Patrick Hucker1, Michael Dacko1, Michael Herbst2, Ben Knowles1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology · Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, United States
A compact solution for phase calculation due to arbitrary rigid body motion based on screw theory is presented. The proposed approach allows for rapid and quantitatively accurate calculations of the phase induced by the switching magnetic field gradients using motion tracking information e.g. from a motion tracking camera. The ability of predicting phase accumulation due to motion in presence of gradients is instrumental for achieving better correction of the motion-induced data inconsistencies for MR pulse sequences with extended signal preparation or readout periods.Purpose
Prospective motion correction is
typically performed by re-adjusting the slice position and
orientation data once per TR prior to the RF excitation. However, for
sequences with an extended signal preparation as
diffusion-weighted imaging
1,2 or with long trains of refocusing
pulses as 3D-T2-weighted imaging (aka SPACE)
3, a single
correction per TR may become insufficient. In such cases it is
essential to compensate for the additional phase
accumulated due to motion in presence of signal weighting or imaging
gradients. Especially for multi-pulse experiments it is crucial that
these predictions remain accurate and quantitative for arbitrary
combinations of translations and rotations. In this work we present a
compact and elegant approach to perform such calculations, based on
the rigid body kinematics.
According to Mozzi-Chasle's theorem,
any rigid-body displacement can be represented as a
combination of a translation along a line combined with a rotation
around that same line, termed the screw axis. This screw motion
between two rigid body poses describes uniquely a trajectory with a
constant translational velocity along and a constant
angular velocity about the screw axis. The displacement of all spins inside
this rigid body during motion can be described by two vectors:
parallel and tangential to the screw axis. Generally a combination of the two motions has to be considered,
which can be decoupled because of the orthogonality of the
translational and tangential motions of the spins.
For any complex MR pulse sequence,
an arbitrary combination of gradients still results in a single
gradient of an appropriate direction and a magnitude. To describe its
effect it is convenient to decompose this gradient into two
components: parallel and orthogonal to the screw axis. Due to the
orthogonality of the corresponding displacements the parallel
component will only interfere with the linear velocity, whereas the
orthogonal with the angular, respectively.
The orthogonal movement of very
voxel in can be described as:
and parallel:
with: r
as radius of the rotation, ω
as rotation speed, β an angle-offset to define the start
position on the circle, xrotaxis, yrotaxis the
rotation-point in xy-plane. The variables that are varying between
voxel are only: r, β and z0. Using these two
equations it is trivial to calculate the phase, as it is the
integration over the circular motion and the translation along the
can then be integrated and gives the phase produced by this part.
ϕpar=∫t1t0Ppar(t)⋅Gpardx the
z-component, afterwards: ϕtotal=ϕorth+ϕpar.
Our first experiment was conducted to verify that the screw interpolation appropriately describes true motion of a subject’s head. This was performed by measuring the head position every 12.5ms using a Moiré phase tracking (MPT) system. The screw interpolation was verified by interpolating between every 10th position and comparing the interpolated positions to the true positions recorded.
The second experiment was performed with a rotation phantom (shown in Figure 1), using a velocity-compensated GRE sequence with an additional bipolar pulse in phase encoding or readout direction, introduced between the excitation and readout. The MPT system was used to record the phantom pose at specific time points within the sequence. These data were used to predict the phase using a simulation in Matlab (The Mathworks, USA based on the formulas above.
Results and Discussion
The quality of the screw
interpolation from the first experiment was measured by calculating
the errors of two trivial motion patterns: nodding and shaking of the
head. The error of the interpolated data is shown in Table 1.
The observed errors are comparable
to the noise of the MPT system. The screw interpolation is therefore
appropriate, especially when even shorter time periods are
considered, e.g. between the optical frames.
The data of the second experiment
were acquired with the rotating phantom inside an MRI scanner, with
the slice positioned as in Figure 1. Figure
shows the measured phase with different bipolar gradients and the
results of the simulation. Eddy current induced artifacts were
subtracted by imaging a stationary phantom.
The measured phase and the simulated
phase have the same phase-wraps and as shown in Table 2,
similar phase gradients. The new method to calculate the phase with
an analytical integration over the screw motion is in good agreement
with the experimental measurement.
With the accurate and fast prediction of the phase changes, methods to compensate for arbitrary rigid body motion in sequences with extended signal preparation periods can be developed. The proposed algorithm is fast enough to be used for real-time motion correction in sequences such as T2-SPACE or SPACE-FLAIR, sequences of high clinical importance.
This work is funded by NIH grant 2R01DA021146References
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