Structural variability in the human brain reflects functional architecture
Gwenaelle Douaud1, Eugene Duff1, Adrian Groves1, Thomas Nichols1,2, Saad Jbabdi1, Christian Tamnes3, Lars Westlye3, Andreas Engvig3, Kristine Walhovd3, Anders Fjell3, Heidi Johansen-Berg1, and Steve Smith1

1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 3University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway


It is believed that the resting-state networks closely relate to the underlying anatomical connectivity and grey matter structure but cannot be understood in those terms alone. Here, we show that a purely data-driven approach used to co-model three complementary types of grey matter information on a large, healthy population covering most of the lifespan uncovers the entire repertoire of canonical functional networks. We further demonstrate that the modes of variation of grey matter volume across all participants forming these structural networks spatially co-vary with cortical area, except in primary sensory areas where they also partially co-vary with cortical thickness.


The notion that functional connectivity at rest can be closely related to grey matter structure has recently emerged1. Importantly, a few studies investigating patterns in healthy brain structure have provided mechanistic insights into the spread or selective targeting of disease processes1-3. To establish whether grey matter structural covariance patterns underlie the full repertoire of functional networks used by the brain at ‘‘rest” would provide fundamental insights into the nature of such functional networks. Another key question is whether these grey matter volume networks might be associated with variation in cortical folding, or cortical thickness4. To uncover the richness of structural patterns in the human brain, we have used here a purely data-driven approach to co-model three complementary types of grey matter information – grey matter volume, thickness and area – on a large, healthy population covering most of the lifespan (n=484, aged 8-85y, 220 males, right-handed).


* All 484 healthy volunteers (Oslo) underwent the same imaging protocol on a 1.5T Siemens Avanto scanner, with no hardware upgrades and only minor software upgrades (12-channel head coil, MPRAGE T1w, 1.25×1.25×1.2 mm3, 2 repeats).

* We obtained voxel-wise GM volume by processing T1w images using FSL-VBM5, as well as vertex-wise cortical thickness and surface area measures using FreeSurfer6. Using FLICA7, a linked ICA approach implemented in FSL8, we obtained an automatic decomposition of the images into 70 independent components (IC) to make it comparable with Smith et al.9. Each of these spatial components represents a mode of variation of brain structure across all 484 healthy participants.


The majority of the structural components (~40 of the 70 ICs) recapitulated functionally-meaningful brain networks observed using fMRI at rest and using tasks9 (Fig. 1). None of these components describing regional modes of variation were significantly associated with age, gender or ICV. The richness of the functional networks described by these structural ICs extended beyond the canonical resting-state networks. We found a meaningful split between the two DMNs (Fig. 1), representing the contribution of the limbic and associative parts of the precuneus10, and identified the visual functional network of the precuneus10 (Fig. 3). In addition, we singled out in the structural ICs the same 8 visual components presented in Smith et al.9 (Fig. 2). We also found a notable separation in the cerebellum between the mainly motor lobules (I-VI), the lobules VII and VIIIa – with a fine segmentation of the Crus I and Crus II –, and lobules VIIIb and IX including the corresponding vermis (Fig. 2). Interestingly, each of these assemblies of cerebellar lobules shares common functional connectivity with the cerebral networks11.

Next, using hierarchical clustering with the correlation coefficient of subjects weights as similarity measure, we investigated whether these fine-grained structural networks would further cluster together to form functionally relevant higher-level networks. The ICs strongly clustering together were (all in Fig. 3): i) an auditory- with a language-related IC; ii) “Visual 1” with “Visual 3”, further clustering with the pair of “Visual 2” and “Visual 7”; iii) notably, “DMN 2” with prefrontal regions and IPS, forming a structural substrate for most of the DMN and its negatively correlated functional network12 (Fig. 4); iv) “DMN 1” with “Executive” to create a cluster comparable with the limbic precuneus functional network10 (Fig. 4); v) the left and right frontal and parietal ICs to explicitly make the lateralised fronto-parietal networks; vi) “Cerebellar 1” with “Cerebellar 2”, and “Cerebellar 3” with anterior temporal pole areas and “Cerebellar 4”; vii) a cluster comprising of the structural equivalent of the temporal FFA (“Visual 6”), posterior STS and PPA (“Visual 5”), and one cluster made of the EBA (“Visual 4”) and the occipital FFA.

One further benefit of using such a linked-ICA approach was its multi-modal aspect which revealed that the modes of variation in GM volume across the 484 healthy participants spatially co-varied with cortical area, i.e. differences in folding (e.g., Fig. 5). GM volume networks involving primary sensory areas such as V1, M1, S1 or A1 also partially co-varied with cortical thickness (e.g., Fig. 5).


We found that modes of variation of GM volume across a large number of healthy subjects reflect the entire repertoire of functionally-meaningful architecture that can be observed within-subject using fMRI. These regional structural networks are not associated with age and are mostly related to variation in cortical area. These results demonstrate the anatomical nature of functional networks at a population level and suggest that “neurotrophic” events must occur during development (and evolution?) to impose a common folding pattern of distant brain regions across subjects.


This work was supported by Medical Research Council (MRC) MR/K006673/1 (to G.D.), Research Council of Norway 204966/F20 (to L.T.W.), and Wellcome Trust WT090955AIA (to H.J.-B.).


1. Seeley et al., Neuron 2009

2. Raj et al., Neuron 2012

3. Douaud et al., PNAS 2014

4. Toro and Burnod, Cerebral Cortex 2005

5. Douaud et al., Brain 2007

6. Fischl et al., Neuron 2002

7. Groves et al., Neuroimage 2011

8. Smith et al., Neuroimage 2004

9. Smith et al., PNAS 2009

10. Margulies et al., PNAS 2009

11. Li et al., Neuroimage 2012

12. Fox et al., PNAS 2005


Fig. 1: Modes of variation in brain structure recapitulate the canonical functional brain networks similar to those presented in Smith et al.10.

Fig. 2: Fine-grained visual and cerebellar networks. Left, the 8 visual networks correspond to those presented in Smith et al.10. Middle, close up of Cerebellum 3 (left), showing a clear distinction between Crus I and Crus II (right, from Diedrichsen's probabilistic atlas). Right, the 4 cerebellar networks correspond to functionally-different parts of the cerebellum and share common functional connectivity with the cerebral networks11.

Fig. 3: Hierarchical clustering on structural ICs reveals functionally-meaningful higher-order network clustering.

Fig. 4: Two clusters involving DMN regions obtained using hierarchical clustering: top, “DMN 2” clustered with prefrontal regions and the intra-parietal sulcus (left), providing a structural underpinning for most of the DMN and its negatively correlated functional network12 (right); bottom, “DMN 1” was paired with “Executive” (left), a structural IC resembling the executive control RSN, to create a cluster comparable with Margulies’ limbic precuneus functional network10 (right).

Fig. 5: GM volume networks mainly co-vary with cortical area, except in primary sensory areas where they also co-vary with cortical thickness.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)