Guillaume Thibault1, Alina Tudorica2, Aneela Afzal2, Stephen Chui2, Arpana Naik2, Megan Troxell3, Kathleen Kemmer2, Karen Oh2, Nicole Roy2, Megan Holtorf2, Wei Huang2, and Xubo Song2
1BME, OHSU, Portland, OR, United States, 2OHSU, Portland, OR, United States, 3OHSU, portland, OR, United States
36 breast cancer patients underwent research
DCE-MRI before and after one cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 3D tumor
imaging texture features were extracted from parametric maps of quantitative
pharmacokinetic (PK) and semi-quantitative DCE-MRI parameters, and correlated
with pathologically measured post-therapy residual cancer burden (RCB).
Texture features from quantitative PK parameters were found to be more useful
than those from semi-quantitative metrics for early prediction of therapy
response, while the features from the SSM PK parameters were superior to the SM
counterparts for prediction of response.Introduction
By measuring changes in tumor
microvascular properties, dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)
MRI has been shown capable of providing early prediction of breast cancer
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT)
[1-3]. Since heterogeneity is an important
feature of malignant tumors, the utility of image texture analysis [4]
has been increasingly investigated for cancer diagnosis and therapeutic
monitoring. In this preliminary study, we sought to evaluate the individual
potentials of thousands of 3D texture features,
extracted from parametric maps of quantitative
pharmacokinetic (PK) and semi-quantitative DCE-MRI
parameters, for early prediction of breast cancer therapy response.
Thirty-six breast
cancer patients who underwent NACT consented
to research DCE-MRI studies performed at visit 1 (V1, before NACT) and visit 2 (V2, after the first cycle of a 6-8 cycles NACT
3D DCE-MRI data acquisition details are described in [3]. Tumor
ROIs were drawn on post-contrast DCE image slices covering the spatial extent
of the tumor. Voxel-by-voxel (within the ROI) DCE time-course data were
subjected to both the Standard Tofts Model (SM) [5] and Shutter-Speed Model (SSM) [6]
PK analyses to extract quantitative parameters of Ktrans,
ve , kep (=Ktrans/ve),
and τi (mean intracellular water lifetime, SSM-only parameter).
SSM accounts for the effects of transcytolemmal water exchange kinetics. The ΔKtrans[=Ktrans(SSM)−Ktrans(SM)]
parameter, a measure of the water
exchange effects on Ktrans estimation, was also calculated. Additionally, five
metrics (voxel-based) were
quantified [7-9]: IE (initial enhancement), SER
(signal enhancement ratio), PIE (post initial enhancement), SlopeIn
(wash-in slope), and iAUC [initial
area under the curve (to 90 s after contrast
injection)]. Pathologic
response to NACT and residual cancer burden (RCB) for each tumor were
determined by pathology analysis of post-NACT resection specimens [10], with RCB = 0 indicating pathologic complete
response (pCR).
We extracted 1044 statistical features [11-14]
to characterize the tumor texture (heterogeneity) from 3D
tumor ROI parametric maps of each quantitative PK or semi-quantitative
parameter. These features are direct texture
measures as the moments, the local binary patterns (LBP, a non-parametric
gray-scale invariant texture model which summarizes the local structure), the
pattern spectrum (PS, granulometry based on mathematical morphology operators),
or are extracted using an intermediate statistical matrix representation: Haralick
features from the Co-Occurrences Matrix (a tabulation of how often different combinations of
voxel values occur for a given offset), the Run Length Matrix (RLM,
counting the run length with the same gray level in a given direction), the
Size Zone Matrix (SZM, counting the number of connected zones of a given size
and intensity), and finally a fuzzy version of SZM (Fuzzy-SZM) and RLM (Fuzzy-RLM).
capture the early NACT-induced changes in
tumor heterogeneity as measured by DCE-MRI, we subtracted
the texture feature values
at V2 from those at V1 for each texture feature
of each DCE-MRI metric. The
predictive ability of each feature for RCB was then assessed
using linear regression, and the validation was performed with the
leave-one-out method (Fig. 1). Four
correlations were used to confirm the results: Pearson (linear), Spearman
(rank), Kendall’s Tau (rank), and Goodman-Kruskall gamma (rank).
We found 535 features producing good correlations with
RCB values with all four
correlation coefficients
>0.7 (Fig. 2).
Haralick features show good correlations with RCB most
frequently, followed
by SZM, RLM, and LBP. It is interesting to note that
although the moments are often used to characterize tumors, these
features perform poorly in this study for early
prediction of NACT response. Fig. 3 shows
how often several quantitative PK parameters and
semi-quantitative metrics provided good texture
features for early prediction of therapy
response with coefficients of all four
correlations with RCB
>0.7. It appears that the SSM maps of
τi and
kep are
at least 50% more likely to provide a good feature for prediction of
response than the SM PK parameters or the semi-quantitative metrics.
This preliminary study evaluates and compares 3D
texture features of DCE-MRI parametric maps for
early prediction of breast cancer NACT response through correlations with RCB
values. The evaluated imaging
metrics include quantitative PK parameters derived from
the SM and SSM analyses, and semi-quantitative parameters. The results suggest that texture features of
quantitative PK parameters are likely
to be more useful than those of
semi-quantitative metrics for prediction of
therapy response. The superiority of the SSM PK
parameter features over the SM features
for prediction of therapy response may result from the SSM correction of SM
underestimation of the PK parameters – and thus larger
dynamic ranges for the SSM parameters [15], as
well as the highly effective SSM-unique
τi parameter.
U01 CA154602.References
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