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Virtual Coil Reconstruction for 3D Diffusion-Weighted Multi-Shot MRI using a Single Reference Shot.
Eric Y. Pierre1, Jacques-Donald Tournier1,2, and Alan Connelly1

1Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2Centre for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London, United Kingdom


We introduce an efficient Mult-Shot Diffusion-Weighted (DW) 3D-GRASE acquisition and reconstruction technique to produce DW image volumes free of motion-induced phase artifacts, without relying on explicit measurement or inference of the phase information. The method replaces navigators measurements by a single reference scan for the whole acquisition. Virtual Coil concepts for Parallel Imaging techniques are used to map the multi-shot data onto a k-space signal with consistent phase information.


To introduce an efficient Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted (DW) 3D-GRASE acquisition that replaces the need for time-consuming navigator echoes with a single reference shot for the whole acquisition.


Compared to 2D DW acquisitions, 3D DW methods allow perfectly isotropic voxels without slice profile issues and increased SNR efficiency, which could potentially reduce scan time for a given image resolution and b-value. In practice however, the rapid signal decay requires segmentation of k-space encoding into multiple shots. Consequently, navigator echoes are needed for each shot to capture its motion-induced phase information and produce artefact-free images. Even then, these navigator echoes cannot correct for through-slice dephasing and corresponding signal loss unless they are acquired in 3D. Moreover, they noticeably lengthen the acquisition time and contribute to making 3D-DW sequences impractical for clinical use.

Here we propose a reconstruction scheme that exploits virtual coil GRAPPA reconstruction1,2 to allow Multi-Shot 3D-DW GRASE with a single reference shot and no navigator echoes.


As with a standard GRASE acquisition, a plane of k-space (called here “partition”) is sampled with an EPI readout after each refocusing pulse (Figure 1, left). The signal is undersampled by a factor Rz along kz and Ns along ky, where Ns is the number of shots. Each subsequent shot is shifted by one Δky, leading to fully-sampled partitions (middle). Additionally a reference shot samples the same partitions around their centre with a fully-sampled NxNs×Ny readout, preserving the bandwidth. Alternatively a Nx×NyNsreference shot can be acquired (right) by increasing the readout bandwidth by a factor Ns, neglecting image distortion along the readout direction.

Image reconstruction is similar to other virtual coil Parallel Imaging methods3, with the motion-generated phase information treated as part of the coil sensitivities: the signal is viewed as if acquired with Nc×Ns virtual coils, where Nc is the number of receive channels. The reconstruction is performed in two steps:

Step 1: Using the reference shot as an auto-calibration set4, a GRAPPA weightset can be computed that linearly combines acquired source points into missing target points with the same motion-induced phase information as the reference shot (figure 2). Each shot has its own set of virtual coil sensitivities due to differences in motion. Since each shot acquires different lines of k-space, the order in which the shots appear within the kernel changes as it shifts along ky (in the figure the order of the red, green and blue changes with such shifts), requiring different GRAPPA weightsets. Therefore a total of Ns different GRAPPA weightsets are computed and used. Applying these weightsets on a multi-shot partition yields a partition with uniform motion-induced phase information.

Step 2: The missing partitions are reconstructed using GRAPPA with weightsets computed from the b=0 volume.

To test this method, a multi-shot DW 3D-GRASE acquisition was simulated from conventional 2D diffusion-weighted data from a healthy volunteer (3T Siemens Skyra, 32-channel head coil, 110×92×80, 2mm3 resolution, b=1000, 45 directions). For each volume, 4 shots were simulated with Ne=12 spin echoes and Partial Fourier (PF) = 6/8 along kz with Rz=5. An additional 110×23×12 calibration shot was simulated as described above. For each shot a 3D-polynomial phase pattern was randomly generated with several phase wraps across the field of view. T2 decay along kz was simulated assuming T2=70ms and inter-echo spacing of 21ms. Complex random noise was added to the signal for an average SNR of 18 at the central k-space line. The reconstruction used 5×5×1 and 3×4×3 GRAPPA kernels for the first and second step respectively. The reference scan was injected in the reconstructed signal after the 1st step. The equivalent acquisition time for real data would be ~5min, compared to 10min with a 2D sequence.


Examples of the randomly generated phase maps are shown in figure 3. Example reconstructed volumes are displayed in figure 4. Without applying the first reconstruction step, the image volumes are heavily ghosted (top left). These artefacts are no longer apparent when applying the proposed method (top right). The difference image (lower right) with the ground truth (lower left) appears as random noise. The average normalized root-mean-square error for all reconstructed volumes was 10.9±2.7%.

Discussion and Conclusion

The proposed multi-shot DW 3D-GRASE acquisition and reconstruction produced DWI volumes free of motion-induced phase artefacts without the need for per-shot navigator echoes, through the introduction of virtual coil image reconstruction in conjunction with a single reference scan. This approach would be particularly useful for high-resolution 3D-DWI, where many shots would be required.


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1. Blaimer M, Gutberlet M, Kellman P, Breuer F a, Köstler H, Griswold M a. Virtual coil concept for improved parallel MRI employing conjugate symmetric signals. Magn. Reson. Med. 2009;61:93–102. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21652.

2. Blaimer M, Choli M, Jakob PM, Griswold M a, Breuer F a. Multiband Phase-Constrained Parallel MRI. 2013;980:974–980. doi: 10.1002/mrm.24685.

3. Liu W, Zhao X, Ma Y, Tang X, Gao J-H. DWI using navigated interleaved multishot EPI with realigned GRAPPA reconstruction. Magn. Reson. Med. 2015; doi: 10.1002/mrm.25586.

4. Griswold MA, Jakob PM, Heidemann RM, Nittka M, Jellus V, Wang J, Kiefer B, Haase A. Generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA). Magn. Reson. Med. 2002;47:1202–1210.


Figure 1 - Left: Example of k-space sampling trajectory for 1 shot with 3 echoes. Middle : Total k-space sampling trajectory after all shots. Each partition (kx-ky plane) is fully sampled, but signal remains undersampled along kz. Right : Reference shot.

Figure 2 - GRAPPA reconstruction relationship between the multishot signal and the reference shot for a single partition. Weightsets are calibrated using the reference shot, then applied on the whole multi-shot dataset to generate data with the same consistent phase information as the reference shot.

Figure 3 - Example or randomly generated phase maps.

Figure 4 - Top left: images obtained wihtout applying the method’s first step. Top right: Images reconstructed with the proposed method. Lower left: Ground Truth Image. Lower Right: Difference image between the reconstructed volume and the ground truth, scaled to show noise. The root-mean-square error of the reconstructed image is 10.47% .

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)