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Cerebral Cortex Parcellation by Fusion of Local and Global Functional Connectivity Feature
Alexander Schaefer1, Ru Kong1, Evan M. Gordon2, Timothy Laumann 3, Simon B. Eickhoff4,5, Xi-Nian Zuo6, Avram J. Holmes7, and B.T. Thomas Yeo1

1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ASTAR-NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology and Memory Networks Program, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2VISN 17 Center of Excellence for Research on Returning War Veterans, Waco, TX, United States, 3Department of Neurology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 4Institut for Clinical Neuroscience, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany, 5Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine, Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 6Lab for Functional Connectome and Development, Division of Cognitive and Developmental, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 7Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States


Current approaches to cerebral cortex parcellation with resting-state functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) can be divided into local (e.g., fcMRI gradients) and global (e.g., clustering) approaches. Previous work suggests that local and global approaches capture complementary aspects of brain organization. Here we propose a novel hidden Markov Random Field model that fuses local connectivity gradients with global functional connectivity similarities. The resulting parcellation compares favorably with a state-of-the-art parcellation in terms of (1) parcel homogeneity in two different datasets and (2) agreement with cytoarchitectonic and visuotopic boundaries.


Cerebral cortical areas are fundamental units of brain function and historically defined by local transitions in microarchitecture1,2. The idea of local transitions was adopted by resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) parcellations using functional connectivity gradients3. Consequently, local approaches appeared to capture cytoarchitectonic boundaries4. These local approaches contrasted with global approaches5-8 that directly or indirectly maximized the functional homogeneity within parcels. Here we combined both local and global approaches in a single fusion model yielding a cortical parcellation with excellent parcel homogeneity and alignment with cytoarchitectonic and visuotopic areal boundaries.


We utilized rs-fMRI data from the Genomics Superstruct Project (GSP9). The data underwent rs-fMRI preprocessing previously reported in Holmes et al.9 and was projected onto the fsaverage6 surface space with roughly 82000 vertices. The data were divided into training (N = 744) and test (N = 744) sets. To assess whether our parcellation would generalize well to data from a different scanner and preprocessing pipeline, we considered a group-averaged connectivity matrix (n=468) from the Human Connectome Project (HCP10).

For each subject, the fMRI timecourses at each vertex was normalized to have zero mean and 1 standard deviation. At each vertex n, the normalized timecourses of all subjects were concatenated into a long vector yn and normalized to be unit length. The resulting data were modeled as a mixture model with a Markov random field (MRF) prior. The mixture model assumed the data yn followed a von Mises-Fisher distribution conditioned on the parcellation label ln:


where z(κln) is a normalization constant, L is the number of parcels, μln is the mean direction and κln is the concentration parameter of the ln-th von Mises-Fisher distribution.

The MRF prior encouraged neighboring vertices to have the same parcellation labels. The prior was weighted so that there was lower (higher) penalty in the presence (absence) of local functional connectivity gradients:


where V are all brain locations and NG(u) are the neighboring vertices of vertex u; δ(lu,lv) is equal to zero if lu=lv and one otherwise. Grad(u,v) is the local connectivity gradient between brain locations u and v, and k is a tunable parameter set to 15. The local connectivity gradients were obtained from Gordon et al.11.

An additional simple geometric prior ensured each parcel l remained spatially connected. Let sn be the x,y,z coordinates of vertex n on the fsaverage6 spherical meshes. The geometric prior assumed that sn conditioned on the label ln follows a von Mises-Fisher distribution


where z(γln) is a normalization constant, νln is the mean direction and γln is the concentration parameter of the ln-th von Mises-Fisher distribution.

Inference proceeded by setting γ1,,γL=5×106 and iterating between estimating the labels l1:N={l1,,lN} and the von Mises-Fisher parameters μ1:L and κ1:L. Once the algorithm has converged, the geometric prior was gradually weakened by iteratively reducing γ1:L (by a factor of ten) and re-estimating the parcellation while ensuring each parcel remained spatially connected. This procedure was initialized with 100 random initializations, and the solution with the highest log likelihood (excluding the geometric prior) was selected.

The model was applied to the GSP training set to create a cerebral cortex parcellation. The number of parcels (L=333) was selected to match a recent rs-fMRI gradient-based cortical parcellation by Gordon et al.11. The two parcellations were compared in terms of alignment with cytoarchitectonic/visuotopic borders12,13 and functional homogeneity on the GSP test set and external HCP dataset. Functional homogeneity was computed by averaging pairwise correlations within each parcel.


Fig. 1 shows our cortical parcellation estimated from the GSP training set. Compared with Gordon et al.11 the average homogeneity of our parcellation was 9% higher on the GSP test set (p0) and 6% higher on the HCP data. The two parcellations have comparable alignment with cyto-architectonic and visuotopic areal boundaries (Table 1). It is worth noting that our parcellation appeared to further fractionate BA3 and BA4 along the homunculus (consistent with Gordon et al.11) and fractionate V1 along visual eccentricity (consistent with Yeo et al.7).

Discussion and Conclusion

We have created a cerebral cortex parcellation by fusing local and global connectivity features. Previous results suggest that parcellations using local features give better cytoarchitectonic alignment, while parcellations using global features achieve better parcel homogeneity4,14. By fusing local and global features, our parcellation enjoys both excellent areal alignment and parcel homogeneity.


This work was supported by NUS Tier 1, Singapore MOE Tier 2 (MOE2014-T2-2-016), NUS Strategic Research (DPRT/944/09/14), NUS SOM Aspiration Fund (R185000271720), Singapore NMRC (CBRG14nov007, NMRC/CG/013/2013), NUS YIA and a fellowship within the Postdoc-Program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The research also utilized resources provided by the Center for Functional Neuroimaging Technologies, P41EB015896 and instruments supported by 1S10RR023401, 1S10RR019307, and 1S10RR023043 from the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital.


1 Kaas, J. The Organization Of Neocortex In Mammals: Implications For Theories Of Brain Function. Annual Review of Psychology 1987;38:129-151

2 Zilles, K., Amunts, K. Centenary of Brodmann's map - conception and fate. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2010;11:139-145

3 Cohen, A.L, et al. Defining functional areas in individual human brains using resting functional connectivity MRI. NeuroImage 2008;41:45-57

4 Wig, G.S. et al. An approach for parcellating human cortical areas using resting-state correlations. NeuroImage 2014;93:276-291

5 Beckmann, C.F., Smith, S.M. Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2004;23:137-152

6 Shen, X., et al. Graph-theory based parcellation of functional subunits in the brain from resting-state fMRI data. Neuroimage 2010;50:1027-1035

7 Yeo, B.T.T. et al. The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. J Neurophysiology 2011;106:1125-1165.

8 Craddock, R.C. et al. A whole brain fMRI atlas generated via spatially constrained spectral clustering. Human Brain Mapping 2012;33:1914-1928.

9 Holmes, A. J. Brain Genomics Superstruct Project initial data release with structural, functional, and behavioral measures, Scientific Data 2015;2:150031.

10 Smith, S.M., et al. Resting-state fMRI in the Human Connectome Project. NeuroImage 2013;80:144-168

11 Gordon, E.M., et al. Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations. Cerebral Cortex, 2014. Advance Access. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu239

12 Fischl, B., et al. Cortical folding patterns and predicting cytoarchitecture. Cerebral Cortex 2008;18(8):1973-1980.

13 Van Essen, D.C. et al. Parcellations and Hemispheric Asymmetries of Human Cerebral Cortex Analyzed on Surface-Based Atlases. Cerebral Cortex 2012;22(10):2241-2262.

14 Buckner, RL, Yeo, BTT. Borders, map clusters, and supra-areal organization of the visual cortex. Neuroimage 2014;93:293-297


Figure1. Cortical parcellation of 744 GSP subjects by fusion of local and global connectivity features. Views from left to right: Left Lateral, Left Medial, Right Lateral, Right Medial. The coloring is random. Borders are in dark blue.

Table1. Both parcellations have comparable mean Hausdorff distance between parcellation boundaries and cytoarchitectonic/visuotopic areal boundaries12,13. It is worth noting that our parcellation appeared to further fractionate BA3 and BA4 along the homunculus (consistent with Gordon et al.11) and fractionate V1 along visual eccentricity (consistent with Yeo et al.7).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)