions from larger structures.

Motion estimation and correction: the trackDOTS-selective 3D-GRE image was used for an initial identification of marker positions. Based on these positions, the water GRE image was used to optimize 12 coil combinations yielding the highest sensitivity to each marker (and the region within a 26mm radius) while suppressing the other regions. These combinations were then applied to the DotNav projections from the MP2RAGE, creating 12 marker-specific x, y and z-projections per time point. For each projection, the signal maximum was localized near the initial position (from the GRE), and the signal was integrated over an 8mm window to find its center of mass. Poor-quality projections (low peak amplitude/high signal contamination) were excluded from the set. To estimate head motion at each point t, 3 rotation and 3 translation parameters were defined in a 3×4 registration matrix Mt, mapping positions from a reference set of markers P0 to the positions at point t, Pt. P0 was created with the initial positions in the GRE, for which all coordinates were reliably known. With this choice, the minimization of Pt - Mt P0 allowed the use of partial marker coordinates, maximizing the available information. The estimated translations and rotations were then applied to each k-space plane of the MP2RAGE, and corrected images were reconstructed via NUFFT5.


The optimized coil combinations demonstrated visibly higher specificity than when using the nearest coil (Fig.2a). The pre-phasers also proved beneficial to reduce signal contaminations in the projections, as observed in a separate experiment (Fig.2b). As expected, phase profiles with periods below 16mm (the value used for the DotNavs) would have lead to a reduction in the marker signals as well, despite the extended artifact suppression. The DotNav projections yielded 18–24 reliable projection peaks per time point. The DotNav motion timecourses (45ms per measurement) followed very similar trends to the ground-truth given by the FatNavs (1.2s per measurement) (Fig.3), with an average absolute deviation between the two of 0.09±0.08mm (translations) and 0.20°±0.19° (rotations). After reconstruction, the motion-corrected images were clearly superior in quality to the uncorrected image, with visibly sharper features along the cortical surface and ventricles (Fig.4).


The use of discrete off-resonance markers is suitable for head motion tracking during structural MRI acquisitions, and can significantly improve the quality of motion-corrupted high-resolution anatomical images. Additional trackDOTS measurements could still be incorporated in the MP2RAGE for tracking closer to the actual data acquisition (ex: between the two GRE readouts), for further improvements. Future work will also explore trackDOTS-based dynamic shimming in long-TE GRE acquisitions.


This work was in part supported by the Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) of the EPFL, UNIL, UNIGE, HUG, CHUV and the Leenards and Jeantet Foundations, as well as SNSF project number 205321-153564.


(1) White et al., MRM 2010. (2) Maclaren et al. MRM 2013. (3) Marques et al., Proc. ISMRM 2014. (4) Marques et al., NeuroImage 2010. (5) Gallichan et al., MRM 2015.


a) On-scanner head surface reconstruction showing the distribution of trackDOTS across the head. b) The PEEK spherical shell enclosing each marker, to be filled with acetic acid doped with MnCl. c) The modified MP2RAGE sequence with a FatNav and a DotNav block preceding each inversion pulse.

a) Optimizing coil combinations to isolate the signal of each marker from the remaining markers, in two examples. b) The impact of the pre-phaser step in two example projections; imposing higher spatial frequencies leads to a stronger suppression of contaminants (non-phased projection shown in grey) – data from a separate experiment.

Head translation and rotation timecourses estimated with DotNav or FatNav signals. The correlation between the two estimates is also shown.

Reconstructed MP2RAGE images with and without motion correction (in k-space), using either DotNav or FatNav motion information.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)