Dynamic assessment of atrioventricular junction (AVJ) based on radial long-axis cine cardiac MR imaging
Shuang Leng1, Shuo Zhang2, Xiaodan Zhao1, Baoru Leong1, Yiying Han1, Yasutomo Katsumata3, Stuart Cook1,4, Ru San Tan1,4, and Liang Zhong1,4

1National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Philips Healthcare Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 3Philips Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 4Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


We have developed a semi-automatic tracking system of atrioventricular junction (AVJ) deformation with two-, three-, and four-chamber cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) long-axis images 1. In this study, we applied the feature-tracking technique in 18 radial rotational long-axis cine CMR planes and evaluated the motion of 36 evenly located AVJ points. Results have shown that 1) the obtained average AVJ velocities (Sm, Em and Am) and maximal displacements are independent of the number of AVJ points selected, and 2) the routinely acquired CMR imaging generated in clinical practice are sufficient enough for dynamic assessment of AVJ deformation.


To investigate the robustness and reliability of clinical long-axis CMR imaging for assessment of AVJ excursion and recoil by applying a semi-automatic tracking system.

Materials and Methods

Six human subjects (47±14 yr) in the absence of any left ventricular (LV) and/or right ventricular (RV) dysfunction were enrolled and underwent CMR scan. The protocol was approved by the SingHealth centralized institutional review board, and informed consent was obtained from each participant. All subjects were imaged on a 3T scanner (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands) using steady-state free precession (SSFP) cine gradient echo sequences. Standard survey images were acquired followed by a two-, three-, and four-chamber views, as well as 5 short-axis slices parallel to the mitral valve ring covering the left ventricle from base to apex. With these views as guidance, 18 radial slices were acquired with 10° angular equidistance in the LV long axis, defined from the apex to the centre of the mitral valve orifice (Fig. 1(a)). Typical imaging parameters were as follows: field of view 300 x 300 mm, voxel size 1.04 x 1.04 x 8.00 mm, 40 frames/cardiac cycle, SENSE factor 2, breath-hold time 7s. An in-house developed program 1 was applied to semi-automatically track the AVJ deformation as a function of time in all 18 planes (Fig. 1(b)). Briefly, a small rectangle (called mask) was manually drawn in the end-diastole frame containing the AVJ point of interest, which was automatically tracked throughout the cardiac cycle using the template matching algorithm 2. Four clinically useful data were then extracted: Sm, positive peak systolic velocity; Em, early diastolic velocity; Am, late diastolic velocity during atrial contraction; and maximal displacement. Time to peak systolic and diastolic velocities as well as maximal displacement were also measured. The CMR-derived motion parameters were averaged over all, and every two, three and four AVJ points. In addition, slices 4, 10 and 16 corresponding to routine CMR long-axis views (Fig. 1(b)) were selected and used to generate results based on an average of 6 AVJ points (Fig. 2(a) and (b)).

Results and Discussion

Our proposed tracking system successfully extracted the motion parameters for all the AVJs of all subjects enrolled in the study. Figure 2(a) and (b) showed the computed AVJ velocity and displacement curves of one 39-yr-old male healthy volunteer in slices 4, 10 and 16. The extracted values of 6-point mean Sm, Em, Am and maximal displacement were 8.7, 13.3, 7.6 cm/s and 15.3 mm, respectively. Figure 2(c) presented the peak AVJ velocities and displacements as a function of annular segment along the AVJ. Figure 3 and Table 1 compared the motion parameters based on different number of AVJ points. These results demonstrate, first, the CMR-derived mean AVJ motion parameters were not affected by the number of uniformly selected AVJ points along the annulus. Second, the 6-point mean results based on routinely acquired long-axis CMR views agree well with those averaged over all the 36 AVJ points.


As important clinical indicator with both structural and functional information, AVJ motion parameters can be successfully derived by applying a previously introduced semi-automatic tracking and post-processing system based on multiple radially rotational long-axis CMR. Routinely acquired two-, three-, and four-chamber CMR views seem to be robust and reliable enough without additional imaging planes. Potential added clinical value by exploiting full long-axis cine sets needs to be further investigated.


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1. Leng S, Zhao XD, Huang FQ, Wong JI, Su BY, Allen JC, Kassab GS, Tan RS, Zhong L. Automated quantitative assessment of cardiovascular magnetic resonance-derived atrioventricular junction velocities. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2015 Sep 25:ajpheart.00284.2015. Epub 2015 Sep 25.

2. Gonzalez RC, Woods RE. Digital image processing. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA. 2006.


Figure 1. (a) Radial long-axis cine CMR acquisition and corresponding imaging slice localization; (b) 5 out of total 18 slices with automatic tracking of 2 AVJ points performed for each slice.

Figure 2. AVJ motion parameters derived from radial long-axis cine CMR in a 39-yr male volunteer: (a) AVJ velocities in slices 4, 10 and 16; (b) AVJ displacements in slices 4, 10 and 16; (c) Peak AVJ velocities and displacements as a function of annular segment.

Figure 3. Comparison of AVJ motion parameters based on different number of radial long-axis cine CMR planes. *6 AVJ points were selected from routinely acquired two-, three-, and four-chamber long-axis CMR views. Max disp: maximal displacement.

Table 1. Averaged peak AVJ motion parameters over all subjects with different number of radial long-axis cine CMR planes. *6 AVJ points were selected from routinely acquired two-, three-, and four-chamber long-axis CMR view. **between 6-point and 36-point based results. Max Disp: maximal displacement.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)