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Clinically relevant rapid 3D CEST imaging with hexagonal spoiling gradients, optimised B1, and symmetric z-spectrum sampling
Robert C. Brand1, Nicholas P. Blockley1, Michael Chappell2, and Peter Jezzard1

1FMRIB, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2IBME, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


Clinical 3D CEST has been hindered by slow acquisition times and z-spectra artefacts that affect fitting. Here, we demonstrate various sequence improvements, including: 1) hexagonal gradient spoiling that minimises ghosting, shortens TR and reduces confounding T2 sensitivity; 2) low readout flip angles combined with symmetric z-spectrum sampling that better maintains the steady state between samples and eliminates the need for T1-restoration periods; and 3) exchange-rate matched 360° CEST pulses that reduce direct water saturation to minimise T1 sensitivity and increase CNR. Together, these improvements result in high-quality whole-brain 39-offset z-spectra measurements at 3mm isotropic resolution in 2:59 minutes.


Clinical application of 3D steady state chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging1 at 3T is hindered by two problems; long acquisition times (~10 mins) and artefacts in the z-spectra interfering with fitting1. These problems persist because steady state CEST, where preparation and readout of the CEST contrast are interleaved, has not yet been optimised for 3D segmented EPI at 3T. Furthermore, the combination of broad repetitive large off-resonance CEST pulses, long T2 and short TR render conventional gradient and RF spoiling ineffective2. We therefore propose the following improvements to 3D CEST: 1) hexagonal gradient spoiling to reduce artefacts and confounding T2 sensitivity; 2) symmetric z-spectra sampling to maintain a steady state between acquisition of volumes; 3) exchange-rate matched 360° CEST pulses to reduce direct water saturation, T1 sensitivity and increase CNR.


A 3D segmented-EPI CEST sequence (see Fig. 1.a for parameters) was implemented in which lower spatial frequencies were acquired last to ensure the presence of steady state CEST contrast in this domain. X and Y gradients, between the CEST and readout modules, were cycled according to a hexagonal pattern, given by G(n)=Gmaxcos(60n)ˆx+Gmaxsin(60n)ˆy. This better prevents buildup of unwanted coherence pathways without altering the gradient spoiling moment2. The z-spectrum was sampled "center-in" symmetrically, with points in order of descending ppm-offset to avoid the need for T1 restoration delays between acquired volumes. Two-pool Bloch-McConnell simulations3 were performed to determine the evolution of signal throughout acquisition under the influence of spoiling and determine B1 for optimal contrast. Candidate 3D methods were tested on quantitative ammonium chloride phantoms and on healthy volunteers at 3T (Siemens Verio). A standard 2D CEST sequence4 (see Fig. 1.b for parameters) was used as a gold standard for comparison .

Results & Discussion

Simulations (Fig. 2) revealed two exchange rate regimes: firstly a fast exchange regime which occurs during each CEST pulse, and a slow exchange regime where complete exchange is facilitated by the locked 180° state in the time between CEST pulses (see Fig. 1). By using 360° pulses to purposely avoid saturating the exchange an increase in sensitivity to changes in the exchange rate can be realised (Fig. 2). 360°pulses also reduce direct water saturation and T1 sensitivity by reducing time spent in the inverted state where increased T1 recovery occurs. 360° pulses can be matched to different exchange rate regimes by altering the pulse duration whilst maintaining the flip angle. Figure 3 demonstrates that at larger off-resonance frequencies, where the effective field experienced by the water spins reduces and the resulting transverse magnetisation is increased, additional spoiling can be used to accelerate natural T2 dephasing. This enables steady states to be reached faster and reduces tissue-based T2 contrast. Through these mechanisms gradient spoiling can contribute to faster acquisition, as k-space is acquired during preparation of the CEST contrast, allowing faster acquisition times without affecting the sensitivity at frequencies critical to CEST.

Figure 4 shows how the reduced buildup of unwanted coherence pathways for hexagonal spoiling significantly reduces artefacts and improves the consistency of the acquired z-spectra, directly benefiting the accuracy of fitting methods. ROI analysis of the phantom (Fig. 5 A,B) demonstrated that even though a smaller slice volume was used for the optimised 3D method it was able to capture a bigger dynamic range amongst compartments. Furthermore the doped compartments in 3D scans had on average 10% higher mean signal and variance was on average 2 times lower for the ROIs (see Fig. 5), indicating higher signal and improved accuracy with the 3D method. Noise outside the phantom was reduced with the 3D method indicating the effectiveness of hexagonal spoiling. In-vivo results (Fig. 5 C,D) also demonstrated a reduction in artefacts for the 3D sequence, with the additional benefit that segmented EPI reduces chemical shift artefacts from fat. Results also showed more homogenous MTRasymmetry, as expected in healthy volunteers, indicating a reduction in confounding effects as sensitivity to exchange was increased (see Fig. 5 A,B) even with an acquisition time under 3 minutes.


Through the optimisation of B1, implementation of hexagonal gradient spoiling schemes and symmetric z-spectra sampling we were able to acquire whole-brain high-quality 39-offset z-spectra at 3mm isotropic resolution in just 2:59 minutes at 3T, whilst simultaneously improving SNR, CNR, reducing direct water saturation and decreasing sensitivity to T1 and T2 confounding effects.


This work was funded by the EPSRC, Scatcherd European Scholarships and the Dunhill Medical Trust.


[1] C.K. Jones, D. Polders, J. Hua, H. Zhu, H.J. Hoogduin, J. Zhou, et al., In vivo three-dimensional whole-brain pulsed steady-state chemical exchange saturation transfer at 7 T., Magn. Reson. Med. 67 (2012) 1579–89.

[2] A. Hess, M. Robinson, Improved gradient spoiling for fast gradient echo imaging using a hexagonal scheme, in: ISMRM 2015, 2015: p. 3778.

[3] K. Murase, N. Tanki, Numerical solutions to the time-dependent Bloch equations revisited., Magn. Reson. Imaging. 29 (2011) 126–31.

[4] P.Z. Sun, E. Wang, J.S. Cheung, X. Zhang, T. Benner, A.G. Sorensen, Simulation and optimization of pulsed radio frequency irradiation scheme for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI-demonstration of pH-weighted pulsed-amide proton CEST MRI in an animal model of acute cerebral ischemia., Magn. Reson. Med. 66 (2011) 1042–8.


a) 3D sequence: TR/TE=83/21ms; duty cycle=50%; 40ms gaussian CEST pulses 360°; readout pulses 10°; hexagonal gradient spoiling scheme; 30 slices; EPI factor=47; 39-offset z-spectrum; acquisition time 2:59min.

b) 2D sequence: TR/TE=5000/23ms; duty cycle=50%; 50 20ms gaussian CEST pulses 180°; Readout pulse 90°; 39-offset z-spectrum; Acquisition time 3:25min

MTRasymmetry at the first readout, as a function of 40ms CEST pulses with different flip angles and exchange rates (Kb). 180° gives high signal but low contrast. Moving to 360°, exchange rates are separated into two regimes, fast exchange which benefits from additional B1 and slow exchange which does not.

Simulation of longitudinal signal during 3D acquisition at different PPM offset-frequencies. Steady state balanced by natural T2 dephasing, especially at off-resonance frequencies where significant transverse magnetisation is generated, can be accelerated and dominated by additional spoiling methods.

Mean Z-spectra of the 3D CEST sequence with conventional and hexagonal gradients in a 0.4M NH4 phantom. Error bars show the standard deviation of the approximately 800 measurements in the same compartment of the phantom. The hexagonal spoiling gradient scheme significantly reduces artefacts and improves accuracy of the z-spectra.

Same-slice comparison at 3.4x3.4x5mm resolution (2D) and 3x3x3mm 3D.

A,B) MTRasymmetry maps for NH4 doped compartments ranging from 0 to 1M in steps of 0.2M.

C,D) In Vivo MTRasymmetry maps at 3.5ppm; Range was set to +/- 10% of the normalised MTRasymmetry

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)