T1 is a biomarker of therapy-induced cell death in the Th-MYCN genetically-engineered murine model of neuroblastoma.
Yann Jamin1, Evon S.C. Poon2, Albert Hallsworth2, Hannah Webber2, Laura S. Danielson2, Dow-Mu Koh1, Louis Chesler2, and Simon P. Robinson1

1Division of Radiotherapy & Imaging, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 2Division of Cancer Therapeutics and Division of Clinical Studies, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom


In this study we demonstrate that T1 provides a non-invasive biomarker of response to MLN8237, a potent Aurora A kinase inhibitor, in the Th-MYCN genetically-engineered murine model of neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer of the nervous system. Histopathological characterisation demonstrates that T1 is a generic biomarker of cell death in this model. T1 quantification in pediatric early-phase clinical trials could potentially help to accelerate the development of urgently needed novel targeted therapies for children with neuroblastoma.


The clinical outcome of children with high-risk neuroblastoma, a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system, remains low. All neuroblastoma survivors have high-risk of developing long-term disabilities and life-threatening conditions caused by current treatments. Better and safer therapies are urgently needed.1

The proto-oncogene MYCN plays a central role in the biology of high-risk neuroblastoma and represents a major therapeutic target. Aurora A Kinase is an enzyme responsible for the stabilisation of the MYCN protein. Inhibition of Aurora A kinase activity with the small molecule inhibitor MLN8237 (Alisertib, Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc.) results in ablation of mycn and significant anti-tumor activity in a genetically-engineered mouse (GEM) model of neuroblastoma. MLN8237 is currently being evaluated in early-phase pediatric clinical trials.2

The use of pharmacodynamic (PD) biomarkers has accelerated the clinical development of novel therapeutics against adult cancer. Conventional PD biomarkers necessitate access to post therapy biopsies, which is often not possible in the pediatric population. Therefore non-invasive alternatives, such as imaging biomarkers must be pursued. We have shown that GEM models of neuroblastoma that faithfully recapitulate the major genetic, patho-physiological and radiologic features of the childhood disease, represent an information-rich platform with which to evaluate novel therapeutic strategies and associated noninvasive imaging biomarkers. 3,4

We have previously demonstrated that a decrease in tumor native spin lattice relaxation time T1 is a biomarker of response to both cyclophosphamide, an ubiquitous component of frontline treatment for children with neuroblastoma, and vascular-targeted therapies in the Th-MYCN GEM model of neuroblastoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate if T1 provides a biomarker of response to targeted therapy with MLN8237 in the Th-MYCN model and evaluate the hypothesis that the decrease in T1 is due to a drug-induced increase in ferric iron Fe(III).


All experiments were performed in accordance with the UK Home Office Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the United Kingdom National Cancer Research Institute guidelines for the welfare of animals in cancer research.5

Mice with abdominal tumors were identified by palpation. On day 1, mice were treated with 30mg/kg p.o. with MLN8237 (n=8) or vehicle (n=7). MRI was performed on day 0 and day 2 (24h after treatment started).

MRI studies were performed on a 7T Bruker MicroImaging system using a 3cm birdcage volume coil. T2-weighted axial images were used for determining tumor volumes and, following optimization of the local field homogeneity (Fastmap), to plan the T1 measurement (inversion recovery True-FISP sequence, FOV 3x3cm2, 128x128 phase encoding steps, TI= 28-1930ms, 50 inversion times, TE=1.2ms, TR=2.5ms, scan TR=10s, 8 segments, NEX=8), as previously described.4

Histology. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections from tumors treated with either MLN8237 or vehicle control, as well as historical sections from tumors treated with cyclophosphamide ( 25mg/kg, 48h post treatment), were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for the assessment of cell death and Perls’ Prussian Blue staining for Fe(III).


Treatment with MLN8237 led to significant reduction in tumor burden in the Th-MYCN model. MLN8237 anti-tumor activity was associated with a significant global decrease in native T1, 24 hours after treatment started (Fig.1 & 2). Despite significant tumor progression in the vehicle cohort, T1 remained constant. H&E staining showed increased numbers of cells with condensed nuclei indicative of cell death (Fig.3, black arrow) in both MLN8237- and CPM-treated tumors compared to control. Perls’ staining showsed increased concentration of Fe(III) within the dying cells (Fig.3, white arrow).


This study demonstrates that T1 is a biomarker of tumor response to MLN8237 in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma, and reinforces T1 as a generic biomarker of successful response to therapy in this model. T1 quantification is rapid and completely noninvasive, and based on our previous work, has already been incorporated routinely into early phase MRI-embedded clinical trials of novel therapies for children with neuroblastoma at the Royal Marsden Hospital (UK). Furthermore our study strongly suggests that T1 is a biomarker of cell death in this model, due to its sensitivity to an increased concentration of superparamagnetic Fe(III) within the dying cells.

Further investigation is needed to understand the origin of the increase in Fe(III) upon cell death. Iron is essential to neuroblastoma cell proliferation and iron chelators have shown anti-tumor effect in children with neuroblastoma.6 An increase in ferritin, the major iron storage protein (Fe(III)), has been reported in childhood neuroblastoma following chemotherapy.7


T1 is a biomarker of response to Aurora A kinase inhibitor MLN8237, and a generic biomarker of cell death in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma.


We acknowledge support from The Institute of Cancer Research Cancer Research UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, in association with the MRC and Department of Health (England) grant C1060/A10334, NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, The Wellcome Trust grant #091763Z/10/Z, EPSRC Platform Grant #EP/H046526/1, a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant (C18339), a Children with Cancer UK project grant and a Paul O’Gorman Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by Children with Cancer UK


1. Barone, G., Anderson, J., Pearson, A. D. et al. New strategies in neuroblastoma: Therapeutic targeting of MYCN and ALK. Clin Cancer Res. 2013; 19(21): 5814-5821.

2. Mosse, Y. P., Lipsitz, E., Fox, E. et al. Pediatric phase I trial and pharmacokinetic study of MLN8237, an investigational oral selective small-molecule inhibitor of Aurora kinase A: a Children's Oncology Group Phase I Consortium study. Clin Cancer Res. 2012; 18(21): 6058-6064.

3. Chesler, L. & Weiss, W. A. Genetically engineered murine models--contribution to our understanding of the genetics, molecular pathology and therapeutic targeting of neuroblastoma. Semin Cancer Biol. 2011; 21(4): 245-255.

4. Jamin, Y., Tucker, E. R., Poon, E. et al. Evaluation of clinically translatable MR imaging biomarkers of therapeutic response in the TH-MYCN transgenic mouse model of neuroblastoma. Radiology. 2013; 266(1): 130-140.

5. Workman, P., Aboagye, E., Balkwill, F. et al. Guidelines for the welfare and use of animals in cancer research. Br J Cancer. 2010; 102(11): 1555-1577.

6. Donfrancesco, A., Deb, G., Dominici, C. et al. Effects of a single course of deferoxamine in neuroblastoma patients. Cancer Res. 1990; 50(16): 4929-4930.

7. Carter, R. L., Hall, J. M. & Corbett, R. P. Immunohistochemical staining for ferritin in neuroblastomas. Histopathology. 1991; 18(5): 465-468.


Representative native T1 maps of tumors in the Th-MYCN genetically-engineered model of neuroblastoma prior to (D0) and 24 hours (Day 2) after treatment with the Aurora A kinase inhibitor MLN8237 (15mg/kg twice daily) or vehicle control.

Changes in tumor volume (A) and median native T1 (B) in the Th-MYCN model of neuroblastoma prior to (D0) and 24h (D2) after treatment with MLN8237 or vehicle. (C&D) show relative changes. Data: mean±s.e.m. (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005, two-tailed paired Student’s t-test; ***(grey)p<0.005, two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test, 5% level of significance)

Pathological comparison of tumors from the Th-MYCN mice with abdominal neuroblastoma, 24 hours after treatment with MLN8237, 48 hours with treatment with cyclophosphamide or vehicle control. High magnification images from sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and stained for Iron Fe (III) using Perls’ Prussian Blue staining.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)