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Simultaneous Multi-Slice Spiral-CEST Encoding with Hankel Subspace Learning: ultrafast whole-brain z-spectrum acquisition
Suhyung Park1, Sugil Kim1,2, and Jaeseok Park3

1Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of


Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging has been introduced as a new contrast mechanism for molecular imaging, and typically requires long saturation preparation and multiple acquisitions of imaging data with varying saturation frequencies (called z-spectrum). Since the z-spectrum acquisition is inherently slow and takes prohibitively long imaging time, it has been very difficult to introduce CEST z-spectrum into a clinical routine. In this work, we propose a novel, simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) Spiral CEST encoding with Hankel subspace learning (HSL) for ultrafast whole-brain z-spectrum acquisition within 2-3 minutes, in which: 1) RF segmented uneven saturation is employed to reduce the duration of saturation preparation, 2) Spiral CEST encoding is employed to acquire SMS signals, and 3) SMS signals are projected onto the subspace spanned by the complementary null space, selectively reconstructing a slice of interest while nulling the other slice signals.


Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging has been introduced as a new contrast mechanism for molecular imaging, and typically requires long saturation preparation and multiple acquisitions of imaging data with varying saturation frequencies (called z-spectrum)1,2. Since the z-spectrum acquisition is inherently slow and takes prohibitively long imaging time, it has been very difficult to introduce CEST z-spectrum into a clinical routine. In this work, we propose a novel, simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) Spiral CEST encoding with Hankel subspace learning (HSL)3,4 for ultrafast whole-brain z-spectrum acquisition within 2-3 minutes, in which: 1) RF segmented uneven saturation is employed to reduce the duration of saturation preparation5, 2) Spiral CEST encoding is employed to acquire SMS signals, and 3) SMS signals are projected onto the subspace spanned by the complementary null space, selectively reconstructing a slice of interest while nulling the other slices.


1) SMS-HSL Reconstruction: The proposed SMS scheme models the SMS Hankel-structured matrix as the linear superposition of Hankel matrices of all excited slices Ns :


where H() is the Hankel operator, y is the measured SMS signals in k-space, xm is the desired k-space at the mth slice, and N is the additive noises. To selectively estimate the slice of interest while nulling the other slices, Hankel composite matrix is constructed by combining all slices other than a slice of interest H(xcs)=Nsm=1H(xm)H(xs), and the complementary null space Ncs is then learned taking right singular vectors corresponding to small singular values below a certain value following SVD (Fig. 1). By projecting H(y) onto the subspace spanned by Ncs, the slice of interest H(xs) can be well-separated from H(y) suppressing most of the contribution of H(xcs) while holding the signal components of H(xs) intact:


Exploiting the facts that H(xcs) has a non-empty null space and H(xs) is highly rank-deficient (Fig. 1), the reconstruction is posed as an optimization problem by simultaneously imposing null projection and low-rank prior with data consistency:

ˆxs=minxs  12

where \bf{\lambda_N} and \bf{\lambda_L} are regularization parameters. The complementary null spaces are estimated from CEST reference scan, and the optimization is solved using variable splitting method by alternating between well-defined sub-problems.

2) Experimental Evaluation: To test the feasibility of the SMS-HSL in accelerating CEST imaging, we performed the SMS acquisition on a 2D whole-brain spiral CEST datasets with RF-segmented uneven irradiation. The CEST sequence consists of two saturation pulses, each of which lasted 3sec and 0.5sec, respectively. All images were acquired with a spatial matrix 64x64 using a single-shot spiral trajectory through 32receiver coils, and 21different offset were performed varying from -5 to 5ppm with a frequency interval of 0.5ppm. The total scan time for acquiring whole-brain with 30slices was 7min 50sec, and the reference scan was performed without saturation pulse for CEST normalization and SMS calibration. The proposed SMS-HSL reconstruction was compared with Split slice-GRAPPA (SP-SG) as a competing method.

Results and Discussions

Fig. 2 shows the five sets of brain images with CEST labeling frequency of 3.5ppm, and the image was reconstructed using SP-SG and SMS-HSL, respectively, when an MB factor is set to 5. The SP-SG suffers from severe amplified noises over the entire images while the SMS-HSL relatively reduces artifacts leading to robust reconstruction of brain structures. Fig. 3 compares the corresponding z-spectrum reconstructed using fully sampled standard CEST data, SP-SG, and SMS-HSL for white and gray matter regions, respectively. It is observed that SP-SG results in larger deviation of the reconstructed z-spectrum from the standard MT signals while SMS-HSL remains close to the standard MT signals in both white and grey matter regions.


We successfully demonstrated that the proposed, spiral CEST encoding with SMS-HSL can produce ultrafast whole-brain z-spectra within 2-3minutes (clinically feasible imaging time) without apparent loss of SNR. It is expected that the proposed method may introduce CEST z-spectrum acquisition into a clinical routine in the future.


This work was supported by IBS-R015-D1.


1. Ward KM, Aletras AH, Balaban RS. A new class of contrast agents for MRI based on chemical exchange using saturation transfer. J Magn Res 2000;143(1):79–87.

2.van Zijl P, Yadav N. Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST): what is in a name and what isn't? Magn Reson Med 2011; 65: 927–948.

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Figure 1. (a) Singular value distribution of a Hankel-structured matrices for a slice of interest (red) and remnants of all slices (black), respectively, and (b,c) the corresponding slice images. Note that the composite data other than slice of interest still have non-empty null space like a single slice data, enabling slice separation in multi-band excitation (MB > 2) with complementary null space.

Figure 2. SMS single-shot spiral image reconstruction with CEST labeling frequency of 3.5ppm for five simultaneous slices: (a) SP-SG and (b) SMS-HSL. Note that significant aliasing artifacts and noises are observed voer teh entire brain images in SP-SG while keeping image quality robustly in SMS-HSL, thus potentially enabling a significant reduction in scan time within 2~3 minutes.

Figure 3. Comparison of z-spectrums for SP-SG and SMS-HSL reconstruction in the region of white (red circle) and grey (blue circle) matter in (a). Note that the proposed SMS-HSL exhibits high fidelity to the reference over the entire range of saturation offsets while SP-SG gradually deviates from the reference particularly around ±(1.5~5) ppm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)