Two promising techniques for endogenous
myocardial infarct detection are Magnetization Transfer and T1ρ-MRI. Goal of the study was
to compare the ability to detect and quantify myocardial scar tissue in a
chronic infarct model using MT and T1ρ mapping. In vivo MRI
was performed on a clinical 1.5 MR scanner in 3 anesthetized pigs, 4 weeks
after 90 minutes occlusion of the LAD. The MTR was
significantly lower in the infarcted region (0.27±0.01 ms), compared to remote
myocardium (0.38±0.01 ms).The T1ρ relaxation time was significantly
higher in the infarcted region (87.0±1 ms), compared to healthy remote
myocardium (56.4± 1 ms).Purpose
Direct detection of myocardial fibrosis without
the use of an exogenous contrast agent would overcome safety limitations and
could potentially result in much shorter imaging protocols. Over the past years,
there has been increasing interest in MR parameters that directly use changes
in tissue composition in cardiomyopathies to generate contrast between healthy
and diseased myocardium
1. Two promising techniques are Magnetization
Transfer (MT) and T
1ρ MRI. It has been shown in an
ex vivo rat model that magnetization
transfer rate (MTR) is decreased in acute and chronically infarcted myocardium
compared to healthy tissue
2. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated
that the T
1ρ relaxation parameter can be used to detect chronic
myocardial infarcts in patients, without the use of a contrast agent
Goal of the present study was to compare the ability to detect and quantify
myocardial scar tissue in a chronic infarct model using MT and T
1ρ mapping.
In vivo MRI was performed on a clinical 1.5
MR scanner (Philips Ingenia) in 3 anesthetized pigs, 4 weeks after 90 minutes
occlusion of the left anterior descending artery (LAD). MT Imaging was
performed by acquisition of two images, one with and one without an off-resonance
saturation pre-pulse (8 hyperbolic shaped RF pulses, flip angle 800 degrees,
duration 20 ms, total duration 160 ms, offset 1000 Hz). T1ρ-mapping was performed using a
2D, single shot T1ρ-prepared balanced fast field echo sequence. Five images
were obtained with different spin-lock (SL) preparation times (SL = 0, 10, 20,
30, 40 ms) in diastole (amplitude 500 Hz). Readout
parameters for both methods were: bandwidth/pixel = 723 Hz, TE/TR = 1.74/3.5 ms, resolution = 2 x 2 mm2, slice thickness=8 mm, FOV =288x288 mm2,
flip angle= 35 degrees, SENSE=2.
After MT
imaging and T1ρ-mapping 0.2 ml/kg gadobutrol (Gadovist) was injected and 15 minutes after
injection late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) MRI was performed. LGE imaging
parameters were: TI = 200-250 ms, TE/TR= 1.18/3.6 ms, resolution = 1.25 x 1.25
mm2, slice thickness = 5 mm, FOV = 320x296 mm2, flip
angle = 25 degrees, 30 TFE shots).
T1ρ-maps were calculated by pixelwise fitting of a mono-exponential decay
function in Matlab (Mathworks). Pixelwise MTR-maps were calculated using the
following formula: MTR=M0−MtM0 .
The myocardium of the
left ventricle was delineated by manually contouring the endocardial and
epicardial border on the MTR and T1ρ-map. MT and T1ρ-values
for infarct and remote myocardium in the animals were measured by manual
segmentation of the infarct and remote area, guided by the corresponding LGE
The MTR- and T
1ρ-maps were successfully obtained
from all animals (Figure 2). The MTR was significantly lower in the
infarcted region (0.27 ± 0.01 ms), compared to remote myocardium (0.38 ± 0.01
ms), (p=0.008), (Figure 3). The T
1ρ relaxation time was
significantly higher in the infarcted region (87.0 ± 1 ms), compared to healthy
remote myocardium (56.4 ± 1 ms), (p=0.001)
(Figure 4).
We found a significantly lower MTR and a
significantly higher T
1ρ relaxation time in the chronic infarct
area, compared to remote myocardium. The decreased MTR and the increased T
1ρ relaxation time in the
infarct area, suggest that there is a decrease in interaction between water and
macromolecules in the infarct region, which can be detected with both
techniques. The decrease in MTR in the infarct region is in accordance with
other studies in literature
2,4,5. Likewise, the increased T
1ρ relaxation time suggest less
interaction between the water protons and the surrounding tissue, resulting in
a longer relaxation time. The formation of myocardial scar is associated with
an increase of collagen macromolecules in the infarct region. Our hypothesis
is, that other changes in tissue composition dominate the observed T
1ρ and MT contrast in cardiomyopathies. After an infarct there is a
decrease in the number of viable cardiomyocytes with cellular macromolecules,
and an increase of extracellular volume in the cardiac tissue. We hypothesize
that the increase of extracellular volume is
measured, instead of directly measuring the relaxation effect of the
interactions with collagen fibers.
Main drawback of MT Imaging is that the amount
of Magnetization Transfer observed depends on the number and strength of the
off-resonance saturation pre-pulses. However, the T
1ρ relaxation times are also
sensitive to the experimental parameters, such as the spin-lock amplitude.
In this study we have shown in an animal model
of chronic myocardial infarction that both the magnetization transfer as well
as the T
1ρ MRI can
be used to detect chronic myocardial infarcts without the use of a contrast
agent. Both contrast mechanisms indicate a decrease in water-macromolecular
No acknowledgement found.References
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