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In Vivo Characterization of Brain Ultrashort-T2 Components
Tanguy Boucneau1,2, Shuyu Tang1,3, Misung Han1, Roland G Henry1,4, Duan Xu1,3, and Peder Eric Zufall Larson1,3

1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France, 3UC Berkeley-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 4Neurology, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


It has recently been shown that myelin contains ultrashort T2 components with sub-millisecond relaxation times that are not observed with conventional pulse sequences and maybe associated with bound protons in the myelin phospholipid membranes.We performed ultrashort T2* relaxometry in vivo to characterize these components with a 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE) pulse sequence at 7T.We observed an ultrashort T2 component (T2* 100μs) as well as a short T2 component (T2* 1.5ms) that had a distinct frequency shift corresponding to the methylene proton chemical shift, which to our knowledge has never been observed in vivo.These components were validated in an ex vivo post-mortem brain specimen, and may provide valuable new biomarkers of myelin density, structure, and integrity.


The purpose of this work was to characterize and image ultrashort-T2 components in the brain, which have been presumed to originate from protons in the myelin phospholipid membranes.


We used a 3D UTE pulse sequence with a non-selective, hard pulse excitation and radial k-space readouts, with 16 TEs interleaved within a single acquisition (Fig. 1). TEs ranged from 100 μs up to 4 ms in order to focus on the ultrashort-T2 components. The scan time was 15 minutes for 2.5 mm isotropic resolution and whole brain coverage (FOV = 24 cm), using TR = 10 ms, and a 512 μs readout duration. All scans we performed on a 7 T MRI system (GE Healthcare) using a head-only quadrature coil to transmit and a 32-channel phased-array head coil (Nova Medical) to receive signal.

We fit our multiple TE data to the following signal model to estimate the component relaxation times, T2, and frequency shifts, Δfk:


where S(TE) is the signal at the time of TE, ρk represents the signal amplitude of the kth component.


Plots shown in Figure 2 demonstrate that our data at ultrashort TE values in the brain required a 3 component model: a first component with a very short T2* (T2,10.1ms ) with a negligible frequency shift (Δf10), a second component with a short T2* (T2,2 1-2 ms) with a frequency shift similar to the primary lipid (methylene) resonance (Δf21100 Hz at 7 T), and a third component with a relatively long T2* (>10 ms) and a a negligible frequency shift (Δf30).

This model was validated in a post-mortem specimen (Fig. 3), where we also observed a very short-T2 component and a short-T2 component with a frequency shift similar to the primary lipid resonance. Since the brain was excised from the surrounding skull, the frequency shifted component originated from within the brain (and was not an artifact resulting from lipids around the brain).

Figure 4 shows typical maps of the fitting model parameters. In the ultrashort-T2 components, ρ1 was increased in white matter as compared to gray matter, while ρ2, T2,1, T2,2 and Δf2 showed little contrast. T2,3 also was decreased in white matter and increased in CSF, which is consistent with conventional T2 contrast.

Table 1 shows a ROI-based analysis of the model fitting, showing primarily differences in the 1st and 3rd component fractions between white and gray matter. The first component comprised a relatively large fraction of our UTE signal (21-23% in white matter). Our acquisition was T1-weighted, which will influence these relative component fractions.


The shortest T2 component we observed (T2,10.1ms) had a shorter relaxation time than previous in vivo UTE measurements (420±80μs [1,2]), although some of this differnce can be attributed to using 7T as opposed to 3T. This first component was elevated in white matter, and is likely associated with tightly bound protons in the myelin membranes, proteins, and macromolecules.

The second ultrashort-T2 component (T2,2 1-2 ms) had most notably a frequency shift similar to the methylene lipid resonance, suggesting it is associated with the myelin phospholipid membranes. This result is consistent with previous ex vivo studies, which suggested that methylene protons contributed significantly to ultrashort-T2 components in myelin [3] and also observed a frequency shift in spectroscopic myelin sample experiments [4]. However, to our knowledge, these results represent the first measurement of this frequency shift in vivo. Also, we measured a relatively longer T2* than prior ex vivo work.

The long-T2 component likely includes a lumped measurement of myelin and free water that are observed with conventional MRI techniques. We expect this final component to be a weighted average of myelin, intracellular and extracellular water, and separate characterizations of these components has been performed previously [5,6].


In the brain, we observed an ultrashort T2 component (T2,10.1 ms) as well as a short T2 component (T2,21.5 ms) that had a distinct frequency shift corresponding to the methylene proton chemical shift, which to our knowledge has never been observed in vivo. These results are consistent with ex vivo studies, and we also validated our methods in a post-mortem brain specimen to confirm the presence of these two components, which may provide valuable new biomarkers of myelin density, structure, and integrity.


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant S10-RR026845, the NIH-NCRR UCSF-CTSI (Grant Number UL1 RR024131), a National Multiple Sclerosis Society Pilot Grant (Grant Number PP3360), GE Healthcare, and UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Seed Grants.


[1] Jiang Du, Vipul Sheth, Qun He, Michael Carl, Jun Chen, Jody Corey-Bloom, Graeme M Bydder. Measurement of T1 of the ultrashort T2* components in white matter of the brain at 3T. PLoS One 9, e103296 (2014).

[2] Jiang Du, Guolin Ma, Shihong Li, Michael Carl, Nikolaus M Szeverenyi, Scott VandenBerg, Jody Corey-Bloom, Graeme M Bydder. Ultrashort echo time (UTE) magnetic resonance imaging of the short T2 components in white matter of the brain using a clinical 3T scanner. Neuroimage 87, 32-41 (2014).

[3]R Adam Horch, John C Gore, Mark D Does. Origins of the ultrashort-T(2) (1) H NMR signals in myelinated nerve: A direct measure of myelin content?. Magn Reson Med 66, 24-31 (2011).

[4] Michael J Wilhelm, Henry H Ong, Suzanne L Wehrli, Cheng Li, Ping-Huei Tsai, David B Hackney, Felix W Wehrli. Direct magnetic resonance detection of myelin and prospects for quantitative imaging of myelin density. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 9605-10 (2012).

[5] Peter van Gelderen, Jacco A de Zwart, Jongho Lee, Pascal Sati, Daniel S Reich, Jeff H Duyn. Nonexponential T2 decay in white matter. Magn Reson Med 67, 110-7 (2012).

[6] Pascal Sati, Peter van Gelderen, Afonso C Silva, Daniel S Reich, Hellmut Merkle, Jacco A de Zwart, Jeff H Duyn. Micro-compartment specific T2* relaxation in the brain. Neuroimage 77, 268-78 (2013).


Figure 1: Illustration of the UTE sequence, in which multiple TEs were interleaved for each projection.

Figure 2: Typical in vivo UTE images and signal curves. We chose a 3 compartment model based on this data, where we observed both a very short-T2 component as well as a second short-T2 component with a frequency shift. This model matched our data well as indicated by the fits.

Figure 3: Typical signal curves observed ex vivo at ultrashort TEs. The Δf values for the fitting curves of the grey matter and white matter shown are -1029 and -1050 Hz, respectively. These findings matched our observation in the in vivo data.

Figure 4: Maps of three compartment model fitting parameters in a healthy volunteer.

Figure 5: Parameters of the three compartment model estimated from the in vivo data. The mean and standard deviation of each parameter are calculated based on three volunteers. ρX represents the proportion of the magnitude signal of the X component in gray and white matter region of interests.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)