Noninvasive in vivo imaging of the tissue conductivity has great
potential in cancer diagnosis. Recently, electrical properties tomography (EPT)
has been investigated with increasing effort to noninvasively image tissue conductivity
in vivo using MRI. A preclinical method for imaging tumor conductivity can be
valuable for understanding tumor development and associated conductivity change
due to fundamental molecular and cellular reasons. In this study, tumor
conductivity was studied based on a xenograft rat tumor model using a small
animal EPT system. The result showed elevated conductivity in cancerous tissue
compared to healthy tissue, suggesting the clinical value of EPT for tumor
An accurate in vivo imaging modality for mapping electrical conductivity
with high spatial resolution can have a significant impact on the detection and
diagnosis of cancer
1,2. Electrical properties tomography (EPT) holds
promises for in vivo imaging of electrical conductivity and permittivity with
high spatial resolution
3-6. In this study, a
new EPT platform exploiting a microstrip array coil was developed for imaging small
animals in vivo. Significant difference of conductivity between tumor and
healthy tissue was found in a xenograft rat tumor model. Preclinical animal tumor
models can be valuable for understanding electrical properties of tumor across
tissue and cellular scales.
Animal model
Tumor-bearing Copenhagen rats (350-400 g, Charles River Laboratories) were
used as the animal tumor model. AT-1 rat prostate cancer cells7 were injected subcutaneously above the right hind
limb of the animal. Tumor was allowed to grow for three to four weeks to reach
a diameter of 2.5 cm before the imaging experiment.
Animal experiment protocol was
approved by IACUC, University of Minnesota. Animals were kept anesthetized
during the experiment. An eight-channel microstrip array coil as shown in Fig.
1(a) was built for RF transmission and MRI signal detection. The coil has an
inner diameter of 10 cm, outer diameter of 12.7 cm and length of 12 cm. The
experiment was performed on a 7T MRI scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany;
Magnex Scientific, Oxford, UK) equipped with sixteen 1kW RF amplifiers (CPC,
Hauppauge, NY, USA).
The magnitude and relative phase of the eight transmit B1
fields were acquired with a resolution of 1.1x1.1x2 mm3 6,8. From the magnitude and relative phase, the gradient-related term ∂lnεc∂x+i∂lnεc∂y can be calculated6, where εc≡ε−iσω is the complex permittivity with ε the permittivity, σ the conductivity and ω the angular Larmor frequency. In order to obtain the full gradient (∂lnεc∂x,∂lnεc∂y), the setup including the RF coil and the animal was flipped 180 degrees relative to the z-direction
(the direction of B0) as shown in Fig. 1(b), and MRI scans were
repeated to acquire another set of transmit B1 data. From the second dataset, the term −∂lnεc∂x+i∂lnεc∂y can be calculated with the positive direction of the horizontal x-axis
relative to the animal defined identically to that in the first setup. T1-weighted
MRI images, normalized by proton density(PD)-weighted images, were acquired to
provide a reference for identifying tumor9.
The animals were euthanized after the imaging experiments. Their
electrical properties of tumor and nearby healthy muscle tissue were measured
using a dielectric probe (85070E Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA)
immediately after euthanasia.
EPT Reconstruction
Inside a region of interest (ROI), the discretized εc and gradient gx≡∂lnεc∂x and gy≡∂lnεc∂y can be written as vectors →εc, →gx and →gy, respectively. The final maps of εc can be derived based on the optimizer εc=argmin where \vec{g_{x0}} and \vec{g_{y0}} are the calculated
gradient, \lambda a regularization
constant and \vec{\varepsilon_{c0}} an initial map of the complex permittivity. In this study, a constant \vec{\varepsilon_{c0}} with \sigma=1\:{\tt{S}}/{\tt{m}} and \varepsilon=66\:\varepsilon_0 was chosen to fit the range of measured \varepsilon_c of tumor and healthy tissue using the dielectric probe. Here, \varepsilon_0 is the absolute permittivity of
free space.
Figure 2 shows the reconstructed conductivity in two animals. Tumors had
been implanted on the right side of animals. The darker areas on the right side
of the normalized T1-W images indicate the tumor region because of increased T1
in cancerous tissue. The dark area in T1-W image on the left side of animal #2 is artifact due to weak B1 coverage. For each animal, an ROI containing tumor tissue and healthy
muscle tissue was chosen for reconstruction of electrical properties. It can be
observed that in the reconstructed color maps of conductivity, the boundaries
between high and low conductivity areas align well with the boundaries
extracted from the T1-W images (red solid lines). The
reconstructed average conductivities in tumor and muscle regions are 1.05±0.02
and 0.92±0.03 S/m, respectively, for animal #1 and 1.05±0.03 and 0.94±0.04 S/m for animal #2. The corresponding probe-measured values are 1.08 and 0.9 S/m for animal #1, and 1.09 and 0.95 S/m for animal #2.
Conclusion and
In this study, an EPT system with multichannel transmit B
mapping was developed for imaging tumor tissue in a rat model. It is shown
capable of differentiating tumor and healthy tissue based on the reconstructed
conductivity. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by probe measurement.
The results suggest the clinical value of conductivity imaging for diagnosing
tumor. The method is promising for investigating electrical properties and
associated biophysics utilizing small animal models.
The research was supported in part by NIH R21 EB017069, R01 EY023101, U01 HL007664,
R21 EB014353, P41 EB015894, R01 EB011551, S10 RR026783, NSF CBET-1450956, CBET-1264782, and WM KECK
Foundation. The authors are thankful to Dr. Xiaotong Zhang and Mrs. Lynn Utecht for helping with experiments.References
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