The effect of Alzheimer's disease on the viscoelasticity of the mouse brain under the influence of enriched environment.
Jing Guo1, Tonia Munder2, Charlotte Klein2, Anna Pfeffer2, Jürgen Braun3, Barbara Steiner2, and Ingolf Sack1

1Department of Radiology, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Institute of Medical Informatics, Charité - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany


MRE was used to study environmental influences on viscoelasticity of the murine hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In wild type control mice, hippocampal viscosity was significantly increased within 6 months while elasticity remained unchanged. This suggests that environment-stimulated neuronal proliferation adds mobile elements to the mechanical matrix of the brain which increases mechanical attenuation properties. Within 6 months, AD caused a decline of hippocampal viscosity only in the enriched environment while standard mouse remained unaffected suggesting that AD in an early phase primarily affects new neurons in the murine hippocampus.


Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) [1] is capable of measuring the mechanical properties of the in vivo mouse brain [2,3]. Recent findings demonstrated that tissue mechanical properties are sensitive to neurogenesis in the hippocampus of the mouse due to enriched environment [4] and Parkinson's disease model [5]. Here we investigate early effects of Alzheimer's disease (AD) under consideration of environmental conditions.


30 C57/B6 mice were separated into two groups with different environment conditions: standard cage (standard environment, SE: n=15) and cage with frequently rearranged interior design (enriched environment, EE: n=15) which is a robust stimulus for adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus [5,6]. The two groups were investigated by MRE at 6 weeks(6w), 3 months(3m) and 6 months(6m) of age (n=5 per age group). In AD, a total of n=54 APP23 mouse with C57BL/6 background were investigated, (SE/EE: n=6/5, 9/15 and 11/8 at 6w, 3m and 6m). MRE was performed on a 7T scanner (Bruker PharmaScan, Germany). 900Hz external mechanical vibration was induced by an air-cooled Lorentz coil and recorded by a gradient echo sequence with motion sensitizing gradients(MSG) [3]. Four axial slices with slice thickness of 1mm were acquired. Further imaging parameters were: 128x128 matrix, 25 mm FoV, 14.3 ms TE, 116.2 ms TR, 285 mT/m MSG strength, 8 time steps over a vibration period. A 2D-Helmholtz inversion was performed, yielding the storage modulus G' and the loss modulus G″ reflecting the tissue's elasticity and viscosity, respectively. Parameters were averaged within regions-of-interest (ROI) including the hippocampus (index h) and full brain without hippocampus (rest of brain, index rb). ROI selection, example wave image and elastogram are shown in Fig.1.


In controls, we observed the hippocampus to be more elastic and less viscous than the rest of brain in SE (G'_h = 7.6±0.8 kPa vs. G'_rb=6.4±0.9 kPa, P < 0.001; G″_h = 1.3±0.3 kPa vs. G″_rb=1.7±0.2 kPa, P = 0.005), however, in EE, the difference was only observed in G' (G'_h = 7.5±0.9 kPa vs. G'_rb=6.0±1.0 kPa, P < 0.001) (Fig.2) [5]. Within 6 weeks, no effect of AD was seen in G'_h, G'_rb, and G''_rb. Henceforth, we focused on G″_ratio=G″_h/G″_rb as a measure of the relative decrease in hippocampal viscosity. Considering the effect of environment in healthy controls, G″_ratio was not changed in SC but increased in EE between 6w and 6m (p<0.05)(Fig.3). In AD, no significant changes were observed with SE. However, a significant decrease of G″_ratio was found between 6w and 6m in EE (p<0.01) (Fig.4). Pooling SE-data gave no significant AD effect while in EE, G″_ratio was lower in AD at 3m (p= 0.02) and 6m (p= 0.002) (Fig. 5).

Discussion and Conclusion

Our results provide evidence that the hippocampus is different from the rest of the brain, both in elasticity and viscosity. Furthermore, viscosity seems to be more sensitive to environmental effects as revealed by the increase of G''_h in healthy mice exposed to EE. It is known that EE stimulates neuronal proliferation in the hippocampus of the mouse[6,7]. Furthermore, it is expected that elasticity increases when neurons are integrated into the mechanical matrix of the brain. As we did not observe an increase in G' due to EE we assume that newborn neurons are incompletely integrated which yields a higher portion of mobile elements in the tissue matrix. Since mobile elements influence mainly the loss properties of tissue, an increased G''-modulus is expected upon higher cell density. In AD, the normalized viscosity G″_ratio decreased whereas elasticity-related measures remained unchanged. This indicates reduction of the number of mobile elements in the mechanical tissue matrix which – in the light of neuronal proliferation stimulated by EE – might reflect degeneration of new neurons due to the disease. Since newborn neurons are enriched in EE-mice, the effect of AD was more apparent in this group as compared to SE-mice. More research is needed to correlate our MRE findings with number of neurons in the hippocampal regions. Altogether, our study adds information to the still unknown link between tissue mechanical properties and neuronal health in degenerative diseases and complements previous work on AD in the mouse at later time points[8].


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Muthupillai et al. Magnetic resonance elastography. Nature Med 1996;2(5):601-603.

[2] Clayton et al. Phys Med Biol. 2011;56; 2391-406.

[3] Riek et al. Wide-range dynamic magnetic resonance elastography. J Biomech 2011;44(7):1380-1386.

[4] Guo et al. Viscoelasticity of the mouse hippocampus and the influence of enriched environment. Proceedings of the ISMRM 23rd Scientific Meeting, 2015

[5] Klein et al. Enhanced adult neurogenesis increases brain stiffness: in vivo magnetic resonance elastography in a mouse model of dopamine depletion. PLoS One 2014;9(3):e92582.

[6] Kempermann et al. More hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment. Nature. 1997 Apr 3;386(6624):493-5.

[7] van Praag et al. Neural consequences of environmental enrichment.Nat Rev Neurosci. 2000 Dec;1(3):191-8.

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T2-weighted image, wave image and elastograms. The hippocampal ROI is demarcated by green lines in the T2w-image.

Tissue viscoelasticity in different regions in wild type mice (WT) from standard environment (SE) and enriched environment (EE).

Longitudinal comparison of the ratio of G″ between hippocampus (h) and the rest of the brain (rb) (G″_ratio= G″_h/G″_rb) in wild type mice (WT) from standard environment (SE) and enriched environment (EE).

Longitudinal comparison of the ratio of G″ between hippocampus (h) and the rest of the brain (rb) (G″_ratio= G″_h/G″_rb) in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) from standard environment (SE) and enriched environment (EE).

Pooled data (a) and longitudinal data (b) for comparison of the ratio of G″ between hippocampus (h) and the rest of the brain (rb) (G″_ratio= G″_h/G″_rb) in both WT and AD mice from standard environment (SE) and enriched environment (EE).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)