Targeted radiation treatments are expected to induce DNA
damage in tumor cells which leads to apoptosis. Apoptotic cells experience an
increase in cell membrane permeability and surface-to-volume ratio, both of
which result in increased water exchange rate between intracellular and
extracellular compartments.
Using a three compartment relaxation model we demonstrate
that early changes in intracellular-extracellular water exchange correlated
well with tumor volume change one-month post-treatment. Moreover, when the
water exchange rate was combined with early tumor volume change and was employed
in a classifier, the patients with partial response and progressing disease could
be identified with a very high accuracy.
Stereotactic radiosurgery
(SRS) is the preferred treatment option for patients with brain metastasis
1. Assessing tumor response early after treatment
allows for adjusting the therapy. Current response evaluation criteria (i.e.
2) rely on changes in tumor size. However, it may
take weeks or months before significant changes in tumor size occur, by which the
therapeutic window may be lost. Quantitative MRI techniques that are sensitive
to radiation-induces changes such as apoptosis, which occur within days
post-treatment, have a potential to accurately evaluate tumor response early
after treatment. Apoptosis leads to higher cell membrane permeability and
larger surface-to-volume ratio of the cell, both of which increase the water
exchange between intracellular and extracellular compartments
3. We hypothesize that intracellular-extracellular
water exchange may provide more accurate assessment of brain metastases
response to SRS as early as one-week post-treatment.
Acquisition: A total of 24 patients with brain metastases were scanned before SRS, one-week post-SRS, and one-month post-SRS on a 3T Philips Achieva system under ethics board approved protocols. DCE-MRI was acquired using 3D-SPGR (TR/TE=4/2ms, FA=15o, FOV=25.6×25.6cm, slice thickness=8mm). Pre-contrast T1/B1 mapping was performed using Method of Slopes7 with FA=3,14,130,150o.
Tumor volume was measured from post-Gd T1-weighted MRI and was used for determining response. Based on RANO-BM, patients were divided into three cohorts: 16 with partial response (PR), 4 with stable disease (SD), and 4 with progressing disease (PD).
Modeling: A three water
compartment model of tissue longitudinal relaxation was used4–6. Briefly, each compartment (vascular, V,
extracellular extravascular, E, intracellular, I) in a voxel was assumed to contain a
fraction of its total water content proportional to the compartment volume
fraction (M0,V,M0,E,M0,I). Water was assumed to move from intracellular
to extracellular extravascular compartment with exchange rate constant, kIE, and no water exchange was assumed between vascular
and extracellular extravascular compartments. Bloch equations describing longitudinal
magnetization recovery from perturbation in each compartment are (assuming
negligible T2 decay): {dMZ,V(t)dt=R1,V(M0,V−MZ,V(t))dMZ,I(t)dt=R1,I(M0,I−MZ,I(t))−kIEMZ,I(t)+kEIMZ,E(t)dMZ,E(t)dt=R1,E(M0,E−MZ,E(t))−kEIMZ,E(t)+kIEMZ,I(t)
The vascular enhancement of DCE-MRI was
separated from total DCE-MRI using independent component analysis. Then, the Bloch
equations were fit to DCE-MRI data, and model parameters (kIE,M0,V,M0,E,M0,I)
Classification: Support vector machines (SVM), which have superior performance when the sample size is small8,9, were used in classifying the patients. Two SVM classifiers were built with radial basis function kernels for: a) separating the PR patients from SD+PD patients, b) separating the PD patients from PR+SD patients. The classifiers were build with feature vectors containing: 1) only the change in tumor volume one-week post-treatment, 2) only change in kIE one-week post-treatment, 3) Combining pre-treatment kIE, one-week post-treatment kIE, and tumor volume change one-week post-treatment. Note that the first two classifiers are equivalent of selecting a threshold value for classification. Accuracy of each classifier was determined using leave-one-out cross-validation technique.
volume change one-week post-treatment was compared to its change one-month
post-treatment (Fig.1) and there was no correlation between these
two parameters
(R=−0.02,p=0.92). The water exchange quantification technique
was applied to DCE-MRI of all
24 patients. Among all model parameters the
intracellular-extracellular water exchange rate constant provided the highest correlation
(R=−0.64,p<0.001) with
tumor volume change one-month post-treatment (Fig.2). Table 1 reports the
accuracy of the SVM classifiers in separating the
PR patients from
PD+SD patients, as well as separating
PD patients from
PR+SD patients, demonstrating the
superior performance of SVM with the three parameters compared to individual
The weak correlation
in Fig.1 shows the early tumor volume change was unable to
predict treatment response. It
was also unable to separate
PR from
SD+PD (accuracy=
58%) or separate
PD from
42%), as reported in Table 1. Intracellular-extracellular water exchange rate constant
one-week post-treatment demonstrated strong correlation with tumor volume
change one-month post-treatment. However, a threshold value could not be
selected for this parameter to accurately separate patient groups. As reported
in Table 1, the SVM using only
kIE resulted in
accuracy in separating patients with PR and
75% in separating patients
with PD. The last column of Table 1 shows combining the
information provided by pre-treatment
kIE, one-week
kIE, and tumor volume change one-week post-treatment
provided the highest accuracy in separating partial response patients from other groups (
It also provided the highest accuracy in separating patients with progressing
disease (
water exchange rate constant is a promising biomarker of radiation-induced
changes (i.e. apoptosis) in brain metastases. Combining the information
provided by this parameter and changes in tumor volume was capable of
accurately classifying patients into
PR,SD, and
PD cohorts within one-week
post-treatment. Such early classification may allow the
physician to identify non-responders and alter/adjust their treatment.
This study was funded
by Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI project 1034) and Canadian Cancer Society
Research Innovation (CCSRI 701640), and Canadian Institute of Health Research
(CIHR) grants.References
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