In this work a local four-channel transmit/receive RF coil dedicated for
cardiac MR at 3T is compared to a conventional built-in body RF coil in
conjunction with a four-channel receive-only RF coil. SAR and B1+
simulations of both configurations are shown. The invivo efficiency performance
of both coils in respect to B1+/sqrt(SAR) is demonstrated
in 12 healthy subjects. The efficiency surplus of the local RF coil
was used to increase the applicable flip angle FASSFP of a standard
high resolution 2D SSFP protocol or to shorten the used repetition time TRSSFP by 54%.Introduction
In current clinical cardiac MR (CMR) integrated body RF coils are
commonly used for
1H excitation, which deposit the RF energy/SAR in a
large volume of the patient/subject.
Progress in ultrahigh field MR (B
0≥7T), where body RF coils are not provided,
demonstrated that local transceiver (TX/RX) RF coil arrays are suitable
for RF excitation of deep lying regions such as the heart
Recognizing this opportunity, this work demonstrates the feasibility of CMR
at 3T with a local four-channel TX/RX RF coil array
This setup is benchmarked against the clinical standard of a body RF
coil for excitation in conjunction with a four-channel RX-only RF coil.
Our assessment includes electromagnetic field (EMF) simulations to
detail SAR and B
1+-homogeneity and -efficiency for the local and body RF coil configuration and their
in vivo performance for high spatial resolution
2D SSFP-CINE imaging of the heart.
12 volunteers underwent CMR at a 3T whole-body MR
system (MAGNETOM Verio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany).
A four-channel transceiver RF coil (4TX/4RX) was
constructed with 4 rectangular loop elements (H-F=180mm, L-R=120mm) (Fig 1).
Basic B1+-phase shimming was
facilitated by phase-shifting cables.
The TX phase
setting Φ was derived from EMF simulations (CST AG, Darmstadt, Germany) using voxel
model Duke.
Φ minimizes
so simultaneously optimizes B1+-homogeneity
(1st term), -efficiency (2nd term) and local SAR10g (3rd
|B1+| denotes the magnetization
within Duke’s heart, MOS/SOM is the magnitude of sum/sum of magnitude.
Rapid SAR10g computations were conducted with
pre-calculated 4x4-SAR-matrices (SimOpTx, Vienna, Austria).
For all simulations maximum SAR10g was calculated
and used to determine the maximum RF input power according to IEC guidelines (in normal
operating mode)(5).
The 4TX/4RX RF coil was benchmarked against the
built-in body RF coil (BC) together
with a home-built four-channel
receive-only RF coil (4RX), resembling
the 4TX/4RX coil geometry.
Protocol parameters of invivo 2D Bloch-Siegert-B1+-mapping: spatial resolution=5.3x5.3x6mm³, 4.5ms Fermi pulse,
off-center frequency: 4kHz, TE/TR=7.3/80ms, TA=15s. Based on the B1+-maps
flip angle maps were calculated.
Protocol parameters of invivo 2D SSFP CINE technique: spatial resolution=1.8x1.8x6mm³,
30 cardiac phases, TA=15s (within one breath hold), TE/TR=1.4/3.2ms, FA maximal to
reach SAR limit.
For the body RF coil an
additional SSFP protocol with a reduced flip angle FA’ was acquired, which assumes local instead of whole-body SAR limits:
To increase FAROI TRSSFP
was changed by varying the receiver bandwidth BWRX, while keeping
all other imaging parameters constant.
The SAR simulation of the body coil showed that the
local SAR
10g limit is by a factor of 40% more restrictive than the
whole-body SAR limit (Fig 2).
Therefore the local SAR limit was additionally used for
the body coil.
The transmit efficiency
B+1@SARlimit=B+1∗√SARlimitSARSimulation∼FA was chosen to compare the
transmission regimes:
within Duke’s heart B
1+@SAR-limit=130/92µT for BC@whole-body/local SAR limit, and 97µT for 4TX/4RX@local SAR limit
(Fig 3).
The simulated transmit homogeneity std(B
was 15% for BC/4RX and 30% for 4TX/4RX.
The quality of the in vivo images of all transmission
regimes was clinically acceptable and not affected by signal voids.
The transmit efficiency advantage of 4TX/4RX manifests
in a higher mean FA
ROI (Fig 4 top row), while the BC is more B
For an apical SAX this efficiency of the 4TX/4RX setup
min=3.8ms) reduced TR
min by 29%/54% compared to the body
RF coil transmission at whole-body/local SAR limit (TR
The TR
min shortening of 4TX/4RX helped to
reduce SSFP banding artifacts and relaxed the constraints on the fidelity of volume-selective
Although whole-body SAR limits are used for the body RF coil in clinical
cardiac MR, local SAR
10g limits are more restrictive.
When applying the maximum power to reach the whole-body SAR limit with
the body RF coil the local SAR
10g limit is already exceeded by 90%,
which agrees with
The short distance to the human chest renders the
local transmit RF coil more efficient than the body RF coil in terms of
transmit efficiency
B+1/√Pin as well as
High transmission efficiency is clinically relevant
for CMR, where cardiac and respiratory motion makes rapid imaging
techniques such as SSFP mandatory.
Moreover, body RF coil transmission induces RF power deposition in a
large volume including body regions far away from the ROI, which constitute an
RF-heating related contraindication for patients with implants
Local transmit RF coils restrict the volume of power deposition and
hence permit inclusion of these patients into CMR examinations.
To conclude, pursuing local TX/RX RF coil arrays in CMR
is a conceptually appealing alternative to body RF coil transmission and has
high clinical potential and implications for future’s MRI.
Jan Rieger and Andre Kuehne from MRI.TOOLS GmbH, Berlin, GermanyReferences
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