Track-weighted dynamic functional connectivity (TWdFC): a new method to study dynamic connectivity
Fernando Calamante1,2, Robert Elton Smith1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Andrew Zalesky3, and Alan Connelly1,2

1The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2Florey Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 3Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia


There is great interest in the study of brain connectivity (structural and functional), and on the development of methods that facilitate these investigations. In functional connectivity (FC), there is also growing interest in characterising the dynamic changes (dynamic-FC, dFC). Track-weighted FC (TWFC) was proposed as a means to combine the structural and (static) functional information into a single image, by integrating a functional network with a diffusion MRI tractogram. Here we propose TW-dynamic-FC (TWdFC), by extending TWFC in two ways: first, it does not rely on an a-priori FC network; second, it allows studying dFC.


There is great interest in the study of brain connectivity (both structural and functional), and on the development of methods that facilitate these investigations [1]. In functional connectivity (FC), there is also growing interest in characterising the dynamic changes (i.e. so-called time-resolved or dynamic FC, dFC), with several studies showing dynamic patterns of fluctuation in time-dependent FC measures [2]. The structural and functional aspects of connectivity are most often considered independently and only linked at a late stage of the analysis. In contrast, track-weighted FC (TWFC) was proposed as a means to combine the structural and (static) functional information into a single image, by integrating a given functional network with a diffusion MRI tractogram [3]. Here we propose TW dynamic FC (TWdFC), by extending TWFC in two ways: first, it does not rely on defining an a-priori FC network; second, it allows studying dFC.


In TWdFC, each streamline in a tractogram is assigned the functional correlation between the fMRI data at its end-points (Note: this approach is facilitated here by the well-defined track’s end-points in the grey/white matter (GM/WM) interface using the anatomically-constrained tractography (ACT) framework [4]). Importantly, TWdFC does not consider correlations over the entire fMRI time-series, but rather over a sliding-window [5]; Pearson cross-correlation was used for the results shown here. As with standard TWFC, FC values associated with all tracks traversing a given voxel are averaged to produce the final intensity (Note: this voxel can be smaller than the acquired voxel, i.e. with super-resolution [6]). A (3D+time) TWdFC data-set is thus generated. For comparison, the same approach but without sliding-window was also used (referred to as TW static FC, TWsFC).

Data acquisition: Eight healthy volunteers were scanned on a 3T Siemens Trio scanner. BOLD fMRI was acquired using GE-EPI (TE/TR=30/3000ms, voxel-size=3mm isotropic, 200 volumes). Diffusion MRI was acquired using twice-refocused SE-EPI (60 directions, b=3000s/mm2, voxel-size=2.5mm isotropic). Reference EPI data with opposite phase-encoding were acquired for both fMRI and diffusion MRI to correct for susceptibility distortions [3], and anatomical T1-weighted images (0.9mm isotropic) were acquired for tissue segmentation [4].

BOLD processing: The (distortion corrected) BOLD data were realigned to the (corrected) b0 diffusion MRI image, followed by motion correction, smoothing (FWHM=8mm), detrending, band-pass filtering (0.01-0.1Hz), and nuisance regression (motion, WM and CSF).

Diffusion processing (using MRtrix [7]): Fibre orientation distributions (FODs) were estimated using CSD [8] (lmax=8). T1 data were used for segmentation (using FSL [9]), and co-registered to diffusion data. Whole-brain fibre-tracking (10 million) was done using probabilistic streamlines and the ACT framework [4].

TWdFC was calculated with 1min sliding-window [10] and 0.9mm super-resolution voxels. The whole-brain-average root-mean-squared (RMS) difference between TWdFC and TWsFC was calculated as a summary measure of the dynamic changes. Dynamic changes were also summarised by calculating the voxel-wise 95% confidence interval of the temporal variations (TWdFC95%CI). To illustrate spatial dynamic features in the data, the individual’s TWdFC data were analysed using independent component analysis (ICA) (using FSL).


Figure 1 shows the summary RMS difference for each subject, demonstrating the dynamic nature of the data. Figure 2 shows example time-frames from an individual’s TWdFC map, and the corresponding TWdFC95%CI (as well as TWsFC for reference, and directionally-encoded track-density image (DEC-TDI [6]) for anatomical reference). Different WM pathways have very different temporal characteristics, corresponding to fluctuations in the GM regions they link (see Figure 3 for example time-courses for four manually-drawn WM regions); e.g. fluctuations in optic radiations reflect the dynamic FC correlations between the lateral geniculate nucleus and the primary visual cortex. Figure 4 shows illustrative ICA spatial components (with IC numbers based on ranking of explained variance) for the same subject, and their associated time-courses. Figure 5 shows a ‘parcellation’ of the corpus callosum based on the ICA decomposition.


We described a methodology for super-resolution TWdFC mapping, which fuses structural and functional connectivity data into a quantitative 4D image, providing a new means to investigate dynamic connectivity. In contrast to most FC-based methods (which focus on GM), TWdFC operates in WM, and its intensity reflects the (dynamic) correlation of the GM regions that the corresponding WM pathways connect. The structural connectivity information effectively ‘constrains’ the extremely large number of possible connections in the FC data (i.e. each voxel’s connection to each other), thus providing a way of reducing the problem’s dimensionality, while still maintaining key features [2]. In its current form, only contributions from direct connections (i.e. with a direct structural link) are considered, although the methodology can in principle be extended to incorporate also higher (e.g. second order) connections [11].


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[1] Smith S. Introduction to the NeuroImage Special Issue “Mapping the Connectome”. NeuroImage 80:1 (2013).

[2] Hutchison RM, Womelsdorf T, Allen EA, et al. Dynamic functional connectivity: Promise, issues, and interpretations. NeuroImage 80:360-378 (2013).

[3] Calamante F, Masterton RAJ, Tournier JD, et al. Track-weighted functional connectivity (TW-FC): a tool for characterizing the structural-functional connections in the brain. NeuroImage 70:199-210 (2013).

[4] Smith RE, Tournier JD, Calamante F, Connelly A. Anatomically-constrained tractography: Improved diffusion MRI streamlines tractography through effective use of anatomical information. NeuroImage 62:1924-1938 (2012).

[5] Li X, Lim C, Li K, et al. Detecting brain state changes via fiber-centered functional connectivity analysis. Neuroinformatics 11:193-210 (2013).

[6] Calamante F, Tournier JD, Jackson GD, Connelly A. Track Density Imaging (TDI): Super-resolution white matter imaging using whole-brain track-density mapping. NeuroImage 53:1233-1243 (2010).

[7] Tournier JD, Calamante F, Connelly A. MRtrix: diffusion tractography in crossing fiber regions. Int. J. Imaging Sys. Techno. 22:53-66 (2012).

[8] Tournier JD, Calamante F, Connelly A. Robust determination of the fibre orientation distribution in diffusion MRI: non-negativity constrained super-resolved spherical deconvolution. NeuroImage 35:1459-1472 (2007).

[9] Smith SM, Jenkinson M, Woolrich MW, et al. Advances in functional and structural MR image analysis and implementation as FSL. NeuroImage 23(S1): S208-S219 (2004).

[10] Zalesky A and Breakspear M. Towards a statistical test for functional connectivity dynamics. NeuroImage 114: 466-470 (2015).

[11] Honey CJ, Sporns O, Cammoun L, et al. Predicting human resting-state functional connectivity from structural connectivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 2035-2040 (2009).


Fig.1: Whole-brain RMS difference (between TWdFC and TWsFC) for each subject. Note: Graphs are not plotted on a common scale, to maximise the dynamic range shown. The first and last 10 time-points are not shown because of bias in computing RMS due to the use of smaller sliding-windows at edges.

Fig.2: (a) Illustrative TWdFC time-frames (shown by number in each image) for data from subject 1. (b) TWdFC95%CI. (c) TWsFC. (d) Super-resolution directionally-encoded track-density image (DEC-TDI) to show anatomy. Colourbar range: [-0.7,0.7], [0,1.2], [-0.2,0.5] for (a), (b) and (c), respectively. Colour in (d) corresponds to local orientation (red:left-right, green:anterior-posterior, blue:inferior-superior).

Fig.3: Mean TWdFC time-course from 4 illustrative regions (manually drawn, see left TWdFC95%CI map), corresponding to fornix (Fx), optic radiation (OR), genu of corpus callosum (gCC), and ventral lateral nucleus (VL) of thalamus. Positive values correspond to correlation, negative values to anti-correlation. Temporal variations are seen in all regions.

Fig.4: Example independent-components (overlaid on T1-weighted images), with WM structures, including: (a) cingulum, (b) fornix, (c) superior longitudinal fasciculus, (d) optic radiation. Each example describes FC fluctuations, e.g. cingulum relates to fluctuations in functional correlation between precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex (nodes of default-mode-network). Left: spatial component; right:time-course.

Fig.5: Example independent-components (b) involving the corpus callosum (thresholded at z>2), corresponding to the location in (a). IC numbers (ranked by explained variance) are indicated in (b), and their corresponding time-courses are shown in the bottom row. In this example, ICA of TWdFC provides a parcellation of the corpus callosum.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)