Fábio Nery1, Enrico De Vita2,3, Chris A. Clark1, Isky Gordon1, and David L. Thomas3
1UCL Institute of Child Health, Developmental Imaging and Biophysics Section, LONDON, United Kingdom, 2National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology, LONDON, United Kingdom, 3UCL Institute of Neurology, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, LONDON, United Kingdom
Arterial spin labelling (ASL) is a contrast-free MRI technique that allows for the quantitative measurement of organ perfusion. In this study, we non-invasively evaluated renal perfusion changes in sixteen children within the first year following renal replacement therapy using ASL. Each child was scanned in three occasions : (A)
immediately post-transplant; (B) “1 month” post-transplant and (C) “1 year”
post-transplant. The highest renal cortical blood flow was
seen on the first scan in the majority of children while
in later scans equilibrium between child and kidney was reached.
transplantation is a common and effective procedure for children with chronic
kidney disease. In order to assess whether the procedure has been successful,
MRI scanning is commonly performed using techniques such as diffusion-weighted
imaging and R2* mapping [1]. A key parameter to assess functional viability of
the transplanted kidney is renal perfusion, which can be measured using dynamic
contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI [2]. However, safety concerns associated with the
use of paramagnetic contrast agents limit the clinical applicability of
DCE-MRI, particularly in a paediatric patient population with renal
deficiencies. Arterial spin labelling offers a contrast-free alternative for
the quantitative measurement of renal perfusion using MRI [3].
demonstrate the capability and value of ASL as a non-invasive fully
quantitative technique for following the evolution of renal blood flow over one
year in a longitudinal study of children who have undergone renal
children (age: median 13; range 9-17) were recruited for a one year
longitudinal study of renal blood flow following renal replacement therapy. Each
subject was scanned on 3 occasions after kidney transplantation (Table 1) at
time points: (A) immediately post-transplant; (B) "1 month" post-transplant and
(C) "1 year" post-transplant (variability of scanning timings due to patient
availability, scanner scheduling, etc.).
Three children had to be excluded as the first scan was undertaken more
than one month following the transplant. One child was excluded as a block
transplant of two kidneys was used. Four children received a cadaveric kidney
while the remaining 12 received a kidney from a living donor. The donors were
aged 27-51 years (median 42). At one year
follow up all the children were alive and well with a normal serum creatinine.
All children were scanned in a 1.5T Siemens Avanto scanner.
Coronal-oblique ASL data volumes were obtained using a segmented FAIR 3D-GRASE
acquisition scheme with background suppression and respiratory triggering [4]. One
control/tag pair was sampled at fourteen equally spaced inflow times (TIs) with
shortest TI of 100ms and increments of 200ms for a nominal scan time of 4m12s.
The matrix size was 128x104x12 with voxel size 3.1x3.1x5.0mm, providing whole
kidney coverage. Segmentation was performed along the first phase encoding
direction (3 shots) and Partial Fourier (factor 3/4) was applied along the
second phase direction (partition). Quantification was performed off-line using
home-written MATLAB scripts. The
ASL data were fitted to the general kinetic model [5] in a voxel wise manner to
yield quantitative renal blood flow (RBF), bolus width, and arterial transit
time maps. A
T1 value of 966ms was assumed for the renal cortex [6] and a
M0 was chosen as the median
M0 value in whole-kidney regions of
interest, obtained from a separate reference scan using the same readout as the
ASL scan but without background suppression.
and Discussion
assess longitudinal changes in renal perfusion, cortical RBF (in ml/100g/min)
of the first post-transplant scan were compared to the second scan and to the
final scan. In 14 of the 16 children, the highest blood flow was found in the
initial post-transplant scan compared to the second ("1 month") scan (Fig 1 a)).
The differences in RBF between scan A and B were statistically significant (two-tailed
paired t-test, p<0.01). When comparing the first scan to the "1 year" post-transplant scan, RBF was also significantly different (two-tailed paired
t-test, p<0.01). Four children showed no change in RBF (<20ml/100g/min);
11 children had a higher RBF on the first scan and only one child had a higher
RBF on the 1 year scan (table 2 and Fig 1 b)).
The highest renal cortical blood flow was seen on the first scan in the
majority of children. This could be due to the fact that all these children
received an adult kidney so that the first scan was obtained when the "steal" phenomenon of blood by the donor kidney was present, while in later scans
equilibrium between child and kidney had been reached (no significant in RBF
between scans B and C, two-tailed paired t-test, p=0.92). In addition the
anti-rejection drug regime may also have contributed to the reduction in blood
flow after the first month post-transplantation. When comparing the anatomical images
(coronal) of the first to the final scan, the anatomy of the kidney was noted
to have changed despite the identical positioning of the two scans (Fig 2).
this study, we non-invasively evaluated renal perfusion changes in children
within the first year post-transplant using ASL. This technique has provided
unique data that has added valuable information in a complex clinical situation.
authors would like to thank both Kidney Research UK and Kids Kidney Research
for funding this work.References
Wang, Y. et al., 2015, World J.
Radiol., 7(10): 343-349; [2] Buckley, D. et
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R. et. al., 2010, MRM 64:1352-1359.