Andreas Merrem1, Jakob Klosowski1, Sabine Hofer1, Klaus-Dietmar Merboldt1, and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany
Single-shot STEAM MRI is a method for black-blood diffusion-weighted
imaging where the use of radiofrequency-refocussed echoes leads to
no image distortions, no susceptibility artifacts, and no violations of the
Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill condition. Despite these favorable properties,
clinical applications have been limited by a low signal-to-noise ratio.
Here, we demonstrate the development of highly undersampled radial
diffusion-weighted single-shot STEAM MRI with iterative reconstruction
to achieve acceptable signal-to-noise for studies of the human brain.Introduction
Susceptibility artifacts and image distortions
are a major problem in diffusion-weighted EPI for various clinical applications.
The problem may be overcome by the use of single-shot STEAM (ssSTEAM) MRI [1]
which allows for anatomically correct imaging without sensitivity to magnetic
field inhomogeneities due to the acquisition of radiofrequency-refocused
echoes. Because multiple 180˚-pulses as in spin-echo MRI are not required,
exceedingly high energy absorption rates as well as artifacts due to violations
of the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill condition are also avoided. Additionally, the
black-blood property of the sequence [2] suppresses unwanted signal
contributions to the diffusion-weighted signal. So far, a poor signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) has been the main limitation for a more extended clinical use of diffusion-weighted
ssSTEAM MRI, although high undersampling factors with correspondingly increased
readout flip angles should improve the SNR. Here, we demonstrate the
feasibility of undersampled radial diffusion-weighted ssSTEAM MRI of the human
brain in combination with image reconstruction by the iteratively regularized
Gauss-Newton method [3].
The diffusion-weighted
ssSTEAM sequence (Fig. 1) prepares the magnetization with a diffusion-encoded
spin echo, followed by a 90˚ pulse. A series of small angle pulses generates
stimulated echoes, one for each radial spoke of the sampling trajectory.
A fat saturation pulse is
applied before each slice. Multiple slices without gaps are acquired in an
interleaved manner using a sufficiently long TR. The procedure is repeated for
each b-value and each diffusion direction. All studies were performed at 3 T
(Magnetom Prisma, Siemens Healthcare) using the standard 64-channel head coil. Validation
measurements were performed for the diffusion coefficient of distilled water using
b-values of 0, 100, …, 1000. The imaging protocol for healthy volunteers
contained the following parameters: FOV: 192 × 192 mm
2, in-plane
resolution: 1.5 mm, slice thickness: 5 mm, sampling: 25 spokes, TE: 7.44 ms,
spin-echo-TE: 36.1 ms, TRS: 6.89 ms, TR: 12 s, TM: 10 ms. With these parameters,
one image with b = 0 and 6 diffusion-weighted
images in different directions with a b-value up to 1000 can be acquired in 84 s
for 40 slices covering the entire brain. Image reconstruction was based on the
iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method [3] modified to jointly estimate the
image content and coil sensitivities of the entire volume, i.e. all slices. The
original image regularization, penalizing the L2-norm of the
estimated data, is replaced by a regularization which penalizes high values of
h(ρ,c)=‖ρ‖_2^2+∑_{i=2}^{s-1}‖c_i-0.5β(c_{i+1}+c_{i-1})‖_2^2 with ρ the image content and c
i the
coil sensitivity profile in slice i, β is a regularization parameter. The
procedure takes advantage of the spatial smoothness of coil sensitivities
perpendicular to the image section. Post-processing involved a novel image denoising
filter using a modified non-local means algorithm [4].
Results and discussion
The diffusion coefficients measured in distilled
water were in agreement with literature values [5], see Table 1. In vivo
experiments yielded anatomically correct diffusion-weighted images of the brain
with acceptable SNR and no averaging (Fig. 2). No further post processing (e.g.,
for removal of artifacts) was necessary. The present results demonstrate that
undersampled radial ssSTEAM MRI, in combination with IRGNM-based image
reconstruction, is a potentially useful strategy for clinical diffusion-weighted
MRI, e.g. for tumor and stroke diagnosis. Its performance will be further
tested in studies of the brain as well as other organs such as the liver to
explore the range of suitable clinical applications.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Nolte et al., MRM 2000, 44:731-6
[2] Karaus et al., JMRI 2007, 26:1666-71
[3] Uecker et al., MRM 2008, 60:674-82
[4] Buades, CVPR 2005, 2:60-5
[5] Holz
et al., PCCP 2000, 2:4740-72.