CEST imaging, such as amide proton transfer
(APT) imaging, is a novel, clinically valuable molecular MRI technique that can
give contrast due to a change in water signal caused by chemical exchange with
saturated solute protons. However, its clinical translation is still limited by
its relatively long scan time because a series of RF saturation frequencies are
unavoidably acquired. Here, we present a highly accelerated CEST imaging technique
(up to 10-fold) using a novel blind compressed sensing framework.Introduction
Chemical exchange saturation transfer
(CEST) imaging is a promising molecular MRI technique in which the contrast is caused
by a change in water signal intensity due to chemical exchange with saturated
solute protons (1). CEST imaging can detect
many low-concentration biomolecules in tissue, such as proteins with amide proton transfer (APT) imaging (2), glycosaminoglycan using GagCEST (3), and
glutamate using GluCEST (4), and has much potential in the clinic, such as
detecting cancer (5-7), stroke (8,9), and Parkinson's disease (10). However, CEST MRI typically requires
relatively long scan times, due to the use of multiple RF saturation
frequencies, possible multiple acquisitions to increase SNRs, and a long RF
saturation pulse (or multi-pulse train), thus limiting its clinical
translation. Herein, as proof of principle, we demonstrated the feasibility of an
ultrafast APT imaging (up to 10-fold) based on blind compressed sensing (BCS),
which models the dynamic CEST signal as a weighted linear combination of
temporal basis functions from a dictionary learned from the undersampled
measurements (Fig. 1).
Dynamic CEST signal recovery,
γ(x, w)=∑U*(x)V*(w)
was formulated as a constrained optimization problem (11):
where the criterion is a
linear combination of data consistency term (b=undersampled data, A=undersampled
Fourier encoding matrix with coil sensitivity) and sparsity-promoting l1 norm
prior on spatial coefficient matrix U,
subject to the Frobenius norm constraint on the dictionary V. The BCS model simultaneously estimates the sparse spatial
coefficients U and the dictionary
basis functions V from the
undersampled k-space measurement b.
demonstrate the ability of the BCS algorithm, the computer model was implemented
to mimic the APT experiment. The simulated phantom contains 9 compartments with
different APT-pool concentrations, exchange rates, and semi-solid MT
concentrations (water: w, APT: s, MT: m, B0/B1=3T/2μT, Tsat=5s,
T1w/T2w=1.4/0.1s, T1s/T2s=1.4/0.05s,
T1m/T2m=1.4s/20μs). For the in-vivo study, all healthy volunteers (N=2) and patients (N=5) were
scanned on a Philips 3 T MRI scanner after informed consent was obtained in
accordance with the IRB requirement. A fully sampled 2D CEST saturated images were
acquired using a TSE sequence with an RF saturation time of 800ms, RF saturation
frequency offsets (14 to -8 ppm at intervals of 0.5 ppm), and varied RF
saturation power levels (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 μT for healthy volunteers and 2 μT for
tumor patients). The dynamic CEST data was retrospectively undersampled by the
golden-angle ordering pattern along RF saturation frequency direction at
acceleration R=2, 4, 10, 20, and 50. Water saturation shift-referencing (WASSR)
data (26 frequency offsets from 1.2 to -1.2 ppm at intervals of 0.125 ppm and a
saturation power of 0.5μT) was acquired for B0 corrections (12). As previously
used in (2), APT-weighted (APTw) images were quantified by MTRasym(3.5ppm).
Fig. 2 showed the BCS
reconstructed APT images of the simulated phantom and the Z-spectrum comparison
to the Nyquist sampled, low-resolution acquisition scheme. Accurate APT imaging
was successfully achieved using the BCS reconstruction with acceleration factors
up to 10.
3a compared brain APTw images of a typical healthy volunteer (with four
different RF saturation powers) under full k-space and BCS acceleration factors
of 10. Importantly, accurate BCS reconstructed APTw images without compromising
image quality were achieved. The correlation and Bland-Altman analysis were
performed to assess the bias and limit of agreement between the full k-space
and BCS reconstructed APTw images (Fig. 3b). The BCS reconstructed APTw image had
a high correlation with the full k-space reference image (r
for R=10), and the Bland-Altman analysis showed that the bias was significantly
small (mean difference of 0.0019% and absolute values for the limits of
agreement (±1.96 SD) of +0.69% ~ -0.72%).
In the tumor patient study, the Gd-enhancing area (tumor core) on the T
post-Gd image was hyperintense on the APTw image (Fig. 4). Again, the accurate APTw
image was successfully reconstructed using the BCS algorithm with acceleration
factors of up to 10-fold. The mean difference of APTw signals between the full
k-space reference and BCS reconstructed images was only 0.15% and 0.09% for the
normal (normal appearing white matter) and tumor region (Gd-enhanced tumor
core), respectively.
Discussion and Conclusions
We have proposed and valuated a novel BCS-based, dynamic CEST MRI technique
for clinical applications. Simulation and in-vivo
experiments demonstrated the feasibility of such ultrafast CEST imaging with an
acceleration factor up to 10. BCS-based APT imaging acquisition can significantly
reduce the scan time and potentially has a wide range of clinical applications,
particularly for pediatric patients.
No acknowledgement found.References
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