Martin Eschelbach1, Alexander Loktyushin1, Paul Chang1,2, Jonas Handwerker3, Jens Anders3, Anke Henning1,4, Axel Thielscher1,5,6, and Klaus Scheffler1,7
1High Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute for biol. Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2IMPRS for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 3Institute of Microelectronics, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 4Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 5Univ Copenhagen, Hvidovre Hosp, Danish Res Ctr Magnet Resonance, Hvidovre, Denmark, 6Tech Univ Denmark, Biomed Engn Sect, Lyngby, Denmark, 7Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
The goal of this study is to evaluate
and compare motion tracking with two different modalities: NMR field probes and
an optical MPT (Moiré Phase Tracking) camera system. This was done by
simultaneously measuring the manually induced motion of a spherical phantom
with both systems. Our experimental results indicate that the motion patterns
measured with both methods are in good agreement. However, the accuracy of the motion
estimates from the field probe measurements are of an order of magnitude worse
than the camera's tracking results.Introduction
Especially at high
magnetic field strengths, subject motion is becoming a limiting factor for
reaching the theoretically possible high resolutions of medical images,
particularly in long scans. Several methods were proposed to address this
1 In this work, motion is tracked using NMR field probes, in a setup
similar to
2. This approach to motion tracking was so far only evaluated by
assessing the quality of prospectively corrected images.
3 In this study we
used field probes to measure the motion of a phantom, and compared the
estimated motion parameters against the trajectories obtained with a high
accuracy optical tracking camera system.
The NMR field
probes use Hexafluorobenzene (C6F6) as an NMR active liquid.
The probes are connected to a tuning matching board and are excited by a
custom-built transmit/receive-chain based on microelectronic components
assembled onto a PCB board.4 The signals are demodulated on the PCB board
inside the scanner bore and transmitted to and from the board via a shielded
Ethernet cable. The demodulated signal is filtered and then digitized at a
sampling rate of 500 kS/s using a commercial ADC (NI PCIe-6363, National
Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). Due to the external hardware, the setup does not occupy any
channels of the MR Scanner as, for example, is the case in 1.
The optical camera system that we used is a commercially
available system (KinetiCor Inc, HI, USA) that uses a single Moiré Phase
Tracking (MPT) marker for measuring motion .5 The measurements were carried
out with a 9.4 T human MRI scanner (Siemens Magnetom). The position of each
probe was determined via 3 block gradients along each axis (5 mT/m, 0.5 ms).
The phase φ of the field probe signal was used to determine the field strength
using the following equation
The acquired phases were corrected
for their respective B0 offset.
For the motion measurement, four field
probes were attached to a custom-made bite bar (s. Figure 1) together with the MPT marker.
The bite bar was then attached to a spherical phantom. Motion was induced
manually, using a long non-magnetic rod attached to the phantom. 2640
measurements were taken, using a repetition time (TR) of 50 ms. To measure the
stability and accuracy of the position measurement of both systems, an
additional measurement was taken without any induced motion.
used a Newton’s Method regression algorithm to correct the measured field probe
positions for errors due to gradient nonlinearities. The previously measured 6 spherical harmonics coefficients up to the 4th order were used for
finding the actual positions. The
translations were calculated from the centroid of the probes’ positions and the
x-y-z pose of the MPT marker respectively. Rotations were calculated in respect
to the isocenter in both tracking modalities using a modified version of the
Kabsch algorithm 7.
The accuracy measurements of translations in the
absence of induced motion yielded a standard deviation of σx,y,z
= [6.6
µm, 2.12 µm, 4.7 µm] for the MPT system and σx,y,z = [59.9 µm, 63.8 µm, 54.2 µm] for the field
probes. The standard deviations for the rotations (in Euler
angles) were σrx,ry,rz = [0.0062°, 0.0081°, 0.0059°] for the camera and σrx,ry,rz = [0.031°, 0.021°, 0.027°] for the field probe
Figure 2 shows the comparison of the motion
trajectories measured with both modalities.
Discussion and Conclusion
For both
tracking modalities the timing of the motion onsets and directions match well.
For translational motion, the amplitudes are in close agreement. Small
translational displacements in x-direction and small rotations around the
z-axis are close to the noise level, but still, motion below 100 µm or smaller
than 0.1° is clearly visible. There is a significant discrepancy for
translations in x-direction and the rotations around the y-axis which might be
due to uncorrected gradient drifts or unintentional field probe motion relative
to the phantom due to a not completely rigid attachment.
experimental results suggest that field probes estimate the motion parameters
with an order of magnitude less accuracy than the optical tracking system. However,
they can concurrently provide additional
information such as field fluctuations and the k-space trajectory. Also,
they do not require a line of sight to a camera and are thus more flexible in
In our future research we plan to analyze and compare the strong and weak aspects of both
motion tracking systems in actual imaging scenarios. We further plan to design
and implement a motion generation stage for reproducible motion that can be
used to compare both systems against a ground truth.
No acknowledgement found.References
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