Yuan Le1, Aneela Afzal2, Xiao Chen3, Bruce Spottiswoode4, Wei Huang2, and Chen Lin1
1Radiology and Imaging Science, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 2Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, United States, 3Siemens Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, United States, 4Siemens Healthcare, Chicago, IL, United States
The goal of this work is to build a prototype
quality assurance (QA) system for the quantitative pharmacokinetic (PK)
analysis of breast DCE-MRI acquired with accelerated imaging techniques. A 3D
digital tumor model with two sub-regions was constructed by segmenting patient
images. The dynamic contrast enhanced images were synthesized according to the Tofts
and Shutter Speed models with the TWIST technique. The QA system shows how the TWIST
technique impacts the estimated pharmacokinetic parameters, and therefore
allows necessary adjustments to be made to control the error.Target Audience
Radiologists, and MRI
Quantitative pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis from
DCE-MRI have been shown to provide more reliable evaluation of breast cancer
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) than tumor size measurement based on Response Evaluation
Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) guidelines (1-3). In order to achieve the temporal resolution required for accurate PK
parameter evaluation without sacrificing spatial resolution, accelerated
imaging methods are often
employed in breast DCE-MRI (4, 5). However, these techniques can result in
infidelity of the DCE signal intensity time course (6-9) and consequently errors in estimated PK parameters. A quality assurance
(QA) system, which evaluates DCE-MRI image quality/accuracy for PK analysis
when accelerated techniques are implemented, is an unmet need. Here we report preliminary findings from such
a prototype QA system that we have developed and used on images acquired with TWIST technique,
a k-space view sharing technique commercially available on the Siemens platform
Figure 1 gives an
overview of the implemented prototype QA system. A background phantom filled
with 0.2mM Gd-BOPTA, resembling un-enhanced
tissue, was scanned on a 3T scanner (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen) with the TWIST sequence but fully sampled (5), and TR=4ms, Flip angle=10°. A 3D tumor model was retrospectively constructed
from patient data, with two sub-regions, one with wash-out and one with
persistent enhancement (Figure 2). Tumor k-space data were generated using separate
3D Fourier transforms of the two sub-regions zero filled to match background
phantom k-space data. Enhancement curves were created for the two sub-regions
using both the Tofts model (10) and the Shutter-Speed Model (SSM) (3) with PK parameters derived from breast cancer patient
data (3). For wash-out and persistent regions, Tofts
model parameters were K
trans=0.14 and 0.05 (min
-1) and v
and 0.28, respectively; and SSM parameters were K
trans=0.21 and 0.07
-1), v
e=0.60 and 0.59, and τ
i (mean
intracellular water lifetime, SSM only parameter) = 0.37 and 0.37, respectively.
These parameters also serve as the “ground truth” for evaluating any error due
to acquisition or reconstruction. The tumor and background k-space data were re-organized
according to the data acquisition scheme of the TWIST sequence for percentage
of center k-space pA = 10%, 15%, 20% and 33%, and sampling density of
peripheral k-space pB = 20% and 50%. Tumor k-space views were multiplied with
the enhancement at the corresponding time point (Figure 1). The enhanced tumor
data were then added to the background data. In addition, an ‘Faithful’ data
set was reconstructed not only with fully sampled k-space data, but also with all
the k-space data for one measurement acquired at the same time. The temporal
resolution was set to 16 sec, the minimum temporal resolution required for
accurate PK analysis of breast DCE-MRI data (11). After the images were reconstructed from the
synthesized k-space data (with different pA and pB combinations) using Siemens
Image Calculation Environment, the PK parameters for a ROI in the wash-out
sub-region were estimated using both the Tofts model and SSM and compared with
the ground truth.
Figure 3 shows the average
enhancement in the wash-out sub-region from view-shared images and the ‘ground
truth’. TWIST view sharing increased the ‘temporal foot print’ of each
measurement, and sometimes caused ‘enhancement’ at or even before the arrival
of the contrast (pA=10% and pB=50%). Table 1 lists the K
trans, v
e and τ
i parameters estimated with the two PK models. These parameters
were closest to the ‘ground truth’ when using the ‘Faithful’ images. When images
with view sharing, the PK parameters deviated further from the ‘ground truth’
to different extents. Figure 4 shows
examples of the SSM K
trans, v
e, and τ
i color
maps of the selected ROI, obtained from an ‘Faithful’ and a view-shared data
set (pA=10% and pB=20%). With view-sharing,
the PK parameter maps also became less uniform.
We have developed a
novel prototype QA system for breast DCE-MRI to evaluate the accuracy of estimated
PK parameters. TWIST sequence was used as an example, but this QA system can be
easily adapted to other fast imaging methods that use k-space under-sampling. Future studies will include testing the QA
system with additional tumor models, enhancement types, imaging sequences, and
acquisition parameter options. The ultimate goal is to implement such QA systems
on scanners for real-time evaluation of the impact of imaging parameters on PK
analysis accuracy (or bias)so the users can select the imaging parameters
Grant Support: NIH grant U01
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