disease (AD) is now increasingly considered as a disorder of brain networks.
Therefore, it is important to quantify the integrity of white matter (WM) connections
in AD populations. Previous DTI studies have shown WM breakdown in patients with
young onset AD (YOAD), but DTI parameters are not specific to any tissue
property. Here we investigated WM changes using NODDI and DTI in YOAD patients
using TBSS and explored whether unique patterns of WM changes exist in YOAD
subtypes. We
found NODDI was more sensitive than DTI and demonstrated different profiles of WM
damage in YOAD syndromic subgroups.Background
Onset Alzheimer's disease (YOAD), defined as symptom onset less than 65 years,
often present diverse syndromes. Its syndromic diversity may be underpinned by
different patterns of network breakdown
1-5, suggesting that studying
changes in white matter (WM) structural connections in this population can be especially
pertinent. Previous diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in patients with YOAD
showed decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) and increased diffusivity in WM of patients
Whilst sensitive to microstructure changes in WM, DTI indices are not specific
to different tissue properties (e.g., neurite density, which might be one of the
main changes during the neurodegenerative process). Neurite
orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)
9 is a novel diffusion
MRI technique that provides more tissue specific information than DTI. The
technique estimates the key microstructural factors contributing to the DTI
indices, including neurite density, neurite orientation dispersion and fraction
of free water. The aims of this study are to investigate the potential utility of
the NODDI indices for detecting tissue specific WM changes in YOAD and for
exploring whether unique patterns of WM changes exist in YOAD subtypes.
Subjects: 33 YOAD patients (age:60.6±5.1yrs,
male/female:14/19, age at symptom-onset:55.0±4.1yrs) and 21 controls (age:60.7±5.7yrs,
male/female:10/11) were scanned on the same 3T Siemens Trio scanner at Queen
Square, University College London. The
patient group consists of two syndromic variants: 8 individuals with Posterior
Cortical Atrophy (PCA)10 and 25 with typical memory-led AD (tAD)11.
acquisition: We used a three-shell diffusion sequence optimised for NODDI (64, 32, and
8 diffusion-weighted directions at b=2000, 700 and 300 s/mm2; 14 b=0
images; 55 slices; voxel size 2.5x2.5x2.5 mm3; TR/TE=7000/92 ms; Acquisition
Time 15 mins). DTI dataset was acquired using a single-shot, spin-echo echo
planar imaging sequence (64 diffusion-weighted directions at b=1000 s/mm2;
9 b=0 images; 55 slices; voxel size 2.5x2.5x2.5 mm3; TR/TE =
6900/91ms; Acquisition Time 16.5 mins).
Image Processing: After correcting motion and eddy-current distortion, we fitted NODDI and
tensor model using NODDI Matlab toolbox12 and FSL13. We used
DTI-TK14 to create a population-specific tensor template and spatially
normalize all the parameter maps to the template.
Statistical Analysis: Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS)15 was used to detect
group differences in NODDI and DTI indices between tAD and controls as well as
between PCA and controls. To ensure a fair comparison between syndromic
variants, one additional analysis was carried out between a subset of 8 tAD
patients, that are age-and-gender matched to 8 PCA patients, and controls. For all
the group comparisons, we performed 5000 permutations and included age and
gender as covariates, and corrected multiple comparisons using Threshold-Free Cluster
Enhancement (TFCE).
1) WM changes in tAD
compared with controls
findings: There was no significant change in FA at p<0.01, but at a less strict
threshold of p<0.05 decreased FA were found in the tAD group posteriorly
(Figure 1). Additionally, tAD patients had increased axial diffusivity (AxD) in
central WM at p<0.01 and increased radial diffusivity (RD) in predominantly,
but not exclusively, more posterior WM at p<0.05.
The tAD group had widespread reduction in neurite density index (NDI) at p<0.01,
in the corpus callosum, temporo-occipital, parietal and frontal WM tracts. There was also decreased orientation dispersion
index (ODI) in large central WM tracts, e.g., corpus callosum at p<0.01,
consistent with the AxD findings. Free water component increased in the corpus
callosum at p<0.05; no significant changes survived at p<0.01.
complementary information provided by NODDI allows for a more fine-grained
understanding of the conventional changes seen in DTI studies on neurodegenerative
diseases. For example, NODDI reveals that the regions with reduced FA are
underpinned by decreased NDI (Figure 2a). The technique can also identity WM
changes in the regions where FA is not perturbed from a combination of reduced NDI and reduced ODI
(Figure 2b).
2) NODDI metrics in YOAD
syndromic variants
the tAD subset, we found similar widespread decreased NDI than controls at
p<0.01 (Figure 3a). Whereas, compared to controls, PCA group showed more
focal decreased NDI in the posterior areas at p<0.01 (Figure 3b), and more
focal ODI changes in posterior areas (Figure 3d) in contrast to the group
differences between tADs and controls (Figure 3b). When comparing tADs and PCAs directly, no
significant difference in NODDI parameters was found, which might be due to the
small numbers in each group.
We showed that NODDI metrics not only enable tissue-specific microstructure
characterization in YOAD but also provide enhanced sensitivity over DTI
measures. We additionally demonstrated that NODDI can be used
to reveal distinct profiles of WM damage in YOAD syndromic subgroups.
The authors thank all patients and controls for their participation. The Dementia Research Centre is supported by
Alzheimer's Research UK, Brain Research Trust, and The Wolfson Foundation. Jiaying Zhang is supported by China Scholarship Council.References
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