Pedro A. Gómez1,2, Guido Buonincontri3, Miguel Molina-Romero1,2, Cagdas Ulas1,2, Jonatahn I. Sperl2, Marion I. Menzel2, and Bjoern H. Menze1
1Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 2GE Global Research, Garching, Germany, 3Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa, Italy
We present a method for creating a
spatiotemporal dictionary for magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF). Our technique
is based on the clustering of multi-parametric spatial kernels from training
data and the posterior simulation of a temporal fingerprint for each voxel in
every cluster. We show that the parametric maps estimated with a clustered
dictionary agree with maps estimated with a full dictionary, and are also robust
to undersampling and shorter sequences, leading to increased efficiency in
parameter mapping with MRF. Purpose
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) allows
for the simultaneous quantification of multiple tissue properties via the
matching of acquired signals to a pre-computed dictionary, created by sampling
a wide range of the parameter space
1. As the parameters of interest increase, so does
the dictionary size, leading to long reconstruction times. One possibility for
overcoming this limitation is to use a clustered dictionary with both spatial
and temporal information
2. This work aims at increasing MRF efficiency by
using a clustered spatiotemporal dictionary and incorporating it into a MRF
pipeline that includes B1 mapping and a view-sharing (VS) anti-aliasing
We tested our approach using
3D MRF data of a Lister-hooded adult rat brain adult acquired with a Bruker
BioSpec 47/40 system (Bruker Inc., Ettlingen, Germany)3. The sequence was
based on SSFP-MRF4 with Cartesian sampling, T=1000 shots, and 0.5
mm isotropic resolution. A dictionary D∈CL×T was simulated using extended phase graphs with the following
ranges: T1 from 100ms to 3,000ms in 20ms steps; T2 from 20ms to 100ms in 5ms
steps and from 100 to 500ms in 10ms steps; and B1 as a flip angle factor from
50% to 150% in 1% steps, resulting in a dictionary of size 840522x1000. The
acquired data was matched to the dictionary to create a reference dataset.
Exploiting symmetry of the brain, the reference
dataset was divided along the medial longitudinal fissure, separating the left
and right hemisphere. The estimated parametric T1, T2 and B1 maps of the left
hemisphere (see Fig. 1) were used to create spatiotemporal dictionaries of
different sizes by first clustering multi-parametric (T1,T2,B1) spatial kernels
using k-means and subsequently simulating the temporal signal of every voxel in
each cluster. The right hemisphere of the reference dataset was then matched to
dictionaries with spatial kernel sizes of P=1x1x1 (clustered only), P=3x3x3 and
P=5x5x5 (see Fig. 2).
We hypothesize that a
dictionary that contains only feasible parameter combinations and spatial
information should enable acceleration in both space and time. We test this by
sampling less k-space points using a Gaussian mask in the phase encode
directions with different acceleration
factors (Figs. 3-4), and by reducing the sequence length (Fig. 4). Undersampled
datasets were reconstructed with the original dictionary template matching (TM)1 and with our
VS approach, and compared to the reference dataset by their similarity index
(SSIM)5. Furthermore, we
study the amount of clusters required to accurately capture the entire
spatio-parametric variability in our dataset by evaluating the mean square
error (MSE) of the training and testing data for different spatial kernels
(Fig. 5.).
Figure 1 shows how the estimated parameters
approximate a Gaussian distribution, and are scattered in a restricted range
within the parameter space. Hence, using dictionaries trained from this
distribution yields parametric maps that agree with maps estimated using the
full dictionary (see Fig. 2). Figure 3 compares the reconstructed maps with 20%
sampling of k-space, where
D and
ˆD1 combined with VS are the
most similar to the reference dataset. Figure 4 shows smaller variation of the
clustered dictionaries with undersampling, though having less similarity to the
reference dataset in fully sampled cases. Fig. 5 evidences how the training
error decreases for more clusters in all cases, while the testing error only decreases
continuously for
We use spatiotemporal dictionaries of
different spatial kernel sizes with K=300 clusters (0.036% of the original
dictionary size) and obtain comparable parametric maps (see Fig. 2). Furthermore,
Figs. 3-4 show that clustered dictionaries, especially if they contain spatial
information, are more robust to undersampling and shorter sequences. Conversely,
the spatial smoothing achieved with larger spatial kernels along with the constant
testing errors for increasing clusters in Fig. 5 indicate that the training
data does not accurately represent the testing data for kernel sizes larger than P=3x3x3. In fact,
the amount of training observations required and the corresponding size of the
dictionary in terms of space, time, and clusters, leads to two important
discussion points: 1) using clustering enables higher acceleration, at the
expense of disregarding parameter combinations that are not present in the
training set (e.g. pathology); and 2) adding spatial information increases the
dimensionality of the dictionary, requiring approaches that can effectively
deal with matching in high dimensional spaces.
We propose a method to create clustered MRF
dictionaries and show the added benefit of combining it with a view-sharing strategy
to enable both accelerated acquisitions by undersampling, and accelerated
reconstructions through dictionary compression. Further investigation of data-driven
approaches could pave the way towards tissue and disease specific dictionaries
in clinical settings.
work was funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement Number 605162.References
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