We measured the lower leg muscle oxidative
metabolism in healthy volunteers (n=5) and heart failure patients (n=6) with
quantitative 31P-MRS and MRI at 3T clinical scanner. The
post-exercise rate of phosphocreatine (PCr) resynthesis was decreased in heart failure
subjects (i.e. delayed PCr recovery time) compared to healthy volunteers in
global calf muscle, as well as in predominantly fast twitch (type II)
gastrocnemius muscle (medial and lateral, GM and GL) and predominantly slow
twitch (type I) soleus (SOL) muscle.Purpose
The patho-physiology of heart failure (HF) is fundamentally determined by the
failure of the circulatory system to deliver oxygen sufficient for metabolic
needs, and is best explained by a complex interplay between intrinsic
abnormalities of ventricular pump function and extra-cardiac factors that
reduce oxygen utilization in metabolically active tissues (1-4). In HF-patients, the abnormalities in skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative
function are important determinants of exercise intolerance and may offer novel
targets for therapy (5-6). We evaluated the plantar flexion post-exercise PCr
resynthesis rate in lower leg muscle with a novel spectrally selective
three-dimensional turbo spin echo (3D-TSE)
31P-MRI and conventional
technique (as a validated measure of skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative
All the
31P-MRS and MRI experiments were performed on a 3T
Siemens scanner using a dual-tuned
1H quadrature volume coils (Rapid MRI,
Ohio). Six non-anemic NYHA Class II-III HF-patients (4 male, 2
female, mean age=56±7.3years) and five normal volunteers (all male, mean
age=35±6.8years) were recruited. Plantar flexion exercises were performed using
a custom built MR compatible ergometer. An exercise protocol was designed for
the purpose of ensure enough PCr depletion while keep the pH change minimal,
which includes 1-2 mins before the exercise (baseline), 1 min plantar flexions
with interval of 1.5s, and recovery phase after the exercise till 10mins.
31P-MR data were collected during two separate full exercise protocols for MRS
and MRI respectively. Parameters for unlocalized free induction decay (FID)
were TR=6s and 2048 points with a spectral width of 3kHz, 100 measurements in
10mins. Spectrally selective PCr Imaging experiments were performed using a
modified version of centric 3D-TSE sequence (7), which allows to acquire 2
partitions per TR. Parameters were as following: ETL=24; TE and
echo-spacing=26ms; acquisition bandwidth=1.6kHz; matrix size=24x24x4;
FOV=220x220x200mm (voxel size=4.2mL); TR=6s, resulting in 12s temporal
resolution and 50 measurements in 10 mins. A 16ms Gaussian pulse was used for
spectral selective excitation of PCr.
Data Analysis
All MR spectra were post-processed via zero-filling
to 8192 points; zero and first order phase correction and baseline correction
were done. After normalizing the acquired data, both MRS and MRI (mean signal
intensity of all voxels within muscle), to the pre-exercise value for each
subject, we then fitted them to a mono exponential recovery function according
to the following equation, using a least squares minimization algorithm.
PCr(t)=PCr0+C×(1−e−t/k)[1]In Equation[1], PCr
0 is the PCr level at the end of
exercise, C is the difference between the steady-state level and the PCr after
recovery, and k is the time constant (1/rate constant) of PCr resynthesis in seconds. In addition, we manually
segmented the different muscles (
GL and
SOL) and fitted Equation[1] in
each volume of interest in order to measure the regional time constant of PCr
According to clinical report, muscle mass of these HF-patients are within normal range. However, the HF-patients demonstrated an increased rate of PCr depletion during exercise and a decreased rate of PCr resynthesis post-exercise compared to normal volunteers; and moreover, the skeletal muscle pH from spectra (distance between Pi and PCr peaks) of both groups showed not much change during the exercise protocol (
Fig.1 and
Fig.2). The spectrally selective 3D-PCr imaging (
Fig.3) also demonstrated that the post-exercise rate of PCr resynthesis was decreased in HF-patients in both predominantly fast twitch (type II) gastrocnemius and predominantly slow twitch (type I) soleus muscle, as well as a summed average of the entire calf muscle volume (
Fig.4). In normal volunteers, the
Global PCr resynthesis time constant is 24.4±5.5s for MRS and 25.9±5.0s for MRI. Respectively in HF-patients, the
Global PCr resynthesis time constant is 48.6±9.2s for MRS and 51.3±7.6s for MRI. While the two methods agreed with each other very well (no statistically significant differences), all the analysis shows significant differences between normal volunteers and HF-patients, using unpaired t-test with significance level of 0.05 (
Fig.5). The
Regional PCr resynthesis time constants ranged from 25.8±4.0s to 29.8±4.s for volunteers, and from 56.1±9.0s to 63.5±10.4s for HF-patients.
Discussion and Conclusion
The preliminary results suggest that the
skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to exercise
intolerance in HF-patients, and for the first time show that these
abnormalities in heart failure are present in both fast twitch (type II)
gastrocnemius and slow twitch (type I) soleus muscles. 3D-PCr imaging allows simultaneous measurement
of PCr resynthesis rates in several distinct muscles during the post-exercise
period to determine the spatial heterogeneities.
and MRI of lower leg muscle oxidative metabolism could be a potential useful
imaging biomarker for staging and monitoring therapies in patients with heart failure.
Grant support:
1R01AR056260, 1R01AR060238, and R01AR067156References
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