Combined assessment of tumor oxygen metabolism and angiogenesis in glioma patients
Andreas Stadlbauer1, Max Zimmermann1, Karl Rössler1, Stefan Oberndorfer2, Arnd Dörfler3, Michael Buchfelder1, and Gertraud Heinz4

1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, University Clinic of St. Pölten, St. Pölten, Austria, 3Department of Neuroradiology, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 4Department of Radiology, University Clinic of St. Pölten, St. Pölten, Austria


Reprogramming energy metabolism and inducing angiogenesis are part of the hallmarks of cancer. Thirty-five patients with untreated or recurrent glioma were examined using vascular architecture mapping (VAM) and the multiparametric quantitative BOLD (mp-qBOLD) technique for combined exanimation of oxygen metabolism and angiogenesis in gliomas. Maps of oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) as well as of the vascular architecture MRI biomarkers microvessel radius (RU), density (NU), and type indicator (MTI) were calculated. Low-grade glioma showed increased OEF. Glioblastomas showed significantly increased CMRO2 and NU. MTI demonstrated widespread areas draining venous microvasculature in high-grade gliomas.


Reprogramming energy metabolism and inducing angiogenesis are part of the hallmarks of cancer [1]. The WHO classification distinguishes low grade from high grade gliomas by the presence of microvascular proliferation as a diagnostic criterion and an independent prognostic parameter [2]. A biological link between hypoxia and angiogenesis is generally accepted [3]. However, to date the non-invasive in-vivo assessment of angiogenic activity and oxygen metabolism is still challenging and thus not part of clinical diagnostics of brain tumors. In this study, we introduce a multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach that enables the combined exanimation of oxygen metabolism and angiogenesis in gliomas.


Thirty-five patients with untreated or recurrent glioma (6 WHO°II, 10 WHO°III, 19 glioblastoma) were examined at 3 Tesla (Trio, Siemens) using vascular architecture mapping (VAM) [4,5] and multiparametric quantitative BOLD (mp-qBOLD) [6] as part of the routine MRI protocol. For VAM a dual contrast agent injections approach was used to obtain GE- and SE-EPI DSC perfusion MRI data [7]. To minimize patient motions the head of the patients were fixated as well as clear and repeated patient instructions before and during the MRI examination were provided. To prevent differences in the time to first-pass peak between the two DSC examinations, a peripheral pulse unit (PPU) which was fitted to a patient’s finger to monitor heart rate and cardiac cycle was used. Special attention was paid to perform the two injections at the same heart rate and exactly at the same phase of the cardiac cycle, i.e. at PPU’s peak systole signal. For mp-qBOLD, additional T2*- and T2-mapping sequences were performed. Geometric parameters (in-plane resolution: 1.8 x 1.8 mm, slice thickness: 4 mm; 29 slices) were identical for VAM and mp-qBOLD sequences. Custom-made in-house MatLab software was used for VAM and mp-qBOLD data postprocessing and comprising the following 5 main steps: 1) calculation of CBV and CBF maps from GE-EPI DSC data; 2) calculation of T2* and T2 maps; 3) calculation of maps of the oxygen metabolism MRI biomarkers oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2); 4) calculation of ΔR2,GE versus (ΔR2,SE)3/2 diagrams (vascular hysteresis loops, VHLs) from GE- and SE-EPI DSC data; and 5) calculation of maps of the vascular architecture MRI biomarkers microvessel radius (RU), density (NU) [8], and type indicator (MTI).

Results and Discussion

Low-grade glioma (LGGs, WHO°II) showed increased OEF compared to contralateral normal-appearing brain (CNB; p=0.027), peritumoral (predom. edematous) regions (p=0.028; Fig. 1C, Tab. 1), and high-grade gliomas (HGGs, WHO°III and IV, p<0.001) (Figs. 2C and 3C). No microvascular changes due to tumor-induced angiogenic activity within LGGs and their peritumoral regions (Figs. 1F and 1H), but in fact a lower microvessel density NU (Fig. 1G) compared to cNB/peritumoral (p=0.046) and HGGs (p=0.011 and p<0.001) were detected. The increased OEF values in LGGs might be associated with an only slightly increased tumor oxygen demand as well as with a lower NU. This higher OEF is sufficient to cover the oxygen demand of LGGs. Further increase in oxygen metabolism due to dedifferentiation of the lesion will initiate angiogenic processes. HGGs (WHO°III and IV) demonstrated significantly decreased OEF (Figs. 2C and 3C) and increased NU values (Figs. 2G and 3G) compared to cNB (p=0.005 and p<0.001) (Tab. 1). Glioblastomas showed large areas with significantly increased CMRO2 (p<0.001) (Fig 3D, Tab. 1). Areas with highest CMRO2 values were positively correlated with high NU (Fig 3G). These tumor areas with severely increased microvessel density NU showed, in turn, only mildly increased to normal microvessel radius RU and vice versa, i.e. maps of RU and NU provided complementary and inversely correlated information. Maps of MTI allowed differentiation between supplying arterial (small areas with warm colors) and draining venous microvasculature (widespread areas, especially in glioblastoma with cool colors) (Figs. 2H and 3H). These findings can be interpreted that the excessive oxygen demand in HGGs (especially in glioblastoma) is covered and even oversupplied by microvascular changes induced by angiogenesis. The OEF in HGGs is of only the half of that in cNB sufficient to ensure the increased oxygen demand (detected by an increased CMRO2) of the lesions.


Combined assessment of tumor oxygen metabolism and angiogenesis provide insight into tumor biology and thus may be beneficial for grading and therapy monitoring of gliomas. However, investigations in more well-defined patient populations and histological validations are necessary.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: Combined assessment of tumor oxygen metabolism and microvascular architecture in a 43-year-old male patient with an astrocytoma WHO°II. Conventional MRI: A) contrast-enhanced T1w, B) cerebral-blood-volume (CBV), and E) FLAIR. Oxygen metabolism: C) OEF and D) CMRO2. Microvessel architecture: F) microvessel radius (RU), G) density (NU), and H) type indicator (MTI).

Figure 2: Combined assessment of tumor oxygen metabolism and microvascular architecture in a 34-year-old male patient with an oligoastrocytoma WHO°III. Conventional MRI: A) CE T1w, B CBV, and E) FLAIR. Oxygen metabolism: C) OEF and D) CMRO2. Microvessel architecture: F) microvessel radius (RU), G) density (NU), and H) type indicator (MTI).

Figure 3: Combined assessment of tumor oxygen metabolism and microvascular architecture in a 51-year-old male patient with a glioblastoma WHO°IV. Conventional MRI: A) CE T1w, B CBV, and E) FLAIR. Oxygen metabolism: C) OEF and D) CMRO2. Microvessel architecture: F) microvessel radius (RU), G) density (NU), and H) type indicator (MTI).

Figure 4: Mean values and standard deviations of MRI biomarkers for oxygen metabolism (OEF and CMRO2) and microvessel architecture (RU, NU, and MTI) in contralateral normal appearing brain (cNB, green), tumor (red), and peritumoral regions (blue).

Table 1: Significant changes in MRI biomarkers for oxygen metabolism (OEF and CMRO2) and microvessel architecture (RU, NU, and MTI) compared to cNB and peritumoral regions. Up arrow indicates a significant increase and down arrow a significant decrease within the tumor.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)