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Approaching the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR with Dense Arrays of Electric Dipole Antennas
Gang Chen1,2,3, Riccardo Lattanzi1,2, Daniel Sodickson1,2, and Graham Wiggins1,2

1The Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3The Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Science, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


Coil designs motivated by the ideal current patterns corresponding to the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR (UISNR) have been used to boost central SNR at 3T and 7T. For a cylindrical phantom and a current distribution defined on a concentric cylindrical surface, the ideal current pattern for optimal central SNR includes both divergence-free and curl-free components. While loops are exclusively divergence-free, recent work has shown that electric dipole antennae include both divergence-free and curl-free current components. Here we explore in simulation whether arrays with an increasing number of electric dipole antennas can approach UISNR in the center of a head-sized phantom at 7T, and investigate selected practical design considerations.


Coil designs motivated by the ideal current patterns corresponding to the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR (UISNR) have been used to boost central SNR at 3T and 7T [1-5]. For a cylindrical phantom and a current distribution defined on a concentric cylindrical surface, the ideal current pattern for optimal central SNR includes both divergence-free and curl-free components [6, 7]. At low field, divergence-free current patterns saturate the UISNR and arrays with an increasing number of loops can approach the UISNR [8-10]. While loops are exclusively divergence-free, recent work has shown that electric dipole antennae include both divergence-free and curl-free current components [11,12]. Here we explore in simulation whether arrays with an increasing number of electric dipole antennas can approach UISNR in the center of a head-sized phantom at 7T, and investigate selected practical design considerations.


FDTD simulations were performed with Microwave studio (CST, Darmstadt, Germany). Dipole arrays with various numbers of elements were simulated using 4 mm diameter rods, placed 10 mm away from a 20 cm diameter cylindrical phantom (εr = 52.5, σ = 0.5642 S/m) [Fig 1(a-e)]. All dipole arrays were limited to a 20 cm area along the z direction to ensure a fair comparison between arrays. In the two-row 32-element design, each element was shortened to 16 cm and nearest neighbors were offset along z, to reduce coupling and maintain the 20 cm range [Fig 1(d)]. Similar strategies were applied to the 24- and 48-element arrays with three rows, where each dipole was shortened to 9cm [Fig 1(c, e)]. All elements were tuned to 297.2 MHz with inductors close to the feed points.

For comparison, a three-row 48-element loop array was simulated for an identical phantom [Fig 1(f)]. The width and length of each loop element was adjusted to achieve geometric decoupling with neighboring coils. The length was also adjusted to fit three rows into the 20 cm range along the z direction. Three capacitors were distributed evenly along each element. All elements were tuned to 297.2 MHz.

In practice, the use of inductors to shorten dipoles introduces extra resistance into the array, particularly for very short dipoles, which may result in reduced SNR. To model this effect, we repeated the simulations including a model for the extra resistance (R) of the inductors. We calculated R on the bench using the Q value measured when the inductor was combined with a capacitor into a resonant LC circuit, such that R=2πfL/Q.

UISNR values were calculated using a full-wave electrodynamic simulation tool based on a current mode expansion and dyadic Green’s functions [6]. Separate UISNR optimizations were repeated including only curl-free, only divergence-free, and all current modes.


Figure 2 shows optimally combined SNR (i.e., matched filter combination including noise covariance matrix) for a transverse slice through the center of the phantom. The 48-element dipole array resulted in the highest central SNR among the six designs, with 28% higher SNR at the center than the 48-element loop array. All dipole arrays were found to exceed the UISNR for either divergence-free components or curl-free components at the center of the phantom, and the 48-element dipole array achieved 95% of UISNR for all currents (Figure 3). The 32-element array is the only 2-row design studied, which may account for its low SNR. When inductor losses were included in the simulations (Figure 4), the performance of the 48-element dipole array dropped to 87% of UISNR for all currents. When SNR was reconstructed using a sum-of-squares combination of the array elements without incorporation of the noise covariance matrix, due to lower inter-element coupling the 24-element dipole array outperformed the 48-element design (Figure 5), achieving 82% of the UISNR for all currents, and still exceeding the UISNR for divergence-free currents alone.


Recent work has shown that the current pattern in an electric dipole antenna includes both curl-free and divergence-free components. This is supported by our simulation results showing that the SNR of dipole arrays can surpass the UISNR for either curl-free or divergence-free currents. We showed that, theoretically, a dense dipole array with the proper configuration could closely approach the central UISNR for all-currents, outperforming considerably any conceivable loop array for head imaging at 7T. However, in practice, inductor losses and inter-element coupling may limit gains with high element counts. Future work will include constructing a dense array of dipole antennas to confirm our predictions that loops are not needed for 7T head imaging.


This work was supported by the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (www.cai2r.net), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).


[1] Reykowski A, Fischer H. V-Cage and V-Array: Novel coil structures for higher field strengths. Proceedings of the 13h Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Miami Beach, USA p950.

[2] Graham Wiggin, Bei Zhang, Riccardo Lattanzi, Gang Chen, Daniel Sodickson. The Electric Dipole Array: An Attempt to Match the Ideal Current Pattern for Central SNR at 7 Tesla. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Melbourne, Australia, p541.

[3] Graham Wiggins, Bei Zhang, Martijn Cloos, Riccardo Lattanzi, Gang Chen, Karthik Lakshmanan, Gillian Haemer, Daniel Sodickson. Mixing Loops and Electric Dipole Antennas for Increased Sensitivity at 7 Tesla. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Salt Lake City, USA. P2737

[4] Karthik Lakshmanan, Martijn Cloos, Riccardo Lattanzi, Daniel Sodickson, Graham Wiggins. The Loopole Antenna: Capturing Magnetic and Electric Dipole Fields with a Single Structure to Improve Transmit and Receive Performance. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Milan, Italy. P397

[5] Gang Chen, Martijn Cloos, Riccardo Lattanzi, Daniel Sodickson, Graham Wiggins. Bent Electric Dipoles: A Novel Coil Design Inspired by the Ideal Current Pattern for Central SNR at 7 Tesla. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Milan, Italy. P402

[6] Lattanzi, R. and Sodickson, D. K., Ideal current patterns yielding optimal signal-to-noise ratio and specific absorption rate in magnetic resonance imaging: Computational methods and physical insights. Magn Reson Med, 68: 286–304. doi: 10.1002/mrm.23198

[7] Schnell W, Renz W, Vester M, Ermert H. Ultimate signal-to-noise-ratio of surface and body antennas for magnetic resonance imaging. IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 2000; 48: 418–428.

[8] Riccardo Lattanzi, Aaron Grant, Daniel Sodickson. Approaching Ultimate SNR and Ideal Current Patterns with Finite Surface Coil Arrays on a Dielectric Cylinder. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. Toronto, Canada p1074.

[9] Wiesinger F. Parallel magnetic resonance imaging: potential and limitations at high fields. Ph.D. Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich; 2005.

[10] Lattanzi, R., Grant, A. K., Polimeni, J. R., Ohliger, M. A., Wiggins, G. C., Wald, L. L. and Sodickson, D. K. (2010), Performance evaluation of a 32-element head array with respect to the ultimate intrinsic SNR. NMR Biomed., 23: 142–151. doi: 10.1002/nbm.1435.

[11] Sodickson D. et al. Proc. ISMRM 2016 submitted

[12] Wiggins G. et al. Proc. ISMRM 2016 submitted


Figure 1. CST simulation configurations for dipole and loop array designs.

Figure 2. Optimally combined SNR plots in the central transversal slice of the phantom for simulated designs

Figure 3. Optimally combined SNR at the center of the phantom for all simulated designs, in relation to the UISNR. Absolute SNR in arbitrary units is shown on the y axis, and percentage of the UISNR is indicated above each bar.

Figure 4. Optimally combined SNR at the center of the phantom, in relation to the UISNR, for the simulated array designs after incorporating inductor losses for the dipole arrays.

Figure 5. Sum-of-square combined SNR at the center of the phantom, in relation to the UISNR, for the simulated designs after incorporating inductor losses for the dipole arrays.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)